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Desi & Ketchup 4x2.5x2 tank


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Hi jane, is the golden in a beta box or in the main tank already? For these kind of super difficult to feed fish, I think it is better to release it into the main tank and let them peck around, at least they will find their own food and not so stress, after sometime they will see what the rest of the fishes is doing and follow also. This is what I do to my regal and pottery angel, the regal start feeding on pellet after 6mth, the recently bought pottery is not feeding but it is pecking around and getting fatter also, I think in a matter of time it will feed to feed also. Hopefully. :evil:

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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hey mengyang,

yeah we have released it last night after spending only a couple of hours in the beta as we notice it was pecking at the beta box but not at ANY Of the food we throw in... :( and after checking around, I think it's better to release than to beta it. sigh...at first it was following the Powder blue around like a puppy... LOL machiam like Orientation... then after that it totally disappeared within the rockwork of my 3 footer. LOL Don't know where it is!!! How can such a big angel ( compared to my other tiny dwarf angels).. disappear completely! LOL


Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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hey mengyang,

yeah we have released it last night after spending only a couple of hours in the beta as we notice it was pecking at the beta box but not at ANY Of the food we throw in... :( and after checking around, I think it's better to release than to beta it. sigh...at first it was following the Powder blue around like a puppy... LOL machiam like Orientation... then after that it totally disappeared within the rockwork of my 3 footer. LOL Don't know where it is!!! How can such a big angel ( compared to my other tiny dwarf angels).. disappear completely! LOL


Hi Sis,

Your Golden Angel from CF?

Mind PM me the price and size?



Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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hey mengyang,

yeah we have released it last night after spending only a couple of hours in the beta as we notice it was pecking at the beta box but not at ANY Of the food we throw in... :( and after checking around, I think it's better to release than to beta it. sigh...at first it was following the Powder blue around like a puppy... LOL machiam like Orientation... then after that it totally disappeared within the rockwork of my 3 footer. LOL Don't know where it is!!! How can such a big angel ( compared to my other tiny dwarf angels).. disappear completely! LOL


Dun worry, most likely it is hidding in a safe place from all the big fishes, give it sometime and it will come out after a while. =)

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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ahhaah it's the biggest fish in the 3 footer!!! which is all dwarf angels and 1 simillar size PBT , 1 cleaner wrasse, 1 perc, 2 yellow wrasse and 1 leopard wrasse .. the golden angel is supposed to be 2nd in line after the PBT

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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Got a PBT and a Golden Angel today for the 3 footer. ;)

Not a very good pic of the golden angel but he disappeared once I release from the beta box lol

Got a cleaner shrimp too... didn't clean but after a very very persistent butterfly it started!!!!

Wow Golden Angel! Very Nice. What's the damage?

300G Main Display - 7 x 3 x 3, 60G Sump

4 x Tunze 6105 + 7095 controller, 2 x Eden 5000 l/hr main return

1HP Reefcool Compressor

4 x Reeflux 250W 12K MH with dimmable ballast + ATI T5 blue actinic

Super Reef Octopus 5000 skimmer, Skimz PO4 Reactor, 36W UV sterilizer

Bubble Magus 7 Channel Dosing Pump

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Golden angel comes out already? :cheers:

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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It's swimming around but so far no sign of eating... keeping fingers and toes crossed :(

We transferred 2 pieces of liverock over with a little sponge on it to see if it will nip... we shall see today.

Good good, as long as it is out swimming, it should be fine. All the best. :groupwavereversed:

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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I placed all my clams in the sump because I realise that my sand has worms and all the clams I put in the main tank always end up dying... so I decided to shift them all to the sump and be part of my natural biological filtration. :)

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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Good good, as long as it is out swimming, it should be fine. All the best. :groupwavereversed:

MY, GA and PBT both :rip: liao...

GA prob from not eating.. PBT not sure as suddenly got ich and white patchy spots on body, so maybe is parasites.. It was eating greedily and swimming and very active then suddenly die. :(

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MY, GA and PBT both :rip: liao...

GA prob from not eating.. PBT not sure as suddenly got ich and white patchy spots on body, so maybe is parasites.. It was eating greedily and swimming and very active then suddenly die. :(

I just got myself a GA yest. Keeping my fingers crossed to keep it alive!

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  • 6 months later...
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it's been 7 months or so since I posted anything so here's a quick picture update of the 4 footer tank.

The 3 footer with dwarf angels is doing ok.

We Have suffered some losses as due to some major commitment the tank system has been sadly neglected but all the old Lao jiow fish which have been with us since 1 jan 2010 are still around!

The clams are in the sump powered by my Par38 Led. I love clams. :)




Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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wait until the newbie 99.99% survival rate then I post la... otherwise sad if anything should happen. :P Ironically because I haven't been maintaining the tank is vigilantly as I did before ( weekly WC has turned to 3 weekly WC!) some nice zoos has uplorried but strangely my SPS is still alive.

Lost all my 6 Bartlet Anthias over the course of the past 7-8 months. Flame wrasse ( suddenly went down dunno why), Blue Mandarin ( with me for a year plus) disappeared last week or so, golden rhomboid ( jumped out).

So now my livestock in my 4 footer is as follows :-

1. Blue Tang

2. Yellow Tang

3. 2 Black Clown fish

4. 1 moster of a Green WRasse

5. 1 Lineteus wrasse turning alpha

6. 1 Flame Hawk

7. 1 Midas Blenny

8. 1 Powder Brown Tang ( in beta right now to let the newbie get established)

9. 1 Algae blenny

10. THe newbie tang .. :P

11. 2 Cleaner shrimp

12. 1 six line wrasse

13. 1 sallylight foot crab

14. A few surviving NArsarious snails and 2-3 starfish

In the 3 footer ( dwarf angel tank) :-

1. 1 lemonpeel angel

2. 1 fisherie angel

3. 2 Flame Angels

4. 1 Brazillian Flame Back

5. 1 Neon goby

6. 1 Algae blenny

7. 1 true perc

8. 2 Picasso clowns ( 1 suddenly disappeared yesterday so I'm hoping it's hiding as I can't find any dead body ANYWHERE!)

9. 1 Coral beauty Angel

10. 1 cleaner wrasse

11. 1 yellow wrasse

12. 1 sallylight foot crab

13. 2 Starfish

14. 1 leopard wrasse

My 3 footer seems to have more in it but the fish in there are pretty small, fish in my 4 footer is allot bigger than the fishys in the 3 footer. :) Both tanks are sharing the same sump. :)

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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Thanks for sharing...it's been a looooong while. Hope all is well! ;)

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