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How many fish should be kept in a tank?

How many fish should be kept in a tank?( Big or Small Fish/tank never mind, juz take e poll)  

123 members have voted

  1. 1. How many fish should be kept in a tank?( Big or Small Fish/tank never mind, juz take e poll)

    • <5
    • 6-10
    • 10-15
    • 16-17
    • 18-19
    • 20
    • 21
    • 22
    • 23
    • 23<

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This poll is too.... ah.... what's the word.... unrealistic?

I can vote for 20 great white sharks in a 1 litre tank or 5 tiny gobies in a 10000 litre tank?

Your stocking levels should be realistic and relative to the size of the fish and the tank... taking into account the habits and the housing/feeding requirements and how fast and how big the fishes can grow. Also you have to factor in the filtration system and even the amount of swimming space you give to the fishes.

I can't take part in this poll, sorry... and it would be a disservice to newbies too.

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  Achilles Tang said:
This poll is too.... ah.... what's the word.... unrealistic?

I can vote for 20 great white sharks in a 1 litre tank or 5 tiny gobies in a 10000 litre tank?

Your stocking levels should be realistic and relative to the size of the fish and the tank... taking into account the habits and the housing/feeding requirements and how fast and how big the fishes can grow. Also you have to factor in the filtration system and even the amount of swimming space you give to the fishes.

I can't take part in this poll, sorry... and it would be a disservice to newbies too.

eh hmm.. he just join...

anyway.. tik can put 20 lah.. chromis.. they are quite chio.. n

school fishes.. :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member
This poll is too.... ah.... what's the word.... unrealistic?

I can vote for 20 great white sharks in a 1 litre tank or 5 tiny gobies in a 10000 litre tank?

Your stocking levels should be realistic and relative to the size of the fish and the tank... taking into account the habits and the housing/feeding requirements and how fast and how big the fishes can grow. Also you have to factor in the filtration system and even the amount of swimming space you give to the fishes.

I can't take part in this poll, sorry... and it would be a disservice to newbies too.

i think this poll should be like a reference to fish-keeping.

and not a steady and ultimate type.

the outcome still ultimately depends on the fish keeper.

i think that achilles_tang has his point but maybe he should broaden his thoughts a bit(if he can :eyebrow: ) and think of the poll as a fun poll and not a serious one.

i think that the newbies will more or less have an idea on the number of fishes to keep to avoid territorial fights and etc.

sorri achilles_tang, no offence, but words to descript ur reply is ... pessimistic straight-forward thoughts.

dun get angry at me though no offence.

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  • 4 years later...

The answer is (to certain extend), how many fishes you can put in your tank depends on how much and how often you're willing to do water change :). The above also works on the assumption that you have a filter or filtration source able to fully convert the NH4 and NO2, so that your water change objective is to remove nitrate and replace whatever trace you've lost.

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It is very misleading to stock fish base on the power of your filtration. A 100000 litre tank running a sufficient volcano skimmer and you use the same skimmer for a 1000L tank and you think you can keep the same amount of fish ? I don't think so and swimming space is a very important factor. Please do not stock up fish the way LFS do (they have no intention of holding their fish for long) and seeing that that will be how the fish will be in your heavily stocked tank. Too crowded and the fish lose sense of their natural behaviour and conform to their given dimensions....stress will take them out after some time.

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  • SRC Member

Once you get past newbie stage, it's quality over quantity.

For the sake of answering the question:

This question is usually answered in inch-of-fish-per-gallon on the internet. Search the net yourself to find the varying opinions and make your own conclusion. Even this guideline as loop holes: fishes come in different shapes and configurations... (Think Eels vs angels vs bass)

Take note that there's really no hard and fast rule. The amount of fish that an aquarium can support depends on the amount of waste the aquarium can handle. Since every tank is different (in terms of equipment, water, rocks, sand, inhabitant flora and fauna, maintenance regimen, etc...), there's really no hard answer. ^_^

Sorry to add to the confusion and pardon me if you find my post useless.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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