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6x2.5x2.5 Reef Tank Plans/Progress


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  • SRC Member

Hon, nuthing to update lah in terms of pictures. Lots of LR and a few fishes and a few frags from Joe_p to try out.

will definately update once it colors up :)

You alos very long time never update your pics leh... lets have a look at your colorful SPS.. hehehe

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  • SRC Member

Current Water Specs:

Ca : 420ppm

KH : 8

PH : 8.2 - 8.4

Temp : 26.4 to 26.8

Salinity : 1.023

Ca and Kh is holding steady with the help of my Aquamedic CR 1000 and also the KR by CookieMunster.

Dripping Kalkwasser for 1/2 hr every night at 2am to maintain sump water level. Dripping is triggered by IKS with either the water level controller or timer.

PH of CR chamber is at 6.75 with 3L/Hr flowrate thru the CR (flow by Aquamedic Dosing pump)

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  • SRC Member

Highly recommend the IKS for lazy buggers like me.. hehehe

I do not have a lot of things to do on a daily basis.

Just run the algae magnet on the glass and watch IKS LCD to ensure that all displayed are within specs ( and i dunt even have to do that since the IKS will emit a very loud beeping sound if any parameters are out of whack)

Now if only they come out with a probe that measures the CA and KH levels. that will be way cool...

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Now if only they come out with a probe that measures the CA and KH levels. that will be way cool...

There is indeed a Ca sensor avaliable not I think won't work with your IKS. But the sensor is not stable so it is highly recommend to calibrate on a daily basis :P

For kH, I don't think it is avaliable.

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  • SRC Member

There is indeed a Ca sensor avaliable not I think won't work with your IKS. But the sensor is not stable so it is highly recommend to calibrate on a daily basis :P

For kH, I don't think it is avaliable.

Wah bro, calibrate everyday? Might as well I measure the calcium levels everyday directly.. hehehe

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  • SRC Member

Pardon my ignorance.....what is a IKS? Was wondering if you can show me a pic? You mention it can measure temp\ph\rx............what is rx?? :huh:

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  • SRC Member

Cool stuff......must be expensive.....looks like a programable logic controller (PLC)!!!

hmmm....redox......what that??? :huh::paiseh::paiseh: why do we need to measure this? What does that imply! :huh:

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  • SRC Member

The UV has been running for about 5 days now and can see that the water is visually clearer and no more spots on my Kole Tang!!

Its either the UV has improved the water quality to such an extent that the Kole is less stressed and thus no more ICH or the UV has effectively killed the free floating ICH parasite.

Either way, I think the ICH problem is controlled now to a larger extent that the Tangs can fight off watever little parasites that are remaining in the water.

I will give it another week or two before I can fully 'endorse' fitting a UV light to a reef tank.

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