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Juwel Rio 180 Tank


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Just call your quote, and collect at Jalan Besar Road, somewhere before Sim Lim Tower. Believe some people can rework on it and make it like brand new. So, no point I just dump it away.

Still clearing the sand and will give it a good wash before deal.

Thermometer, big bird and scoops not included.



A stick-on overflow box (tinted black glass)


The netting thingy...can't remember call what filter already. But personally feel it's very effective.


Its nice back but socket not included.



These are the flaws:-




Inside the cabinet. The styrofoam on the left not included, on the right floor is the extra shelve, but I will give a 3/4" plywood paper coated shelve.


Please PM me your interest and quotes. Will give it a week time here for viewing. BTW, its original light box, and covers in good condition, and all will be included. But the light box need to open up and do some repair work, not working properly.

Definitely no leak, and it's still running this morning. Can refer to my previous post - http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...st&p=858279

Thank you and Best Regards.


Items left...

Ehliem Wet & Dry 2223

Prizm protein skimmer

Coralife UV

Resun 650 chiller

Giving up hobby, due to family commitment.

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The table top is still like new!!!


Look at that!


Have a good wash and here's the result


This is to show the patches of stain on the behind glass, due to the glue I used to stick the background many years back, when it was a plant tank. It's on the outside, not inside.



BTW, I confirmed its original lighting system cannot use already, unless u know how to open it. Got heavy water ingestion. So perhaps only the casing can be recycled.

The Live rocks (but dunno still live or dead) and size 3 sand taken out. Any body want?



Pls PM me, if u are interested in any of the stuff show here. Just a small token deal to take over, so u quote the price and collect them. I'm not trying to make back anything.



Items left...

Ehliem Wet & Dry 2223

Prizm protein skimmer

Coralife UV

Resun 650 chiller

Giving up hobby, due to family commitment.

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Many asked whether if there are scratches. Honestly, I use a torchlight to shine from inside out, I can see very light one on the inside, but no deep cuts. Definitely not perfect after these years. But from outside, it's almost perfect and no chipping corners, except the staining on the back panel as above.

Also, in regards to the price, I thought $50 is the max, but if u think it worth lower, I'm also ok with it, as what I've mentioned just a small token. The idea is to recycle than dumping away.

Germany made product is really of good lasting quality, just that the cabinet seems not doing well, so I decided to decomm it before any disaster happened. Imagine the total weight of the tank with LR and fully filled.

So, just drop me a PM if you think u can take it. Price is not an issue, except that u have to arrange for the collection. I stay along Jalan Besar Road, near to Sim Lim Tower.


Items left...

Ehliem Wet & Dry 2223

Prizm protein skimmer

Coralife UV

Resun 650 chiller

Giving up hobby, due to family commitment.

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seen u thinking og bidding at $1 may as way foc... if that de case i would like to have it...thks my nos.98712126 sms me ur address and i collect tmr says around 9-10pm

Thanks for the interest. There are already people PM me on their interest earlier on but still deciding. Hence, priority will be given to them.

Will let u know by end of the week.


Items left...

Ehliem Wet & Dry 2223

Prizm protein skimmer

Coralife UV

Resun 650 chiller

Giving up hobby, due to family commitment.

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  • SRC Member
Thanks for the interest. There are already people PM me on their interest earlier on but still deciding. Hence, priority will be given to them.

Will let u know by end of the week.


will u part with ur tank for token of $10.00 thks

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end of week??which day?? thks..^^

Hi, have PM u, anyway since u r 1st to ask, will let u decide until end of the week. To be exact, Sunday (10 JAN) night lor. Else, will let reef tan have it lor.

Cheers! :rolleyes:

Items left...

Ehliem Wet & Dry 2223

Prizm protein skimmer

Coralife UV

Resun 650 chiller

Giving up hobby, due to family commitment.

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  • 11 months later...

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