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rare angel fish

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Spending 1.2k on a 2" bandit that has a near 100% of survival is more worthwhile than spending $600 on a bigger bandit that is bound to wither away. I know of a reefer that has failed 4 times at larger bandits so in total has lost over 2k and not yet successful.

However not many pple are willing to spend over 1k on one fish, pple are generally more willing to spend on corals than fishes. As such LFSs are more willing to bring in bigger bandits that will die than to bring in small bandits that adapt better. Bandits are so beatiful, but those 5 inches and above should be left in the ocean.

Bro, are you back?

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if only im rich....... my dream to own all e fish above..... can somebody lend me 5k.... hehehehehe......................

U're gg to need more than 5k. Saw the sub-adult clarion this afternoon, v beautiful and v hungry.

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