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lighting and flow rate


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hi to all reefers,

just recently gotten myself a 322 set

my spec are

bm jireh marine skimmer

DElightings 6 tube

2x aquablue

2x actinic

1x blueplus

1x pro colour

1262 return pump connected to chiller and back to tank

2x k2

like to know for my setup, is it suitable to keep all sort of LPS and soft coral?

about coral placement, how should i place it?top,center,bottom

is there any type coral that i can place at the bottom of my tank?

i read about coral requirement and it was written very briefly such as moderate/high/low light or flow rate.

how to determine this factor in my tank for the light/moderate/low light and flow rate? i not sure for my tank the lighting is sufficient enough.

some help plz



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Your lights should be able to give a good amt of light. Light intensity will range from low to high from sandbed upwards respectively. Some low light corals might even need to put under shade. More imptly u should acclimatize corals slowly even when they need strong lights. Move them slowly up the tank over several weeks and monitor for signs of bleaching and adjust accordingly. Once you gainexperience you will know how much light your corals can take.

Flow wise is tougher to describe. Best would be to ask your lfs. In general, moderate swaying of tentacles=moderate flow and you adjust upwards and downwards. Hard to imagine right? I had the same problem when I started out...

Some corals like brains, elegance and plate corals prefer to be placed on the substrate. It is advisable to place them on the sandbed as their flesh do not do well when rubbed against rocks

What chiller and wavemaker are you using?

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am using haliea 300 and 2x korali k2 wavemaker

is 2x k2 sufficient?

so with my light level, coral like brain and elegance is able to do well at the base? my light is place very very near the water.

btw what is plate coral?

sorry for the many qns



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  • SRC Member
am using haliea 300 and 2x korali k2 wavemaker

is 2x k2 sufficient?

so with my light level, coral like brain and elegance is able to do well at the base? my light is place very very near the water.

btw what is plate coral?

sorry for the many qns



Can google 'plate coral' to get an ID. there are long tentacled and short tentacled ones. Do note that they can move along the sandbed in search for a better location.

Yes you can put brain and elegance on sandbed. Its better for them. 2xK2 should give you sufficient flow. It also gives you the option to upgrade in future should you decide you need more flow (when keeping sps).

Be patient and wait for the entire cycling process to be over before adding anything! I think you are on the right track here, read up more, and feel free to ask questions when in doubt.

btw, you might want to look out for a better skimmer in the pasar malam in future. My opinion is that a skimmer is impt and I would trust a Deltec or BK more than what you currently have. Just my view.

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currently am going to diy a algae scrubber, read alot on santa monica setup and the advantage or it

planning to reduce to no or minimum use of skimmer

there some coral that stick to the liverock which was given to me by a fellow reefer.

can someone help me id?

this coral when light off they shrink to very very very small

and also how do i tell whether a coral is doing well in the area?




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  • SRC Member
currently am going to diy a algae scrubber, read alot on santa monica setup and the advantage or it

planning to reduce to no or minimum use of skimmer

there some coral that stick to the liverock which was given to me by a fellow reefer.

can someone help me id?

this coral when light off they shrink to very very very small

and also how do i tell whether a coral is doing well in the area?




these should be hairy mushrooms... its normal for them to shrink when the lights go off.

you can tell that the coral is doing well if they are "meaty" and do not lose colour..

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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dont be alarmed if your corals shrink or look dead in the night, they should be fine in the morning after you turn on your lights for awhile. soft corals generally can be placed in close vicinity but hard corals will sting each other/or other soft corals, to the death if within reach

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