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6x2.5x2.5 Reef Tank Plans/Progress


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Update on AT:

1 month old in my tank and have started feeding on nori which is chopped into small tiny pieces and soaked in 'Kyolic Garlic Extract' since about 2 weeks ago. Im feeding the tank about 3x-4x a day. Its now facing a slight ICH infection but seem to be strong enuff to fight the infection, I hope!

Undisputed king of the tank now and the rest of the resident tangs will give way to it when it swims and meets them head-on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member
  AlfaRomeo said:
New brighter photo of the AT with its Chevron counterpart. Thanks Weileong for the tips!

Pls excuse the dirty glass... :)

Very nice AT u have there. :shock:

6x2.5x2.5 (GEO AQUATIC)

Aquamedic Turboflotor 5000Baby

Aquamedic NR1000

Aquamedic KR1000

Aquamedic Niveaumat

Aquamedic Ozone

RM Fluidised Reactor

Tunze 6060x3

Resun C1000

Aqualight 2x250w + 150w MH

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  AlfaRomeo said:
Outlook of tank from 2nd side:

I came across your tank sometime ago, jus a bit late to say... I think its beautifully done... luv this view esp. Its jus the space... it gives a v. relaxing, uncluttered and happy look about it. I'll be one happy fish your tank alright! It gives me some encouragement to restrain from over-stocking... sometimes nothing can beat space... not many who love this hobby can afford to lose the space for the corals we love to keep. I'm almost envious, damm. :sick: jus beautiful!

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42 days and counting. ICH has gotten worst and lots more spots can be seen. Still swimming and eating tho. Hope it can and have the will to survive and fight off the onslaught. I am comtemplating firing up the ozone again to fight with the battle.

Have decided that if this specimen doesnt make it, I will just forget about an AT in my tank and admire the guru's whenever they post pics of their ATs. :)

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  • SRC Member
  AlfaRomeo said:
42 days and counting. ICH has gotten worst and lots more spots can be seen. Still swimming and eating tho. Hope it can and have the will to survive and fight off the onslaught. I am comtemplating firing up the ozone again to fight with the battle.

Have decided that if this specimen doesnt make it, I will just forget about an AT in my tank and admire the guru's whenever they post pics of their ATs. :)

Bro can ozone helps in frighting ICH cos i am facing the same ploblem don know what to do. Wish that i still have my UV with me cos i find that UV works better.

6x2.5x2.5 (GEO AQUATIC)

Aquamedic Turboflotor 5000Baby

Aquamedic NR1000

Aquamedic KR1000

Aquamedic Niveaumat

Aquamedic Ozone

RM Fluidised Reactor

Tunze 6060x3

Resun C1000

Aqualight 2x250w + 150w MH

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If it gets worst, then I think instead of leaving it in the tank and prey, may be is better to setup a trap and catch it out to do hyposalinity. 1 week into hypo, the AT will be feeling much better. After it recovers, it may start to build up immunity to ich at that time, you can then put it back into your main tank.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi bro, any update on your AT?

Mine just started eating Henry's food. :)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Hmm..try Raffles brand garlic oil. More potent and safe to use. Used it successfully on my 4 footer last time, no ill effects even to sps. Just tear open a capsule and soak the food in it. I find commercial garlic extracts to be rather diluted. IMO garlic oil will be taken up more readily by food and absorbed better by the fish. Some oil will float on the water surface, but it usually goes away in a few hours without ill effects provided your circulation and skimming is good (which I assume it is for you). :P

Always something more important than fish.


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  Gouldian said:
Hi bro, any update on your AT?

Mine just started eating Henry's food. :)

Yo Bro, glad to hear your AT has wisen up and started eating. Mine is still swimming actively and eating nori bits soaked in garlic and also frozen brineshrimp/mysis. ICH is still present but the rate of infection is decreasing I think/hope. 56 days and counting..

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  AlfaRomeo said:

Yo Bro, glad to hear your AT has wisen up and started eating. Mine is still swimming actively and eating nori bits soaked in garlic and also frozen brineshrimp/mysis. ICH is still present but the rate of infection is decreasing I think/hope. 56 days and counting..

Good luck Bro . :lol:

6x2.5x2.5 (GEO AQUATIC)

Aquamedic Turboflotor 5000Baby

Aquamedic NR1000

Aquamedic KR1000

Aquamedic Niveaumat

Aquamedic Ozone

RM Fluidised Reactor

Tunze 6060x3

Resun C1000

Aqualight 2x250w + 150w MH

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

Updates! Updates!

AT is still ok and swimming around as if it owns the tank. Have continued to feed nori to supplement whatever its pecking on the rocks.

Have rather neglected the reef for the past 2 months cos of the new addition to my family and thus the SPS has seen better times! hehehe

Anyway, getting back to the groove of it and have added an additional 6100 stream to increase the flow in the tank in order to beat the persistent cyano. Siphoned off a large pailful of dirty sand from the tank last week and the sand is very white now. Hope it stays that way. :)

Skimmer went into overdrive during the extraction of sand and produced large amounts of skimmate. Things seems to have stablised now and its back producing the normal amounts of skimmate everyday and then tapering off the production at night.

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I envy you Alfa! :D My AT died of no apparent reson after it started to feed on pellets. :(

Anyway, I believe your AT is in good hands! :bow:

Good luck with the "Red Carpet" treatment. ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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UEN: T08SS0098F
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Facebook Group: http://www.facebook....gid=34281892381

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Thanks bros for the vote of confidence :) keeping my fingers crossed on the AT surviving and thriving further. There are a couple of spots now and then so I guess it has not attain full immunity to ICH yet. Hope it will continue fighting on...

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