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Rare Exotic Mushroom for bid


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  • SRC Member

Hi guys, decommissioning my tank soon and decided to put my fav coral for sale to see the response.

Its a unique limegreen+purple+blue+bit of yellow mushroom wth really nice purple polka dots. The rock is about the size of a clenched fist and it has more than 15 polyps and counting. Took the pic bout one month ago and the colour is even greener now. Decided not to frag it since I'm going to decomm the tank soon and it definitely looks much better in a colony.

I've paid a bomb on this so i expect to get a higher return as this is a super rare find and also my fav coral.

>Starting bid at $60 and bid increment by $2.

>Bid closes this Saturday (12/12/09) 2359hrs. It may be extended if there is a strong interest.

*I reserve the right to withdraw the sale if the offer does not meet my expectation, or if I want to keep it in case I'm not decomming the tank.



back to studies and reefing again..

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bro indeed alot of us are interested even me myself but there's alot of hold back as u said bidding won't having a end date at all altough u said tentatively at 12/12/09 2359

more over u stated again for I reserve the right to withdraw the sale if the offer does not meet my expectation then it shouldn't be put on bid best is u state a price which u are comfortable with and let others to offer

sorry bro i'm just hid an advice not to spoil ur thread so don't get the wrong idea more friends is what i'm looking forward for cheers

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for what i see if u're going to put on bid the end date means end no longer extend u can only choose to close earlier than stated and since u're looking at a minimum amount put it as a starting bid it'll let others have a better sense of wat u are looking at

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bro indeed alot of us are interested even me myself but there's alot of hold back as u said bidding won't having a end date at all altough u said tentatively at 12/12/09 2359

more over u stated again for I reserve the right to withdraw the sale if the offer does not meet my expectation then it shouldn't be put on bid best is u state a price which u are comfortable with and let others to offer

sorry bro i'm just hid an advice not to spoil ur thread so don't get the wrong idea more friends is what i'm looking forward for cheers


Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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  • SRC Member

Ok, bidding will end officially nxt Friday (19/12/09) 2359hrs firm for the benefit of all, and i've extended it since i'm quite busy this weekend too.

There will be no more withdrawals.

cheers to all


back to studies and reefing again..

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Ok, bidding will end officially nxt Friday (19/12/09) 2359hrs firm for the benefit of all, and i've extended it since i'm quite busy this weekend too.

There will be no more withdrawals.

cheers to all

*thumbs up!

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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  • SRC Member

Ok, bidding will end officially nxt Friday (19/12/09) 2359hrs firm for the benefit of all, and i've extended it since i'm quite busy this weekend too.

There will be no more withdrawals.

cheers to all

correct me if i'm wrong but bidding is still on, and the bid should be reset to $78--cedricang,

-- as the next bid $82 didn't follow the $2 increment ??

please advise-- cos i still wanna bid :eyebrow:

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isnt bidding over?

Bro Red

chk out the begining first few post it stated he have corrected the date and firm with the bid only after a comemce was posted to him chk out what he said

Ok, bidding will end officially nxt Friday (19/12/09) 2359hrs firm for the benefit of all, and i've extended it since i'm quite busy this weekend too.

There will be no more withdrawals.

cheers to all

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