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Look for Tangs


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  Tanggy said:

No prob DA man. I know you meant well for the Tangs. But I already have plans for either a 5ft or a 6ft for next year. So they hopefully will only have to tolerate the space for a few months.

Plus currently my tangs are around 2.5 inches, 2 YT and 1PB. They seems quite happy. Was thinking of adding another one. Maybe a Powder brown or Purple Tang. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

No, i also meant well for you... Tangs poo alot and that contribute to water pollution in tanks. Anyway wait till you have a bigger tank first before getting those fish as transferring from one tank to other will be very stress and it is definately not good to let the tangs tolerate for few months. I used to have a PBT and YT all ard few cm and i find that in my 3 feet, they are already taking up lots of space. Anyway if you intend to get PBrT, IMO will get killed by your PBT and if you intend to get PurT then IMO get get killed by your YT.

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Hi Pinnacle,

i'm puzzled too when i saw their reaction. I went home yesterday to find the two of them feeding together on the prepared nori. Everything seems fine, so far. Btw, both my YT and PT are only 2" or less and maybe due to juvenile reason, the territorial instinct hasn't been brought out yet.

Hey, u sure got your PT at a very good price:)

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surgeon fishes are ich magnet.

IMO if they are small n when they grew bigger in future,

their behavior is different. if there's someone who want to risk

having a few tangs in the same tank..

esp small tanks (3ft below) may have difficult to accomodate any more than 2.

Tangs are "agressive" swimmers, n love plenty of space.

pic of my purple tang, kenna ich. ultimate caging of blue doc with CS.

hehe.. but IMO also high chance of upz the lorry. cause I din see the PT eating anything..


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Hi jsoon,

that should be around the same time then:) Too many around, which one is you? You the one who came with the two chio bu in the silver car???:) Anyways, i'm there with freewill and my g/f. I'm the guy with the spikey hair and a goatie. Looks something like the evil icon.

My office is near this area, maybe can go together to check out new stocks sometime:) :evil::evil::evil:

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  sjsheng said:
where to get powder blue tang huh... i wish to keep 1... lOls...

where selling it.. thanks..

Almost all lfs bring them in but you have to bare in mind that they are very delicate fish requiring tip top water condition and also FYI they are ich magnet too.

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Hi Angry,

Yap... actually the purple tang's price was at 35 bucks. But then I got a 5 bucks discount from the shop owner... i bought it at a shop besides R**f Wor*d at pasir ris farmway 2.... according to the shopkeeper, they brought in 200 PTs.... yes, u can see them everywhere in the shop.... actually was considering the flame angel... also at 35 bucks but then i felt that they are too big for my liking...

On Monday, my PT was covered with ich (my wife commented that the PT was covered with snow-like things, seemed liked tiny bubbles to me).... well, i squashed a few garlic and mixed with tiny bit of my tank water in a cup.... then put in few flakes food and soaked for few minutes.... surprisingly, my two clowns dun eat them but the PT took every piece of the garlic soaked flakes.... my cleaner wrasses (doctor fish) came to do its job also and followed the PT to eat the parasite on the body... occasionally my cleaner shrimp will jump onto my PT to eat also....

Yesterday (Tuesday), when i got home, the PT has recovered from white spots.... it is beautiful.... but i can see a few white dots on the tail and fins and is hungry as a pig... keep on eating the flakes that i throw in.... vegetarian food for now... doctor fish is working very hard also... my mated pair of clowns dun seem to be bothered by the PT....

I will try to transfer my YT from my quarrantine tank into my main tank this friday... hopefully they will live in harmony, if not i may have to sell this PT away...

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Becareful. It could be just temp. Cause the life cycle of the marine itch is such that they attached to fish, eat their fill and drop off to reproduce on the sibstrate. Then a few days or a week later attached to fish again. This time even more.

Main thing about Tangs is not to stress it. Stable water conditions, stable temperature. But the PT is one of the hardest Tangs. The YT also. My PBT tang when ganna itch, got lots, then fall off. then came back. I feed galic and try to keep water condition good. Then each time it came back, less in numbers till they all gone. took bout a couple of months.

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read more on the ich..

they go thru a few life cycle..

at the final stages its full blown, n thousands are release into the water seekin new hosts. (ie new fishes)

inital stages the ich just stay within the fishes..

the white spots u see is the immune system of the tangs at work. once the protective cover of the fishes are tear, it becomes more easily for the ich to attack.

sadly I got a PT which is timid n does not eat.

so its my bad luck. I got it for $35 big size, $30

for smaller. so your discount applies same bo...?

ya, n dun get the misconception

that white spots comes abt due to temperature, though its indirectly.

eg. u never get cancer due to the sudden hot/cold temperature.

but the drastic change may make u more prone to sickness.

same as ich..

white spots are parasite attacking the fishes with the fishes immune

system fighting back. those spots are not the parasites.

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Aiyo. i dont mean temp directly. i mean they stress due to drastic temp variation la. before I got my chiller, my fan broke and my water temp shot up by 3deg plus. at that time the tangs alread 1mths plus and doing fine and no new fish introduced. Sudden change in water temp can stress the tangs and trigger thr dormant parasite in them to become active again. Itch if in dormant state cannot be removed. I have done tons of reading when my tangs ganna itch. Have even thought of using hypo-salinity to treat but went with garlic instead.

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eh.. I suppose the parasite is free floating form in the water?

the fishes should not have any if little on them. only when the parasites tried to attack thru the protective mucus of the fishes, will it shown as white spots.

The parasites should always be in the water, using UV n ozone will kill some of these. Those on the body not really can help much. (unless u put the fishes thru the UV)

lower of salinity is extremely stressful, I will only recommended it as a last resort. high chance the stress will kill it more so than the ich.

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  Tanggy said:

Think a lot of reefers will not like this. Okay. one tang was my and the other was from a friends tank. he was complaining that his tang too agressive and gave me. I put in my tank and my YT hoot the new comer for 2 days. Look so poor thing. But think he was trying to show whos boss. I took both out and put them in my sump with no teritiry to fight over. Now the only occasionally brush each other when they come too close. The YT has since fully recovered from the bruises.

Now they tolerate each other. My powder blue seem like cant be bother with their dispute. But now they are all together. Happy ending. All the Tangs now in my sump cos I wanna add acouple more tangs first. Since I rescape the tank so they no long have teritory. Will put them all back in when I introduce the new tangs.

cool thread on compatibility of Tangs !!

I just added a 3.5 inch PT to my existing 3 X 2 X 2.5 FOWLR.

I have an existing naso and a YT both about the same size. I contemplated for very long before I bought the PT (PT was too beautiful to resist) and as expected, the PT kanna hoot by the YT once I put him into the tank.

this went on for the last 4 days and some parts of the YT and PT's fins were slighlty torn. see already heartache. Was trying to remove either tang (preferably YT) to be placed in sump tank but die to rock structure, it was impossible to catch them.

Luckily. the PT was feeding all along and yesterday, it came out of its hiding place behind some rocks and swam around during feeding time - displaying some defiance to the YT.

looks like the tension is improving. keeping my fingers crossed !!

am amazed that some of you observed a totally different behaviour of the YT towards the PT.


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quite bad. full of spots..

60-70 covered. if its not eating, then good chance

going to visit grandparents any time. just hoping,

if not I got to do 50-50% (tank water/fw) add some

copper safe.

tis method I will says, less than 50% success due to the

high stress rate. but it does kill the ich defintely.

I used to do that successfully to my hardy fishes -

clowns/damsels. now all my fishes seasoned till salty..haha..!

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eh.. I suppose the parasite is free floating form in the water?

the fishes should not have any if little on them. only when the parasites tried to attack thru the protective mucus of the fishes, will it shown as white spots.

The parasites should always be in the water, using UV n ozone will kill some of these. Those on the body not really can help much. (unless u put the fishes thru the UV)

lower of salinity is extremely stressful, I will only recommended it as a last resort. high chance the stress will kill it more so than the ich.

I have read lotsa of article that say ich can live in a fish in a dormant state for a long time. They cannot be kill by copper in this state. But when the fish a stress, can trigger this dormant itch to become active again. So even quarantine for 4week is not 100% fool prove.

I did buy a UV steriliser but did not connect it. decided to try the natural method first. B)

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Hi bwilly,

before i bought the PT, the shopowner already told me that 30 bucks is ok... so big or small, the price is the same... i guessed they had too many PTs around, can you imagine if you got 200 PTs to sell and what happens if half of them go to heaven... got to sell fast, right?

going to monitor the PT for a couple of days before i transfered my precious YT over... dun want to risk the YT getting infected... my wife and i still preferred YT over PT because my YT's yellow colour is very intense :D

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  angry said:
Hi jsoon,

that should be around the same time then:) Too many around, which one is you? You the one who came with the two chio bu in the silver car???:) Anyways, i'm there with freewill and my g/f. I'm the guy with the spikey hair and a goatie. Looks something like the evil icon.

My office is near this area, maybe can go together to check out new stocks sometime:) :evil::evil::evil:

I like the way you phrase yourslf "I'm the guy with the spikey hair and a goatie. Looks something like the evil icon."

I was driving the silver car but only with one woman, cannot afford to have 2 lah !!!!


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  Pinnacle said:
Hi bwilly,

before i bought the PT, the shopowner already told me that 30 bucks is ok... so big or small, the price is the same... i guessed they had too many PTs around, can you imagine if you got 200 PTs to sell and what happens if half of them go to heaven... got to sell fast, right?

going to monitor the PT for a couple of days before i transfered my precious YT over... dun want to risk the YT getting infected... my wife and i still preferred YT over PT because my YT's yellow colour is very intense :D

which shop..? I tik mine is reef w**ld or something.

but I went early in the morning like 9am, n was service

by a young punk. I dun bother to negotiate, but if the

ah lau, maybe.

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