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which pump to use with chiller


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Hey guys.. hope someone can help me with the problem i m facing with my chiller.

I bought second hand CS-400CIRV Atman Chiller. The description on the website for the chiller is

The minimum water flow: 500 L / H

The largest water flow: 2000 L / H

And then i bought Boyu pump SO-2300 (freq 1200 L/h).

Problem: The tmperature in the tank doesnt stay consistent - varying between 76 to 84 F. I asusme this is quite a large range for temperature to fluctuate. Lucky i dont have any fish yet but i m aftraid i m stressing my corals.

I do notice (by feeling with hand outside the pipe) that the flow out of pump is more powerful that the flow into the tank. Am i using too powerful pump?

Appreciate ur inputs!

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What is the lift (head) on the Boyu pump? and how much plumbing is there between the pump and the return?

Unless the pump is losing that much flow from height or other obstructions to flow, it should be enough.

I've not had any experience with Atman chillers, but their other products I've tried in the past (canister filters) left much to be desired.

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If the flow out of the pump is more powerful than flow into the tank, your sump water level will drop continuously until it empties. I doubt tt's the case here right?

1200L/hr sounds ok for the chiller. After head loss and depending on length and height of pipings, might even be a little on the low sidel Check the chiller manual to see how to set temperature range. A 4 degree celcius temperature difference sounds like your corals are not in v. good shape and will deteriorate even further.

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