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Craftsman's 150 gallon/567 litre Tank (4ftx2ftx2.5ft)


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more 2 cents.

1) tank Level?

Usually for balconies, the floor is slanted.

From pics, if seems your tank is slightly leaning towards the right.

Or maybe I am wrong? Did they level your tank?

2) DI water or Tap water?

Just wondering did you fill water directly from the tap?

3) just a hint, you will be cleaning your glass very often with your magnetic cleaner.

So make sure you get those float type and scape your rocks / corals with a good margin away from the glass.

4) Going to get monitors or controllers? .... PH / ORP at least?

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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more 2 cents.

1) tank Level?

Usually for balconies, the floor is slanted.

From pics, if seems your tank is slightly leaning towards the right.

Or maybe I am wrong? Did they level your tank?

2) DI water or Tap water?

Just wondering did you fill water directly from the tap?

3) just a hint, you will be cleaning your glass very often with your magnetic cleaner.

So make sure you get those float type and scape your rocks / corals with a good margin away from the glass.

4) Going to get monitors or controllers? .... PH / ORP at least?

Thanks Jacky....

1. Yes, you're right. floor is slightly slanted. But not to the right. :rolleyes: its to the left. but its very very slight, just a couple of mm. So, its not a problem.

2. Using Tap water. Phosphate and Nitrate are zero. Right now, I am not convince that i should get a RO/DI unit. Unless... :upsidedown: ha ha then this would be the next new toy. ha ha ha ha

3. I have a hammerhead magnet cleaner. Damn thing costs a bomb and floats like a boat!

4. Just have a PH probe for now.

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bro I hope the tank movers helped you level your tank. Just a few mm is enough to add additional stress to the joints and cause cracking and leakage. By right, the guys should have done some testing to ensure the tank is level.

Of course the styrofoam underneath helps but it would be ideal if they get your tank levelled. 4ft tank is super heavy!

Remember to add water treatment addictives to your water like Seachem's Prime to get rid of the chloramines and chlorides.

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Thanks Jacky....

1. Yes, you're right. floor is slightly slanted. But not to the right. :rolleyes: its to the left. but its very very slight, just a couple of mm. So, its not a problem.

2. Using Tap water. Phosphate and Nitrate are zero. Right now, I am not convince that i should get a RO/DI unit. Unless... :upsidedown: ha ha then this would be the next new toy. ha ha ha ha

3. I have a hammerhead magnet cleaner. Damn thing costs a bomb and floats like a boat!

4. Just have a PH probe for now.

1. Don't think you can do anything about the levelling now ... hehe

2. You have all the nice gadgets. why save on the DI? Strongly suggest you get a RO/ DI. Water source is important imo.

In the meantime, you can add water conditioner as Comy suggested. Having said the above, I am sure you can keep a successful tank with tap water having taken all the right precautionary measures.

3. Cool. you will be using it very very often like once a day :)

4. So look into DI, and controllers/ monitors. They will be useful. Just my suggestion.

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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Wah!! :paiseh: what breed? ha ha ha ha..... dun like that leh... I'm just trying to get a good basic set of equipment for the live stock that I would be introducing. ;)

Soon the ACS will come... :)

A Little Stress-Relieving Fish Tank

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Soon the ACS will come... :)

come .... come ...... COME ......... Wahahahahaha.......


Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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Eh... what is ACS? Anglo Chinese School? :rolleyes:

Soon you will have the Anglo Chinese School Computer System hooked up.... :)

Lets see................................... in 2 weeks time? Haha

A Little Stress-Relieving Fish Tank

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Algae problem for outdoor tank, not as scary as Jacky suggested lah. All my tanks are outdoor and they get direct afternoon sun. With FR and rowa, I clean glass every other day. When u NEED to clean everyday, then it's time to change FR media. :D

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Thanks Jacky....

1. Yes, you're right. floor is slightly slanted. But not to the right. :rolleyes: its to the left. but its very very slight, just a couple of mm. So, its not a problem.

2. Using Tap water. Phosphate and Nitrate are zero. Right now, I am not convince that i should get a RO/DI unit. Unless... :upsidedown: ha ha then this would be the next new toy. ha ha ha ha

3. I have a hammerhead magnet cleaner. Damn thing costs a bomb and floats like a boat!

4. Just have a PH probe for now.

just get the sea water so much cheaper then rather get the DI kit

Humble tank :

Size: 4x2.5x2 ft - Display 

Equipment :

Return 1 : Ecotech marine L1

Return 2 : Ecotech marine M1

CR : Skimz CM122 - Caribsea extra course media with Grotech magnesium

Light : ATI 8x54W



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Algae problem for outdoor tank, not as scary as Jacky suggested lah. All my tanks are outdoor and they get direct afternoon sun. With FR and rowa, I clean glass every other day. When u NEED to clean everyday, then it's time to change FR media. :D

Thanks Ming for the advice and reassurance! :upsidedown:

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Chiller is finally in today. Because of space, the only choice I have for the chiller is to host it on an "L" bracket above the tank. Steve helped me put this together. Thanks Steve!


Heres a closer look...


ATo is also finally done.... :upsidedown:


Refugium is running! Just a small area, but its better than nothing!


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Question for all the masters here... :rolleyes:

I've started curing my rocks and cycling since the 28th of Oct. Since then, theres been an ammonia spike, then a Nitrite, and Nitrate.

On Nov 15th, 18 days after 28th Oct, I moved the rocks to the tank with 90% new water. Since then, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate has continued to drop.

I've added some cleaning crew already since Nov 15th. 5 Turbo snails, 5 brittle stars, and tonight I added 6 cleaner shrimps.

I dosed bacteria on the 15th of Nov, and will dose again this Sunday.

So... can I consider my tank cycled even though I'm still continuing to allow the water to fully stabilize?


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Question for all the masters here... :rolleyes:

I've started curing my rocks and cycling since the 28th of Oct. Since then, theres been an ammonia spike, then a Nitrite, and Nitrate.

On Nov 15th, 18 days after 28th Oct, I moved the rocks to the tank with 90% new water. Since then, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate has continued to drop.

I've added some cleaning crew already since Nov 15th. 5 Turbo snails, 5 brittle stars, and tonight I added 6 cleaner shrimps.

I dosed bacteria on the 15th of Nov, and will dose again this Sunday.

So... can I consider my tank cycled even though I'm still continuing to allow the water to fully stabilize?


Yes you can. Tank is considered cycled once you have got the ammonia and nitrite spike and then both ammonia and nitrite reduces to 0.

My Setup:

3x2x2 tank with IOS

Equipment List:

Chiller: Artica 1/5HP

Chiller Pump: Sicce 4000

Return Pump: OR3500

Skimmer: Deltec APF600

Wavemaker: Tunze Wavebox/2x Hydor K2/SCWD wavemaker

Lights: DElighting 2x150W MH + 2x 39W T5 Atinic

FR: Skimz

FR Pump: Atman AT-104

Tubby ATO, Kalkweisser Reactor with magnetic stirrer.

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Stock up slowly to let ure system cope with the additional bioload and dose bac.

Just wondering, your chiller unit no need space behind for ventilation?

Lastly are u using dsb for ure refugium? If so best to keep 6-7" sand. Your sand level looks neither here nor there, not deep enough for dsb and too deep will trap nitrates

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Stock up slowly to let ure system cope with the additional bioload and dose bac.

Just wondering, your chiller unit no need space behind for ventilation?

Lastly are u using dsb for ure refugium? If so best to keep 6-7" sand. Your sand level looks neither here nor there, not deep enough for dsb and too deep will trap nitrates

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Stock up slowly to let ure system cope with the additional bioload and dose bac.

Just wondering, your chiller unit no need space behind for ventilation?

Lastly are u using dsb for ure refugium? If so best to keep 6-7" sand. Your sand level looks neither here nor there, not deep enough for dsb and too deep will trap nitrates

My balcony is actually quite breezy. can't see it from the photo, but theres quite abit of space for ventilation. :)

Not DSB. Noted on your comment. Will remove extra sand ..... Thanks... :thanks:

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Chiller is finally in today. Because of space, the only choice I have for the chiller is to host it on an "L" bracket above the tank. Steve helped me put this together. Thanks Steve!


Heres a closer look...


what pump are you running to pump the water up ?

Humble tank :

Size: 4x2.5x2 ft - Display 

Equipment :

Return 1 : Ecotech marine L1

Return 2 : Ecotech marine M1

CR : Skimz CM122 - Caribsea extra course media with Grotech magnesium

Light : ATI 8x54W



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what pump are you running to pump the water up ?

can see its using Aquabee, model of 5000lph or above.

btw Cradtsman, welcome to this hobby. nice tank thread updating.

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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