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Desi & Ketchup 4x2.5x2 tank


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What you are experiencing appears to be a second wave of ich. The second wave is typically more severe. It is very unlikely your Red bamboo is the culprit. The Powder Blue Tang is one of the most difficult Tang to keep alive. It is not uncommon to hear this Tang dying for no rhyme or reason. I had gone through at least 10 Powder Blues before finally getting one that can survive beyond 1 month. My current Powder Blue is now into its 9th month with me. Even now, it is the first fish I looked for when I wakes up. If you go to www.wetwebmedia.com, they will advise you to leave the Powder Blue in the ocean. Unfortunately, this fish is too gorgeous and too cheap to be left in the ocean. If you are like me, die die must have this fish, I suggest you buy it from those reefers who are selling from time to time. Another success factor for keeping this fish is your tank should be mature for at least a year. Lastly, all Powder series must be quarantine for at least 1 month. Throwing it into your display tank from day one is like playing Russian Roulette. The worst thing is when it goes, it likes to bring along all its friends. Advise of the day: Quarantine, Quarantine, Quarantine followed by Patience, Patience and more Patience. Cheers.

i've witnessed the tangs at ranchuboy's place...


My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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depends where u get them from and how stable they are at LFS...

the no-sign board seafood restoran at vivocity has 2 marine tanks...and its full of algae and can tell the nutrients are very high...yet their power brown tang and power blue are doing well...and has been there for some time...

Tangs are like sheeps of the ocean, they need to graze throughout the day. A tank full of algae is a major contributing factor to the success of this fish. I am not surprise their nutrients are very high. The fish has adapted to the high nutrient level.

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Tangs are like sheeps of the ocean, they need to graze throughout the day. A tank full of algae is a major contributing factor to the success of this fish. I am not surprise their nutrients are very high. The fish has adapted to the high nutrient level.

i guess one of the key factor for success is "seasoned" water....in that case, i can only think about it end of the year...

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UPdate : Both Powders are dead. Came home and as expected the PBT in the holding tub.. goner.. the powder brown also.. had died.... this one.. I am breathing a sigh of relief. his suffering is over. Powder blue is too sudden and ketchup and I are just too sian about that one. Both lasted us a grand total of 20 days. shocked.gif

However now, I can't seem to find my yellow wrasse and 8 line. Usually both will only hide when the blue atinics turn off but when we came back with both the blue and purple atinics on, both were no where to be found... even when i was feeding the frozen food.. I expected them to appear but zilch.

I can only hope and pray both cheong for the sand when the MH went off ( though this situation is very rare as usually both will be up until the blues turn off about 1.5 hours later!). Defnitely saw both last night and saw the yellow wrasse this morning.... online2long.gif

will be doing water testing to confirm water parameters are alright... did it on sunday night and everything was fine EXCEPT for nitrates which is hitting 50ppm (expected) so do again tonight.

Hoping for better news when the sun rises tomorrow morn.



Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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maybe they r just shy and hide in the sands la. ur led is new to them. so they hide.

God Blessed all who appreciate His wonderful and beautiful creations.


my first reef aquarium 15jan2010

3x2x2ft EOS 10mm tank with sump//deltec sc2060 skimmer//arctica 1/10hp chiller

maxpect g2 170w led//vortech mp40w wavemaker//eheim 1262 universal pump

eheim compact+ 3000 chiller pump//caribsea ocean direct live sands 40lbs

and other misc...

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  • SRC Member

Sorry for your losses... but don't give up on PBT, PBrT... :pirate:

They are really a beauty to have in the tank... but do consider keeping just one, either PBT or PBrT... an At will be a nice addition as well... but, Quarantine is a must... I ks, kept PBT, PBrT and AT for a full month b4 transfering to my main tank... :blush:


Main Tank - DECOMMISSIONED ON 24.01.11

48"x24"x26" 12mm thick starfire crystal glass(3 sided) EOS with Black Silicon(Germany)

Sump Tank

32"x15"x20" complete with egg crate, bio-ball, top up reservoir


Return Pump: AquaBee up7000

Skimmer: Skimz Monzter sm200 with AquaBee pin wheel and AquaBee up2000(Germany) as feed pump

CR: Skimz Monzter CM150 powered with AquaBee 2000i(Germany), solonoid valve and CO2 tank

FR: Skimz 150

MH Lighting: 2x250W Lumen bright(USA) MH pendant with 2x250W 12000k Reeflux bulb(USA), 250W Coralvue (USA) dimmable ballast

T5 Lighting: 2x54w ATI(Germany) high output T5 bulb with aluminium stand

Controller: Aquatronica ACS ADVANCE Package

Dosing: Aquatronica Dosing Pumps-ACQ450

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Hopefully the yellow wrasse is hiding in the sand. My leopard has hidden in the sand for up to 5 days, only to come out skinnier, but still active.

My memory's not v. good, but 8 line doesn't hide in the sand right? Maybe hiding in some nook.

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There are many diseases other than ich. People advocate quarantine for a reason. While it is true that most fishes are able to fight off ich, all you need is to introduce a fish which might have "ich". If it ends up to be marine velvet, there is pretty much nothing you can do by then. Skin lesions are often secondary infections, usually of bacterial origin. If you are able to get hold of a bigger UV, it would help greatly. I use the Coralife 18W for the return to 10 gallons.

The best way to deal with disease without a QT is to get a big UV which can accomodate the flow of your return pump, without restricting the flow. Pond UVs come to mind. Halve the recommended flowrate of the UV unit (usually stated for freshwater) and you'll get the maximum flow you can use for seawater. Plumb the UV to the return before it enters the tank, this will treat the new incoming water. Next time you get new fish, if you do not have a QT tank, give it a 3-5 min freshwater dip (pH adjusted same with your tank). Use your sump as the QT area since whatever parasite which comes with the fish will pass through the UV before it enters your tank.

I have heard of cases where even the most resilient of fishes which have been healthy for years, just die like flies once they encounter marine velvet.

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Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

Hopefully the yellow wrasse is hiding in the sand. My leopard has hidden in the sand for up to 5 days, only to come out skinnier, but still active.

My memory's not v. good, but 8 line doesn't hide in the sand right? Maybe hiding in some nook.

Hi Comycus

yes, the yellow wrasse is hiding, saw it this morning. :) Not sure abt the 8 line but i suspect probably also hiding.

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Yes, we are aware of the benefits of QT and problem with ich and velvet as it happened to us on our 2 ft before and only the tomato clown and boxer shrimp survives..

Usually we will try and QT the fishes.. the PBrT was QT for about 2 weeks. The PBT was not QT becos we purchase both the PBT and PBrT so we do not want to stress the 2 fishes by putting both in QT. Also, the PBT was already with the LFS for 2 weeks and feeding well..

Well, i still think luck is a key element... but we will try and take any necessary precaution...

I think i won't try PBrT anymore since my 1st choice is always PBT so if we try again, it will be PBT and maybe AT if our tank is mature and everything stablised.

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  • SRC Member

Yes, we are aware of the benefits of QT and problem with ich and velvet as it happened to us on our 2 ft before and only the tomato clown and boxer shrimp survives..

Usually we will try and QT the fishes.. the PBrT was QT for about 2 weeks. The PBT was not QT becos we purchase both the PBT and PBrT so we do not want to stress the 2 fishes by putting both in QT. Also, the PBT was already with the LFS for 2 weeks and feeding well..

Well, i still think luck is a key element... but we will try and take any necessary precaution...

I think i won't try PBrT anymore since my 1st choice is always PBT so if we try again, it will be PBT and maybe AT if our tank is mature and everything stablised.

ur NO3 is too high for these fishes...try to reduce ur NO3 n have ur perimeters stable. as long as the fish is stress free, it will not fall sick easily. at the mean time, dose more bacteria. i used to think how bacteria can help fishes to be healthy. but after i start dosing them, fishes become more lively and do not get ich often. add the rest of the fishes that u wan b4 adding the AT or PBT. right now i cant add anymore fishes due to my PBT, no matter what fish, wrasse, angel....sure kena whacked jialet jialet by the PBT.

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  • SRC Member

cool :) i am gonna miss those...aww...

God Blessed all who appreciate His wonderful and beautiful creations.


my first reef aquarium 15jan2010

3x2x2ft EOS 10mm tank with sump//deltec sc2060 skimmer//arctica 1/10hp chiller

maxpect g2 170w led//vortech mp40w wavemaker//eheim 1262 universal pump

eheim compact+ 3000 chiller pump//caribsea ocean direct live sands 40lbs

and other misc...

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I lost tracked who bought what.....

someone summarise leh....

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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Desi - PBT

Comycus - PBT

Justin - blenny and a shrimp

Bino - a very teeny tiny YT

Jacky - Clarki clown

who else did I miss out? smile.gif



And here it is.. my 2nd chance at this fish... didn't really want to buy but when I see it swimming and eating at the shop... I admit, the FORCE IS NOT STRONG IN ME!!!.... praying praying praying...

And yes dosing BACTERIA once a week ( UV will be off for 48 hours after bacteria dosed)

$3.50 fish.... ahem ahem ahem... lol but that value is Joe's value hor...


Nice meeting everyone today. :) and thanks to joe, Justin and qiang for gracing my house with their presence. heeh ee heeeyebrow.gif

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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Desi - PBT

Comycus - PBT

Justin - blenny and a shrimp

Bino - a very teeny tiny YT

Jacky - Clarki clown

who else did I miss out? smile.gif



And here it is.. my 2nd chance at this fish... didn't really want to buy but when I see it swimming and eating at the shop... I admit, the FORCE IS NOT STRONG IN ME!!!.... praying praying praying...

And yes dosing BACTERIA once a week ( UV will be off for 48 hours after bacteria dosed)

$3.50 fish.... ahem ahem ahem... lol but that value is Joe's value hor...


Nice meeting everyone today. :) and thanks to joe, Justin and qiang for gracing my house with their presence. heeh ee heeeyebrow.gif

This batch of PBTs look very healthy. Just in bought a blenny from SL? What blenny is that?

Paiseh Desi, had to come back rush a report and then to pick up my girl. Else I would have joined. Crazy day today.

But was great meeting everyone for lunch!

Next one, maybe lets set it 3 weeks later just before Justin start work ... hehe

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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yeah it would have been more fun if more people came to lim kopi or Teh at my place. hahah I turn on air con and Justin fell asleep on the sofa... LOL

I still remember when Comycus ask : "Bigger one or smaller one".. and I look at Cedric and said : WHICH PART?!

ROFL!! stuart.gif


Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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