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WTB Mandarin Goby trained to eat frozen mysis shrimp or pellets


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Looking to buy a Mandarin Goby which is already trained to eat frozen food or flakes/pellets. I really want one of these fish but my tank is only a few months old and I know I don't have an adequate copepod population. The guy who runs Golden Octopus has two huge Mandarins trained to eat frozen shrimp! Anyone with a trained fishee they are willing to part with?

Just starting (October 2009).

Here is what I have so far:


3x2x2.5 Tank

Tunze Turbelle Stream 6060

Artica 1/4 HP Chiller

Deltec APF600 Skimmer

Dymax 150W Metal Halide

Eheim 2060 Return Pump

Nautilus Phosphate Reactor


65 Kgs Live Rock

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  • SRC Member
Looking to buy a Mandarin Goby which is already trained to eat frozen food or flakes/pellets. I really want one of these fish but my tank is only a few months old and I know I don't have an adequate copepod population. The guy who runs Golden Octopus has two huge Mandarins trained to eat frozen shrimp! Anyone with a trained fishee they are willing to part with?

Not sure if its a good idea to put inside a new tank with no pod population.

But as for my experience my spotted mandarin ready accepted frozen food from the 1st day onwards...

So its a good bet to buy a spotted mandarin, as compared to the green mandarin which is too fussy!

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Not sure if its a good idea to put inside a new tank with no pod population.

But as for my experience my spotted mandarin ready accepted frozen food from the 1st day onwards...

So its a good bet to buy a spotted mandarin, as compared to the green mandarin which is too fussy!

No true. Mandarins needs to be trained even for frozen food. Gave up the trainning and bought a pellet eating one from one of the reefer here. Hard to find pellet eating one.


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Looking to buy a Mandarin Goby which is already trained to eat frozen food or flakes/pellets. I really want one of these fish but my tank is only a few months old and I know I don't have an adequate copepod population. The guy who runs Golden Octopus has two huge Mandarins trained to eat frozen shrimp! Anyone with a trained fishee they are willing to part with?

Yup ... agree with bro Sanjay. Bought a pair of spotted mandarins from PM (Ah Meng) and was feeding right away on both brine shrimp and mysis. It's been almost 2 weeks now and they are looking happy.

Tank specs : 2 x 1.5 x1.5

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  • SRC Member
Yup ... agree with bro Sanjay. Bought a pair of spotted mandarins from PM (Ah Meng) and was feeding right away on both brine shrimp and mysis. It's been almost 2 weeks now and they are looking happy.

True most spotted mandarin would accept frozen food right away, sad that the green mandarin doesn't do the same!

I have read that Henry @ hong leong sells green mandarin that accepts his gorment food...

Maybe these green mandarins can be trained quickly to accept frozen food!

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  • Senior Reefer

nice spotted mandarins! yes they are easier to feed than the green mandarin.

i have a green mandarin that feeds on pellets. not easy but possible. so don't give up if you're thinking of trying. but make sure it has something to eat while training. lest it starves...

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nice spotted mandarins! yes they are easier to feed than the green mandarin.

i have a green mandarin that feeds on pellets. not easy but possible. so don't give up if you're thinking of trying. but make sure it has something to eat while training. lest it starves...

Thanks .... enjoy watching them everyday.

Tank specs : 2 x 1.5 x1.5

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Looking to buy a Mandarin Goby which is already trained to eat frozen food or flakes/pellets. I really want one of these fish but my tank is only a few months old and I know I don't have an adequate copepod population. The guy who runs Golden Octopus has two huge Mandarins trained to eat frozen shrimp! Anyone with a trained fishee they are willing to part with?

Guess the trick is to hold them in a separate "hang-on" holding container in the main tank itself and do all your "training"

from there rather than to release them immediately into the main tank and be left to their own devices. Being as slow as they are .... gonna lose out on competition for food(should you have other faster and more buaya fishes !!!!).

Currently, holding mine in a holding container and will release them once I am pretty sure I have a good population of pods.

My only worry is after having a taste of pods, they might not like those frozen food anymore (hmmm.. back to square one then).

Tank specs : 2 x 1.5 x1.5

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Looking to buy a Mandarin Goby which is already trained to eat frozen food or flakes/pellets. I really want one of these fish but my tank is only a few months old and I know I don't have an adequate copepod population. The guy who runs Golden Octopus has two huge Mandarins trained to eat frozen shrimp! Anyone with a trained fishee they are willing to part with?


Go to Marine Life at Hong Leong Gardens and ask Henry if he has any more Mandarins. He can train for you. I bought my true pair Green mandarins from him, and they were feeding on Henry's Gormet.

But since I've put them into my tank more than a month ago, they've been going about eating live copepods from my life rocks and ignoring frozen food... :)


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  • SRC Member
True most spotted mandarin would accept frozen food right away, sad that the green mandarin doesn't do the same!

I have read that Henry @ hong leong sells green mandarin that accepts his gorment food...

Maybe these green mandarins can be trained quickly to accept frozen food!

i've a male green mandrain that i got from Henry..

initially feeding on his gorment food..

but very quickly,

it started to accept both frozen brine and frozen mysis... :eyebrow:

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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I have a thumb length mandarin that I will let off for $10. It has been trained to eat frozen brine shrimp but it is not getting enough to eat as my lionfishes are gluttons. Let me know if you are interested. Can feed for you to see.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member
I have a thumb length mandarin that I will let off for $10. It has been trained to eat frozen brine shrimp but it is not getting enough to eat as my lionfishes are gluttons. Let me know if you are interested. Can feed for you to see.

Bro Fuel,

Sorry u jump in the thread, but is ur Mandarin Green or spotted!

How did u get it to feed frozen food!

Care to share your experience?

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Bro Fuel,

Sorry u jump in the thread, but is ur Mandarin Green or spotted!

How did u get it to feed frozen food!

Care to share your experience?

It's the green one (Synchiropus spendidus). It was eating enriched live adult brine shrimp. It was slowly weaned onto frozen brine shrimp from there.

Always something more important than fish.


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It's the green one (Synchiropus spendidus). It was eating enriched live adult brine shrimp. It was slowly weaned onto frozen brine shrimp from there.

Really tempted to get one green mandarin & try to train it!

But i have already got a spotted one in my tank.

Like others said might not be place for 2!

Thanks Fuel for your reply, at least now i know its possible to train them!

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