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  • SRC Member

can any xperences bro out there can give some advise on taking care of de lion fish.

wat de danger on them and caution way to handle them.

r they coral safe?

wat their behaviour?

can they sting fish and us when we put hand in de tank?

is de sting lethal? :thanks:

cos i just bought 1. b4 i let go in main tank still in betta box.... :D

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can any xperences bro out there can give some advise on taking care of de lion fish.

wat de danger on them and caution way to handle them.

r they coral safe?

wat their behaviour?

can they sting fish and us when we put hand in de tank?

is de sting lethal? :thanks:

cos i just bought 1. b4 i let go in main tank still in betta box.... :D

Try not to put your hands too close to it, even though it is not an aggressive fish it's better to be careful. They are coral safe, but they're not safe around anything that can fit into its mouth such as small fishes and invertebrates. They generally do not sting things on purpose, the spines are for defense only. The sting is not lethal unless you are allergic to the venom. If you are stung, submerge your hand in water as hot as you can stand, this will help break down the venom. Hope to help :)

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  • Senior Reefer

good advice on the hot water bro shengyuan. the hot water will help to denature the protein based poisons, hopefully making it less painful. when handling, try not to use any nets to avoid their spines getting caught in them and damaging. use a palstic seive net if possible. and take care!

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  • SRC Member
Here's a good read on lionfishes.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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  • SRC Member
I think have to provide a bit more details.. very vague people won't be able to see the big picture and have good advice

ok. i bought from fish shop dan i seem to forget to use de water from my tank and water from shop.

i just directly pour to my main tank wit betta box in it. :paiseh:

mayb i worry it i mine got sting. my 1st time encounter with lionfish. :(

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ok. i bought from fish shop dan i seem to forget to use de water from my tank and water from shop.

i just directly pour to my main tank wit betta box in it. :paiseh:

mayb i worry it i mine got sting. my 1st time encounter with lionfish. :(

For fish it's usually okay to just pour straight into the tank.. Did you check the body after that for anything out of the ordinary?

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Did you do any testing on your water parameter ? Lion fish is quite a hardy fish, i suspect maybe is a N02 spike that causes it's death ?.. Better to cycle your tank again or longer before adding new fish again.

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try from other source..

sometimes its the fish not u.

also,please do not pour the lfs water to your tank as they may carry diseases or even copper.

even those with coral tank from lfs are not advised to pour in too.

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Reef Reefing Reefed

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  • SRC Member
mouth just open big and those fin open quite wide. body up size down. :(

hope it help de reason to his death. :thanks:

think I saw the one at AM before u bought it before u bought it the condition was not ery good already pretty restless

also I believe it is not feeding thus this happened.

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yes bro. bugattilambo.

u r rite i am de one bought it.it oredi restless at one corner but i ask de staff they say is alright no problem lionfish r hardy they can stare for few days.

tats might de reason tats cost it death

for bro redevils and mania :thanks: for ur concern i will take note.

got chance i might try to get 1 again.

they r beautiful fish. ;)

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  • SRC Member
yes bro. bugattilambo.

u r rite i am de one bought it.it oredi restless at one corner but i ask de staff they say is alright no problem lionfish r hardy they can stare for few days.

tats might de reason tats cost it death

for bro redevils and mania :thanks: for ur concern i will take note.

got chance i might try to get 1 again.

they r beautiful fish. ;)

ya this kind must really check best to test feed cause some lfs would tel u that it feds and stuff but in the end nah...

hahhaa :upsidedown:

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