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Desi & Ketchup 4x2.5x2 tank


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Yeah .. for the benefit of the very nice reefer who sold me his fish.. here is a video of it.. currently housed in my sump to get used to the water... and to ensure it will be ready before Ketchup and I cross fingers and put him into the Main tank. And for his info, we just did a water change today.

Here is also a video of the main tank.. and the betabox housing the swollen eyed rhomboid. I have changed the beta box from the smaller one to double it's size. THe rhomboid is now much healthier and eating more. Mysis soaked in selcon and Garlic Guard FTW! But I think it still can't see very well so I will not be releasing into the tank for another week or so. it's been almost 2 weeks since I fished it out.

As you can see my YT is bigger than the AT.. so that's why we are worried... hopefully the AT is able to fend for itself once we put it in the main tank. I am not worried about my Sea pig as it's a gentle giant.

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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gee, feels funny to see the AT in another tank, :cry: , haha oh well, hmm yeah.. feeds like a sea-pig, but.. it kinda resembles a little black puppy/dog who is ever eagerly waiting to eat anything given to it, and will never miss it. at some point even called him Xiao Hei, haha. hope u guys like the AT~ thanks for giving this fish a home. :lol:

" The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people! "

Randy Pausch, (The Last Lecture)

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@Milch, I realy hope I don't let you down.... ... the AT is still .. or at least looks to me.. rather agitated in the small sump.. I am seriously considering putting him in this evening after my lights are down to the blue after the daylight to give him more space to swim... i don't know whether is it the lack of swimming space that is making it so agitated besides the total change of environment.....

How did it behave when you first got it? How long did it take before it settled down? I know when I first put in the BT and YT in the main tank, it took about 2-3 days before they stopped the anxious swimming up and down and progressed to the gentle flapping of fins!

@ Comy... thanks for coming down to help with the lack fo transport.. :P hee hee.... next time bring your target down to influence the person into liking this hobby.. *evil plan*

@ Siang... I hope the rhomboid gets well soon.. I feel heart pain to see it's eye swollen.. It's been so long and though it's much healthier now, it's still unable to see properly. Syringing in mysis morning and evening.. wonder how long it takes before i can finally release it.

@ Wilson and Kiko, hey you guys stay pretty near, come by la .. :P hee hee heee.... Ketchup is finally back after ssoooo long.

@ Peace.. thanks man... and yeah the tomato is @#$@ big.. we call it the Ah Beng gangster of the tank.

@ Iori .... thanks... hubby and I keeping fingers crossed it stabalizes and we'd see all 3 tangs getting along in the main tank soon.... PRAY!

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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Just thought i'd update with some pics... thank you to Milch for his elegance.. it's opening up nicely.... quite disconcerting as he had fed it a dead fish beforehand and when I brought it back, i could see part of the dead fish sticking out of the elegance.. eeks. :P oh well ..

HEre it is..

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some pics of the fishes!

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1 part of my zoo area since now it's a top down view... no proper camera so I'm using my Iphone 4 to take pics ..

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And since last Sunday I realise that my Golden Rhomboid has a swollen eye. I couldn't catch it that day but I managed to fish it out on Monday when I came home after work to find it listless on the sand. :( It didn't even resist being netted. Anyway, I thought I had lost the poor thing as it was so lifeless and limp.... so I began syringing in Mysis ( soaked in garlic Guard and Selcon) every morning before I go to work and evening when I come back... and lo and behold.. the last 2 days ( been a week) it has begun to swim a bit in it's beta box.. everytime I walk by the tank, it will come out thinking there's food... I really hope it recovers. Fingers Crossed.:cry:

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Glad that you guys has decided not to decomm your tank when you moved, and surely the marine tank will be a center of attraction during your new house warming and CNY gathering :P

Try dosing Vit C daily to help in the swollen eye, it will helps in the fish healing. My Flame angel used to have the same problem, and it heal after about one week.

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HEre is a pic I took with the wireless webcam... the rhomboid is out and about in it's beta box! :P

post-12571-076618600 1291101195_thumb.jp

Here is a youtube of the AT swimming in the sump after a couple of rounds of feeding.. it loves to go near the chiller output..

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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yeap, can't agree more, AT loves super currents.. hmm i remember it loving to swim against the 6100 and some times 6105 directly head on, den resume patrolling in circle of figure of 8 up and down. and of cos loves the pampering services of 2 blood shrimp :thumbsup:

" The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people! "

Randy Pausch, (The Last Lecture)

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hahaah sigh... ketchup is of the opinion to keep 1 or 2 more nights in the sump and then release it nearing the weekend so that we can monitor it... as during the day nobody is at home... and I can only view via the webcam...

We fed it at 7.30pm and again at 9.30pm tonight about 30 pellets each time.. and it ate almost all of it.. dropped about 5-6 at a time to make sure it manages to get everything....:thumbsup: fed it this morning at about 8am before I left for work too.

SO is majority of the opinion to release into the main tank for more space for the AT? I know it's a risk either way but it's good to know what everyone else thinks. :)

Perhaps release it tomorrow night when the moonlight is on.. less stress for the fish. Have to take out the 3 rocks from the sump to create a bit more hiding places too :upsidedown:

Oh and, wilson, the monti is.. well.. still alive.. I stuck it at a crevice at the top of the tank with lots of light... it doesn't seem to be growing but it isn't dying either! LOL .. so this is neutral news!

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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That is one awesome AT. However, the frantic swimming means it is very stress (as well as distress). A stressed AT means weaken immunity which will eventually lead to ick. As this fish comes from a reliable source, there is no reason for you to subject it to double stress (first time in the sump, second in the main tank). If I were you, I would release it into the main tank ASAP. My usual practice is to first feed the fish in the main tank well. Hopefully a full stomach will reduce agression. Do not feed the AT. Switch off the lights. If you have moon light, leave it on. After 1 hour, release the AT. You need not worry about the BT and YT bullying the AT. Your AT will eventually be the alpha fish in your tank.

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update : THe AT was placed into the DT last night during moonlight at 11.30pm

Got chased by the Yellow Tang but the AT seems to be able to hold his ground but still got chased by the bigger YT. I turned off the dining room light and things got calmer. The AT swam a bit around the tank but the YT was protecting it's sleeping area.

THe AT I notice sometimes even fought back or stared back at the YT when the YT flared at it. :yahoo: I hope the AT becomes King. hahaha

Woke up this morning and the AT seems ok.. threw in lots of pellets and the fishes came out to feed including the AT which is now hovering around one side of the tank.

Added in the extra 3 rocks in the sump for more hiding places.

:angel: hoping that the fishes will get along besides the occasional scruffle.

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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update : THe AT was placed into the DT last night during moonlight at 11.30pm

Got chased by the Yellow Tang but the AT seems to be able to hold his ground but still got chased by the bigger YT. I turned off the dining room light and things got calmer. The AT swam a bit around the tank but the YT was protecting it's sleeping area.

THe AT I notice sometimes even fought back or stared back at the YT when the YT flared at it. :yahoo: I hope the AT becomes King. hahaha

Woke up this morning and the AT seems ok.. threw in lots of pellets and the fishes came out to feed including the AT which is now hovering around one side of the tank.

Added in the extra 3 rocks in the sump for more hiding places.

:angel: hoping that the fishes will get along besides the occasional scruffle.

AT..just like YT are fast growers...beware....ham sum jacky gave me his small puny YT 3 months back n now it has grown to 4 inches...n keep bullying one of my moorish...siansation...

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Been monitoring from work and amazingly besides the occasional chase by the YT, it isn't as bad as i thought.. the AT was even grazing on the rocks. I think the AT is able to stand up against the YT pretty well. :)) But still too early to tell la. hah

Here are a few snapshots using the webcam.. can you spot the AT? LOL

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Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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