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Green + Red Specks on Glass

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  • SRC Member

Alright brudders, I have been pouring Seachem Calcium into my tank for the past one week... because they say it will promote coralline algae growth.

I start to see lots of tiny "specks" or "little dots" of green and purple circles on my glass.... Tried to brush it off but very tough unless I scrape it...

Question: Not sure if it is coralline algae.... and if it is, why are some of it green? I thot they are all purple...

I dun think it is cyano cause cyano usually grows on sandbed and LR... besides, my cyano has long disappeared when I added phosguard...

Dun ask me for pix cause hard to focus...

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Coralline comes in a variety of colours: purple, pink, dark maroon, brown, et cetera. Google it and you'll see.

Cyano does grow on glass, as a matter of fact, it grows everywhere ...

Do be careful with the CA additive as it may upset the balance. Don't worry about Coralline, it should reach plague proportion soon enough.

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  • SRC Member
Coralline comes in a variety of colours: purple, pink, dark maroon, brown, et cetera. Google it and you'll see.

Cyano does grow on glass, as a matter of fact, it grows everywhere ...

Do be careful with the CA additive as it may upset the balance. Don't worry about Coralline, it should reach plague proportion soon enough.

But if it's cyano on glass, I should be able to wipe it off easily, is it?

Because the ones on my glass damn hard to brush off... so I suspect its coralline...

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