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Hi SPS collectors, have the following SPS frags for sale !

Pink Birdnest SPS ( Pink body with lumi green polyp )


Blue Digitata ( Blue body and blue polyp )


Torquoise green Birdnest


Radioactive birdnest


Each frag is around 2 to 3 inches. $15 per frag. Radioactive $20 per frag

Note : Picture taken are the mother colony under 400Watt Reeflux 12K with actinic.

Only 5-6 pieces of frags available ( Radioactive only 2 pieces ) for each of above, FCFS basis. PM me if interested B)

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Pink Birdnest SPS ( Pink body with lumi green polyp )

Blue Digitata ( Blue body and blue polyp )

Torquoise green Birdnest

interested in one of these

Humble tank :

Size: 4x2.5x2 ft - Display 

Equipment :

Return 1 : Ecotech marine L1

Return 2 : Ecotech marine M1

CR : Skimz CM122 - Caribsea extra course media with Grotech magnesium

Light : ATI 8x54W



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Hi can I check if the pink birdnest and blue digitata are of

the acropora species. I have a longnose filefish which feed

on acropora corals n want to ensure these r not food for him

Hi Bro, yes both are of the SPS acropora species.

Your longnose filefish are a beauty but unfortunately has been known to nip at sps polyps. I am not sure how long you have this lovely fish, if you have kept them long and have already got used to feeding dried food, may be worth a try. But if it's a newly bought one, then I am not recommending that you take the risk :rolleyes:

Cheers !

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Hi Bro, yes both are of the SPS acropora species.

Your longnose filefish are a beauty but unfortunately has been known to nip at sps polyps. I am not sure how long you have this lovely fish, if you have kept them long and have already got used to feeding dried food, may be worth a try. But if it's a newly bought one, then I am not recommending that you take the risk :rolleyes:

Cheers !

Dear all, thanks for the overhelming response :upsidedown:

All frags reserved pending collection. Will update if there are backers.

Thread close :thanks:

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