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Desi & Ketchup 4x2.5x2 tank


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Hi Desi, how about using a heavy bowl? Most seahorse owners uses them to wean seahorses to prepared food. The bowl can be place on the sandbed and will not topple easily and still ensure that the food will not ran about. ;)

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hee hee thanks for the suggestions, I think i'd try the heavy bowl this weekend and observe. Last night spent like 1.5 hours tinkering with the food and the tank... and I just noticed something with my laboutie wrasse. I don't have a picture but I only noticed last night that one side of him seem to have spots.. not distinct white spots but like.. shades of white.. I don't know how to describe it. :unsure:

One side of the fish is fine, but the other side of the wrasse looks like as though I put a white dot and then smeared it and it's scattered all over one side of his body. :( I look at my fish everyday and I am VERY SURE that on Sunday during feeding etc, his body didn't have any of these "smears". It only appeared to my notice yesterday evening. :( Has anyone had any experience in this?

I doubt it's white spot as white spot is very very obvious ( I kena many times on my old tangs so I know how it looks like) but this is something new to me.... getting a little worried. THe laboutie is stil cheonging for all the food I put in, and swimming around chasing the anthias... so I don't know. He did jump out of the water a little when I was feeding so I thought it was air bubbles but then after a while the air bubbles or dirt on his body should "fall off" right?

Checked this morning and I can still see the "smears" at an angle.. if I shine a torch at him, I can't see it. :(



Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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hee hee thanks for the suggestions, I think i'd try the heavy bowl this weekend and observe. Last night spent like 1.5 hours tinkering with the food and the tank... and I just noticed something with my laboutie wrasse. I don't have a picture but I only noticed last night that one side of him seem to have spots.. not distinct white spots but like.. shades of white.. I don't know how to describe it. :unsure:

One side of the fish is fine, but the other side of the wrasse looks like as though I put a white dot and then smeared it and it's scattered all over one side of his body. :( I look at my fish everyday and I am VERY SURE that on Sunday during feeding etc, his body didn't have any of these "smears". It only appeared to my notice yesterday evening. :( Has anyone had any experience in this?

I doubt it's white spot as white spot is very very obvious ( I kena many times on my old tangs so I know how it looks like) but this is something new to me.... getting a little worried. THe laboutie is stil cheonging for all the food I put in, and swimming around chasing the anthias... so I don't know. He did jump out of the water a little when I was feeding so I thought it was air bubbles but then after a while the air bubbles or dirt on his body should "fall off" right?

Checked this morning and I can still see the "smears" at an angle.. if I shine a torch at him, I can't see it. :(



a good clear picture will confirm my diagnostics, but at this point, i will tell u nothing to worry about. this "patchy" blur smear across the body of wrasses is very common in wrasse keepers. sometimes when fighting or jumping, they scrape their body, and the loose scales will start to come off the body a little. The semi-detached scales are slightly raised away from the body but do not drop off. since the scales are slightly opaque to weakly translucent when detached, it gives it a patchy appearance. in a few days to 1 week, the injured scales will start to fall off as new ones are grown and regenerated. this very common in wrasses and butterflyfishes because they have big, interconnecting scales, which are damaged easily, but don't fall off directly. this, giving it a smudge look. this can only be seen under angles in the light when the raised scales reflect off the light.

you don't see this in tangs because tangs do not have scales. that's why they are so prone to white spots. the parasites attack them with much ease. as compared to wrasses where their big scales help shield off most attacks.

this is only my guess since i don't have a photo. but i'm very sure its this problem. tell me something, are these "smudge" peeling off? or moving in the waves? or isit like a patch of slime? if so, it may be brooklynellosis which give rise to such symptoms. (slime, patches and mucus). if its not, and its simply the first assumption, then there's nothing to worry about. take a close look, sometimes you can see the individual scales.

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it doesn't look slimey .. it just looks like a dry patch... at least I hope it isn't slimey.. the thing is, I see 1 or 2 patches on it's fins too.. ONE SIDE only .. the other side seems completely unaffected. :( I can't tell whether the patches are moving with the waves. it just looks THERE Lor.. HAHAH how to SAY?!

Anyway, I will try to get a decent picture of it.. guess I have to charge up Ketchup's NIkon D90 since all my small digital cams are not with me!

Thank you lemon for your valuable input. I appreciate that you have slightly settled my anxiety.. although i'm still worried. I PRAY HARD it's not brookynella or some other bacteria infestation.... dear lord , PLEASE no!



Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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it doesn't look slimey .. it just looks like a dry patch... at least I hope it isn't slimey.. the thing is, I see 1 or 2 patches on it's fins too.. ONE SIDE only .. the other side seems completely unaffected. :( I can't tell whether the patches are moving with the waves. it just looks THERE Lor.. HAHAH how to SAY?!

Anyway, I will try to get a decent picture of it.. guess I have to charge up Ketchup's NIkon D90 since all my small digital cams are not with me!

Thank you lemon for your valuable input. I appreciate that you have slightly settled my anxiety.. although i'm still worried. I PRAY HARD it's not brookynella or some other bacteria infestation.... dear lord , PLEASE no!



on the fins too? ok then likely those are not the frayed scales. however, i do have another theory for this too. it could be very very mild lymphocystis. usually, lymphocystis manifest itself as opaque cloudiness or white growths on fins. the milder ones are usually translucent, or opaque smears, like yours. the more serious ones portray themselves as white growths. interesting to note that the milder ones are smears that gradually blend with the fins and dissapear, whilst the more serious ones are like growths put there on the fins, with no blur margins. its like its put there, rather than grown there. don't know if you quite understand what i'm trying to say. but here's the good thing.

if it is indeed lymphocystis, you have nothing to worry about. this is a viral infection, not a bacterial one, and it is 99% harmless. it will go away by itself in a few days with better water quality and good food.

my guess is mild lymphocystis and some frayed scales on the body. but i'm taking a stab in the dark here since i have no photos. a good photo like i said, will settle all doubts. good photo i mean crisp and clear haha. so we can clearly identify.

i hope that settles your nerves, but it may be brook also. because brook sometimes look like patches and cloudiness on the fish. it could be slime patches.

good thing is, if it is indeed brook, (touch wood), with swift quick actions, curing it is easier than most dangerous ones like velvet. if its velvet, then good game. all will die in few days and you have to let your tank fallow. usually when you see symptoms for velvet, its too late and saving your fishes will require plenty of effort. good thing it isnt! because if it is, all will be dead by now.

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I saw pics of the cauliflower like growths.. so no.. it wasn't "put there". LOL It's like Smeared.. flat on the body and fins.. like taking some white liquid and smearing it on a piece of paper until it's translucent... LOL anyway, I will try my best to get a clear pic of the fish ... Hopefully it swims on the correct side so that I can snap at it otherwise I GG... :(

been feeding garlic guard, and last night threw in some Dr Basseler's forte pellets too... ARUGH!!!!

Desi :cry2:

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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I saw pics of the cauliflower like growths.. so no.. it wasn't "put there". LOL It's like Smeared.. flat on the body and fins.. like taking some white liquid and smearing it on a piece of paper until it's translucent... LOL anyway, I will try my best to get a clear pic of the fish ... Hopefully it swims on the correct side so that I can snap at it otherwise I GG... :(

been feeding garlic guard, and last night threw in some Dr Basseler's forte pellets too... ARUGH!!!!

Desi :cry2:

then don't worry, its not likely anything to worry about. the smears on the fins should clear up soon. as for the patchy, i still believe its scales. so dont worry :D

if its brook or velvet or any other life threatening disease, your fish won't be so lively trust me.

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Hey hey.. today I struggled with ketchup's heavy nikon D90 and managed to get the following shots of my laboutie... SO ... WHAT do you think? anything I should be concerned with? Btw, I do know of the torn tail.. it's recovering already.... and I have a feeling I know which fish is the culprit..

The side which is ok to me


The side which I noticed yesterday was the "smears" but it seems to be allot less today.. perhaps you are right lemon.. :P Do you see the white bits?


THe suspected culprit of the fin attack!

post-12571-1268141216_thumb.jpg <_<



Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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Also, I notice that my black osci is tentatively checking out the bubble.. hee hee... :)

post-12571-1268141372_thumb.jpg post-12571-1268141365_thumb.jpg

Here's a pic of my cauliflower...growing well surprisingly although I read it's difficult to keep but them again.. I may never know...


this anthias is turning full male.. :)




Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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My rics have opened up slightly better than before so here's some pics too.. hopefully better taken.. :P

Hand not steady.. :P





Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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nothing to worry about. just some torn scales. which is extremely mild as compared to my aggressive wrasse tank :)

nice laboutei, but can see some of the colours starting to fade off a little. get more wrasses to preserve the colour better :D

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wow....so many things to eat...haha...your fishes very good life....all looks well fed...pui pui...

does the gel disintegrate easily?....

erm.. not really but it tends to break up to chunks when the tangs cheong at it.. so.. hhmm i'm trying to think of what holder to use.. this weekend I will try a heavy bowl and see whether the fish will bother going to it in the sand. :P then again where there is food, there the fish will be. :) will update you guys on the progress of this on going experiment with new food! :)


Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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nothing to worry about. just some torn scales. which is extremely mild as compared to my aggressive wrasse tank :)

nice laboutei, but can see some of the colours starting to fade off a little. get more wrasses to preserve the colour better :D

GET MORE WRASSES? lol hahahaahahh... oh dear... I wanted a linetus wrasse from Reborn's Aussie shipment but they informed me that this round won't have, :( .. I guess i'd look out for another Flame wrasse since my last one was a complete failure.. haiz... I wonder whether Ah Beng's one still there.. but I hesistate to put in since my rhomboid has only been in about 2 weeks.. :P or should I just cheongz.. HHMM!!!! I got car this weekend so I can go LFS hunting... hee hee hee...

thanks Lemon for the assurance, I feel much better. :P Have a good trip to India.. have fun, I think you will have over dose of masala. :P


Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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GET MORE WRASSES? lol hahahaahahh... oh dear... I wanted a linetus wrasse from Reborn's Aussie shipment but they informed me that this round won't have, :( .. I guess i'd look out for another Flame wrasse since my last one was a complete failure.. haiz... I wonder whether Ah Beng's one still there.. but I hesistate to put in since my rhomboid has only been in about 2 weeks.. :P or should I just cheongz.. HHMM!!!! I got car this weekend so I can go LFS hunting... hee hee hee...

thanks Lemon for the assurance, I feel much better. :P Have a good trip to India.. have fun, I think you will have over dose of masala. :P


no problem. i used to get worried over everything. nowadays i hardly bother. too much stress liao :(

thanks for the heads up. just got my shot for H1N1 vaccine today, next week is tetanus and typhoid. plus the weekly eating of malaria pills. urgh.

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AHHAA Lemon, don't worry if I can survive my foray to Pakistan for work.. you can survive india. :)

It wasn't that bad and surprisingly unlike some of my colleagues, I actually liked the food... funny thing is on the way back in the airplane, my colleague and I craved for noodles and soup, so we asked for cuppa noodles.. and then whilst we were eating it.... we turned around and realised that the entire business class section had also ASKED for cuppa noodles!!! HAHAHAHAHA ... :upsidedown:

Have fun and thanks for the advice as always. :)




Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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piangz... go india need so many jabs meh.... i think Singaporean too kiasi liao! LOL.. but hor kiasi also no use i think... go India sure got diarrhea 1! :)

Sure or not??? I go India last time also never kenna... :whistle

My Setup:

3x2x2 tank with IOS

Equipment List:

Chiller: Artica 1/5HP

Chiller Pump: Sicce 4000

Return Pump: OR3500

Skimmer: Deltec APF600

Wavemaker: Tunze Wavebox/2x Hydor K2/SCWD wavemaker

Lights: DElighting 2x150W MH + 2x 39W T5 Atinic

FR: Skimz

FR Pump: Atman AT-104

Tubby ATO, Kalkweisser Reactor with magnetic stirrer.

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Sure or not??? I go India last time also never kenna... :whistle

Instead, you came back to sg with an incurable case of verbal diarrhea D:


My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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Instead, you came back to sg with an incurable case of verbal diarrhea D:


wahahahahahaha Good one Bino ..... still laughing...... hahahaha

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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Believe it or not, that was a very carefully crafted line. The easiest reply was "No wonder you are so full of s....", but that was a bit mean. This one, the suan factor is at a sweet 70% :P

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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ROFL!!! I LIKEY!!!!! bino.. you are a man of few .. but significant words... that's what's important... :)

the hoegarden beer is getting to me... hic!


Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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Sure or not??? I go India last time also never kenna... :whistle

actually I remember in my ex company one of the expat managers absolutely refused to go to india because EVERY single time he went despite all the precautions he take like drinking bottled water.. and EVEN brushing teeth with bottled WATER!, he kena diarrhea so he always ask his ka gia to go.... maybe your tum tum stronger la... ;)



Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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