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6x2.5x2.5 Reef Tank Plans/Progress


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nice :)

maybe can stack the rocks abit higher..

but one thing i noticed about divider tanks is that the slopes are very steep and very challenging to place sps esp on the mid slopes.....

cos even for a 3ft width tank, you get only 1.5ft on each main side of the tank to slope the rocks...and this makes mounting sps very challenging...

nonetheless, well done alfa :)

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List of Inhabitants in my tiny puddle of water:

1 x Blue Tang : Paracanthurus Hepatus

1 x Chevron : Ctenochaetus Hawaiiensis

1 x Kole Tang : Ctenochaetus Strigosus

1 x Sailfin : Zebrasoma Desjardini

4 x fire dartfishes

10 x Green Chromis

2 x Algae Blenny

1 x Foxface

1 x Percula Clown

1 x Scooter blenny

1 x Orang-spotted sandsifting fish thingie hehehe


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Thanks Roidan, a lot of work still needs to be done.. got macro algae growing in between the colonies and need to pluck them out every month or so... my version of nutrient export... hehehehehe

Hopefully in 2 months or so, the SPS would have coloured up enuff to take close-up pics and maybe get some kind help from master photographers like yourself or Weileong to help with the photo documentation :) hehehehe

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better ask weileong, his camera put our f828s to shame....

no noise at even high ISO settings...that's DSLR :bow:

anyway, maybe u can get those stainless steel planting tweezers to pluck the algae out...coz sometimes u may end up knocking some sps over or breaking them like my frens...hehe

those plastic tweezers dun offer much grip strength to wrang the algae out...


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Alfa if you intend to add more LR be prepare to have some bloom of alage and some browning of sps even if fully cured live rock is used cos in a way you are adding a fresh source of neutrient same as what happen when rescraping..There are reefer using the vodka and the zeovit method in neutrient exporting to bring out the extreme color of sps you may want to try it..by the way very nice aquascaping.

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Thanks guys for the nice compliments. Like I said, a lot more work to do to get it up to at least 1/3 the standard set by the senior reefers and Mods

As for AT, wont touch that species for the time being (at least for the next 3 months or so) Dunt wanna have to fish out another dead AT.. very depressing and sad to know that naother beautiful specimen died in my 'Not AT ready' Tank...

Roidan/Macro, not going to add more rocks to the aquascaping cos I want the fishes to have plenty of swimming space to exercise and stay healthy. I also wanna the sps to grow , grow and grow and fill up the space... taking my que from Tuan's marvellous aquascaping with the low lying rocks and planety of open space...

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Thanks guys for the nice compliments. Like I said, a lot more work to do to get it up to at least 1/3 the standard set by the senior reefers and Mods

As for AT, wont touch that species for the time being (at least for the next 3 months or so) Dunt wanna have to fish out another dead AT.. very depressing and sad to know that naother beautiful specimen died in my 'Not AT ready' Tank...

Roidan/Macro, not going to add more rocks to the aquascaping cos I want the fishes to have plenty of swimming space to exercise and stay healthy. I also wanna the sps to grow , grow and grow and fill up the space... taking my que from Tuan's marvellous aquascaping with the low lying rocks and planety of open space...

Hey good to know that you are willing to wait for your tank to be suitable for AT before buying them... actually somethime also not your fault, when AT are being caught, their condition out from water is usually quite bad and thats why alot dun make it afetr introducing into tank

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