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Fish meat..??

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  • SRC Member

when ammonia and nitrite is zero.. :)

The world is such a wicked place,war btween the human race. People work to earn their bread,while across the sea they're counting dead

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  • SRC Member

for cycling tank can i just put, 1 powerhead, sand, and prawn, later after 1 week than add filter and 2nd weed add skimmer. can anot ???


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and why not?

cured liverocks basically mean that there isn't any organisms like worms and snails and crabs. without rocks, how on earth are you going to start yout bacteria colony responsible for the nitrogen cycle break down?

if thats the case, lots of people who buy Fiji rocks from Coralfarm have screwed their cycling process up. (=

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I hope you read its disclaimer.

there are MANY WAYS to cycle a tank.

the reason why he said not to use cured liverocks is because there are too few dieoffs within that tank to kick start the nitrogen cycle. thats why even with cured liverocks, a dead market prawn is a must. the decomposing action of the prawn actually provides the ammonia needed to kick start the cycle.

like I said, if that is the case, a lot of people like Benz and roidan would have screwed their systems up with the Fiji CURED liverocks from Coralfarm.

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everything up and running with water at 1.021.

rocks in, market prawn in, and et voila. cycling begin.

mind you one batch of my rocks has been curing at Marine Life for over two weeks already. the advantage of semi-cured/cured rocks is that the bacteria colony has more or less been built up. therefore the cycling time is normally reduced quite substentially. mine's still no way near completion yet, although my ammonia reading is perversely low, and so is my nitrite. my nitrate on the other hand, is at 100ppm. ouch.

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  • SRC Member
everything up and running with water at 1.021.

rocks in, market prawn in, and et voila. cycling begin.

mind you one batch of my rocks has been curing at Marine Life for over two weeks already. the advantage of semi-cured/cured rocks is that the bacteria colony has more or less been built up. therefore the cycling time is normally reduced quite substentially. mine's still no way near completion yet, although my ammonia reading is perversely low, and so is my nitrite. my nitrate on the other hand, is at 100ppm. ouch.

do u on your power heads , skimmer, filter ??


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yes. my rocks are semi-cured. there are still living things inside that rock. the amount of waste they produce, plus the fact that my sand is not washed, was one of the reasons why I turned my skimmer on. you should see how dark and smelly my skimmate was during the first week..

powerheads must be turned on during cycling to give the water turbulence. if not, you can say hello to the familiar smell of hydrogen sulfide.

filter. I'm using a sump. I can't on it or off it coz the sump is the filter itself. I did use wool to trap detritus, and carbon and phosguard to polish the water up and remove phosphates.

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