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Safety Check: Adding Peppermint shrimp


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Hi bros,

aiptasia out of control and hence thinking of getting 5 peppermint shrimps. i'd like to get small ones (like 1cm body) this time round as the old two big ones do not work at all. so is it safe to add in with the livestock below?

currently, i have two 1.5" (body) cleaner shrimps, two 2cm (lazy) peppermint shrimps and one 1.5" coral band shrimp, one 2" long nose hawk fish. Other mates include blue/purple/salfin tang each, green/yellow/sixline wrasse.

(got a few zoas and tube worms, so copperband and file fish are out, also tired of using chemicals)


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Hi bros,

aiptasia out of control and hence thinking of getting 5 peppermint shrimps. i'd like to get small ones (like 1cm body) this time round as the old two big ones do not work at all. so is it safe to add in with the livestock below?

currently, i have two 1.5" (body) cleaner shrimps, two 2cm (lazy) peppermint shrimps and one 1.5" coral band shrimp, one 2" long nose hawk fish. Other mates include blue/purple/salfin tang each, green/yellow/sixline wrasse.

(got a few zoas and tube worms, so copperband and file fish are out, also tired of using chemicals)


bro your long nose hawk will destroy your peppermints.. :pinch:

mine even goes for the camel shrimps

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not advisable since your longnose hawk is there. moreover 5 peppermints would be about $50? too expensive for fish food imo :whistle

however if your hawk doesn't bother existing shrimps at all, you can try adding larger peppermints one by one and see how it goes

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Thanks bros, my existing two have been growing much bigger and my long nose hawk very timid one, in fact i'm more worried of the coral band shrimp...

anyway, i added 4 medium one from LCK ($15/each), hopefully they can survive. (CF about $20 each)

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  • SRC Member
Thanks bros, my existing two have been growing much bigger and my long nose hawk very timid one, in fact i'm more worried of the coral band shrimp...

anyway, i added 4 medium one from LCK ($15/each), hopefully they can survive. (CF about $20 each)

Let us know the results? if the long nose doesn't get it, coral banded will prob finish the rest. Perppermint shrimps are also known for hit and miss in terms of aiptasia control. Some do great, others don't do much.

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