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My 2 ft cube ...


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  • SRC Member

Hi, after decomm my 3 months 4 ft tank ...

I am on the way with my 2 ft cube with sump.

Here it is:-


Haha, just kidding!

Those are my live rocks and a couple of corals, a tuxedo urchin, a wrasse, a starfish, a shrimp.

They have been in the tub for a week now.

Just ordered my new tank; will be in, in 2 weeks time.

Also, got my Maxspect 160W as well.

I find that it is quite heavy.


Note that I am new in this hobby.

Feel free to comment in my thread.


Happy New Year 2010!

(-_-) Happy will do ... (o_o)

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  • SRC Member
Nice to see your tank thread, Luke.

Yours will be an open tank?

Hi Jacky, thanks!

Yeah, mine will be rimless/braceless.

Tank is 12mm thickness, sump is 6 mm.

Will be trying to use 2 rods from the back of the cabinet up, to hang the maxspect light.

As I do not want to drill my wall. Similar to the solana type.


(-_-) Happy will do ... (o_o)

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Hi Jacky, thanks!

Yeah, mine will be rimless/braceless.

Tank is 12mm thickness, sump is 6 mm.

Will be trying to use 2 rods from the back of the cabinet up, to hang the maxspect light.

As I do not want to drill my wall. Similar to the solana type.


nice. Good to hang the LED lights coz you can play with the LENs distance from the water surface.

** Tracking this thread closely :)

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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  • SRC Member
Hi guys, I am interested in this blotched anthias;

but hardly find it in LFS.

Anyone know where I can buy small one?

Can I keep this fish in 2 or 3 together?



Saw this at Sealife 2 weeks ago. Reborn might have. Otherwise you can pm fragmaster to c if he wants to sell his to you.

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  • SRC Member
haha Luke

already thinking of what livestock to keep.

What else ya gonna get?

Oh, I have been wanting to get this anthias a few months ago.

He looks cool!! Personal taste :rolleyes:

Will only get small fishes and corals.

Trying to go slow ..... hopefully, ha!

(-_-) Happy will do ... (o_o)

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  • SRC Member
Hi guys, I am interested in this blotched anthias;

but hardly find it in LFS.

Anyone know where I can buy small one?

Can I keep this fish in 2 or 3 together?



I think i saw Victor (Sphinx) tank got 2 of these.. very unique and nice anthias :P

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  • SRC Member
Hi guys, I am interested in this blotched anthias;

but hardly find it in LFS.

Anyone know where I can buy small one?

Can I keep this fish in 2 or 3 together?



I'm back bro :)

Looking forward to your tank. And the blotchy is a deep water species, so it will be good if you can get a healthy speciman. Think you should just keep 1 of it in your tank. It's pretty aggressive with it's own family, and occasional chasing of other fishes. Beauty in my books, and I miss my old one...

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  • SRC Member
I'm back bro :)

Looking forward to your tank. And the blotchy is a deep water species, so it will be good if you can get a healthy speciman. Think you should just keep 1 of it in your tank. It's pretty aggressive with it's own family, and occasional chasing of other fishes. Beauty in my books, and I miss my old one...

Hey bro,

Thanks for your help and advices.

Anyway, I would like to get a very young blotchy.

Let me know if you see one.


(-_-) Happy will do ... (o_o)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Hi, tank is finally ...

The rimless 2 ft cube and 3.5 ft cabinet.


Sorry, there is no step by step pics of the tank setup and cycling ... etc.

I have took a couple of pics to post and cut the story short.

Have been quite busy lately;

Anyway, second pic ... please ignore diapers in the background :paiseh:

There is a mini reno in my house at the moment.


Closer look at the sump ...


By the way, my maxspect could not be hang with the two aluminium rod.

Not shown in the pics.

I have to ask them to redo a simple T bar which will take about a week.

Also, since I already have my live rocks and a couple of livestock in the tub;

I do not need to do any cycling of water right? Just to double confirm.

I am using NSW. Thanks!

Pls comment and questions.


(-_-) Happy will do ... (o_o)

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  • SRC Member
Hi, tank is finally ...

The rimless 2 ft cube and 3.5 ft cabinet.


Sorry, there is no step by step pics of the tank setup and cycling ... etc.

I have took a couple of pics to post and cut the story short.

Have been quite busy lately;

Anyway, second pic ... please ignore diapers in the background :paiseh:

There is a mini reno in my house at the moment.


Closer look at the sump ...


By the way, my maxspect could not be hang with the two aluminium rod.

Not shown in the pics.

I have to ask them to redo a simple T bar which will take about a week.

Also, since I already have my live rocks and a couple of livestock in the tub;

I do not need to do any cycling of water right? Just to double confirm.

I am using NSW. Thanks!

Pls comment and questions.


Neat design. Who's you tank maker?




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  • SRC Member

gratz bro on your new tank! Whatcha your plans for the empty space beside the tank?

I suggest let the tank run for a week and test your parameters. Add some bacteria, and if everything is stabilized, can start with some cleanup crew next week :)

V. neat and tidy sump. Consider changing your biofilter to biohome?

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  • SRC Member
gratz bro on your new tank! Whatcha your plans for the empty space beside the tank?

I suggest let the tank run for a week and test your parameters. Add some bacteria, and if everything is stabilized, can start with some cleanup crew next week :)

V. neat and tidy sump. Consider changing your biofilter to biohome?

Thanks bro!

The empty space .... well .... er ... for coffee or tea and some biscuits?

Also bought an ikea chair to match the cabinet and can sit at the side to enjoy the tank while sipping kopi.

It can also be open up; for the hot air to rise from the chiller.

Will take more pics next time.

What parameters do I need to test?

I prefer only important test, and I was told can just test for Nitrate and Phosphate.

Already bought salifert; also has my previous Api test kit.

Also, since I am using back my live rocks which have been in the tub from my first pic;

and using with the nsw, I do not need to cycle, correct?

Was told that way.

By the way, I got my live sand from nature ocean and carib sea.

Here is nature ocean:


Forgot to take pic of the carib sea.

These live sands supposed to have bacteria already.

Do I still need to dose? If so, what kind?

Biohome? Yes, want to do that when I got hold of some.

Can I mix the coral rocks and biohome?


(-_-) Happy will do ... (o_o)

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  • SRC Member

haha test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate la. Remember to check your old test kit's expiry dates. I still suggest to let the tank stabilize for at least a week even if the parameters are ok.

Bacteria can get rowabac, prodibio, or microbacter 7 to start off with. The live sand is good, but will be better to dose more bac in the beginning for new tanks.

I would get rid of the coral chips, detritus magnet, biohome would be much better, and can prob house more bacteria. :)

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  • SRC Member
haha test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate la. Remember to check your old test kit's expiry dates. I still suggest to let the tank stabilize for at least a week even if the parameters are ok.

Bacteria can get rowabac, prodibio, or microbacter 7 to start off with. The live sand is good, but will be better to dose more bac in the beginning for new tanks.

I would get rid of the coral chips, detritus magnet, biohome would be much better, and can prob house more bacteria. :)

I see.

ok will do those 4 test.

1 week?

Not sure some of the ls in my tub can tahan another week.

Cross finger and see how a couple of days later.

ok will get biohome; see whether got any new bulk order.

will dose more bacteria too.

Thanks alot!

(-_-) Happy will do ... (o_o)

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