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Clowns not hosting, advice needed please.

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hi there, i'd just bought 3 small clowns (about 1 inch big) and have introduced them to my tank with a green bubble tip and an Indo yellow anemone, but it's already been 3 days and the clowns keep swimming back and forth around the tank and don't seem to be hosting in the anemones. Did i do something wrong? the clowns dont seem to want to feed to after i put a bit of brine in the tank.

Experts please advise? My tank's water cond is all clean and 0 for all basic tests. Thank you.

Custom 2ft cube tank with 10mm glass.

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yup precisely, in my previous tank, the minute i let the clowns out of the bag, they swam directly to the anemone, but this time it's different, it's like as if they dont notice the anemones at all? bro ahsiang, what do you feed your clowns with? thanks.

Custom 2ft cube tank with 10mm glass.

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  • SRC Member
yup precisely, in my previous tank, the minute i let the clowns out of the bag, they swam directly to the anemone, but this time it's different, it's like as if they dont notice the anemones at all? bro ahsiang, what do you feed your clowns with? thanks.

i used to feed them with flakes and some meaty stuffs.

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i have the same problem. mine already a week passed, and neither of my clowns have cuddled with my BTA. they try to come close, but that's it. now funny thing i saw yesterday, is my domino started to cuddle up with the BTA, like a cat rubbing against your leg ! so now the more that my clowns stay away !

25 Gal Micro Ocean

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oh yeah forgot to mention, i posted a similar thing couple of weeks back. i was told it might be part of adjustment, better if you can train them in a betta box. eventually after about 5 days, my clowns started feeding after i "isolated" them, since the other fishes were feeding fast. now they eat off pellets, flakes, brine ... anything i guess.

25 Gal Micro Ocean

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hi poomoon, by train u mean train them to feed on brine in a betta box or train them to host with the anemone? hehe OR BOTH? thanks.

hi, train i mean in feeding. for the hosting, advise was to try to do it in "darkness" when you switch off the lights, the clown is a little stunned or something, then with your hand try to guide the clown to the anemone, but may have to do this few times (haven't tried yet). my clown was "almost" hosting already, until my domino suddenly began to skim my BTA, and since then like i said, like a cat purring against your leg. though my domino doesn't seem to be aggressive to scare away my clowns to protect his BTA, my clowns also stay away already.

25 Gal Micro Ocean

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Not all clowns will host any anemone.

Easiest anemone would be carpet.

Clown fish host anemones

bro rockyboy, are there a lot of other fishes which hosts anemones ? just didn't expect my domino to do so, only after i saw it happened, and i read more about it, then yeah found that it's normal. :thanks:

25 Gal Micro Ocean

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bro rockyboy, are there a lot of other fishes which hosts anemones ? just didn't expect my domino to do so, only after i saw it happened, and i read more about it, then yeah found that it's normal. :thanks:

I think your clownfishes are not healthy. Noticed that clowns going to die in a few days act this way. Also, please check your other fishes in your reef-they may be scaring the clowns.

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Yahoo! Reached back home yesterday and found my 3 clowns playing around inside my GBTA, now i'll need to concentrate on trying to get them to feed on brine shrimp as currently only 1 or 2 eats it. Thanks for all advice.

Custom 2ft cube tank with 10mm glass.

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  • Senior Reefer
I think your clownfishes are not healthy. Noticed that clowns going to die in a few days act this way. Also, please check your other fishes in your reef-they may be scaring the clowns.

do u mean that clowns that dont eat are going to die? or clowns that dont host are going to die. clowns that do not host anything are perfectly healthy and normal. it is perfectly fine for clowns not to host anything. as for the feeding.... too long dun eat oso die :P:upsidedown:

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