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peacemaker's Office Nano 3


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Ah... that's the name of the treatment! I'll definitely be getting this before trying any more wrasses.

My xenia is a little strange... I'm not sure if its the existing polyps or new buds, but the middle just has short ones that pulse as normal. Its quite amusing to watch too, having short, pudgy "hands" waving and pulsing amongst the longer stalks. Its like a permanent kallang wave. Lol...

ah! really?

those smaller polyps inbetween the larger ones are called siphonozooids. Siphonozooids present inbetween large polyps are characteristic for heteroxenia sp, and distinguish them from normal xenias.

Normally, xenias develop smaller polyps at the fringe of the crown. These smaller polyps will then grow into larger ones. Heteroxenia have smaller polyps inbetween that do not grow.

what you have there is a heteroxenia.

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  • 2 months later...
  • SRC Member

I've upgraded again, so this tank has officially decommed. I'm not sure if the new tank (2 x 2 x 1 Ft shallow tank with a 1.5 x 1 x 1 Ft sump) belong to the Nano section anymore, but nevertheless, I'll update in another thread. Many thanks for viewing, and hope all of you have enjoyed this nano journey as much as I did.

Cheers! :cheers:

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  • 1 year later...
  • SRC Member

Well... the price I paid for it is already quite high for some, and I heard feedback that they were quoted even higher, so I would not recommend going back to this tank maker. It is better to get a quote elsewhere.

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