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Preparing Tank for 10days Holiday Trip


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i was away for 4 day as well and before i leave, i make sure that the skimmer cup is clean, water level is top up ( Or topping up some spare ) , and using a auto feeder with pallets foods will also helps to feed your fish.

Best way of course is to get a friend to come over to look at your tank every two day, as you will never know what might happen..

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  • SRC Member
Hi all reefers :) Am sure many of you still head overseas for holidays despite having a marine tank!

Was wondering what are the stuffs you all take note of and prepare in preparation (etc, for a 10 days trip)


IMO best to get someone in the family to take care or buddy up with fellow reefer to take care when you away. the filter might clog or skimmer goes haywire, chiller died etc.

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  • SRC Member
Hmm ya.. I have an auto top up.. think better test it soon! Haha... and a family member to come and feed fishes.. but then I feed 2-4x a day >_< im juz worried they might not adjust to just 1 feeding a day..

its fine to let yr fishes go hungry...most impt is yr water conditions must be stable. and if u have corals, u have to switch on yr lights at least once every 2-3 days.

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  • SRC Member
Hmm ya.. I have an auto top up.. think better test it soon! Haha... and a family member to come and feed fishes.. but then I feed 2-4x a day >_< im juz worried they might not adjust to just 1 feeding a day..

If your friends have an auto feeder, then u can borrow from them for these 10 days you are away. :)

My Setup:

3x2x2 tank with IOS

Equipment List:

Chiller: Artica 1/5HP

Chiller Pump: Sicce 4000

Return Pump: OR3500

Skimmer: Deltec APF600

Wavemaker: Tunze Wavebox/2x Hydor K2/SCWD wavemaker

Lights: DElighting 2x150W MH + 2x 39W T5 Atinic

FR: Skimz

FR Pump: Atman AT-104

Tubby ATO, Kalkweisser Reactor with magnetic stirrer.

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  • SRC Member

If asking family members or neighbours to take care make sure to give specific and detailed instructions. Especially if they are not familiar with the hobby. I wouldn't want my mom to dump in half bottle of pellets because she thought my fish were too hungry.

Or better still, she thought my corals were dying when she woke up in the morning when they were all deflated and remembered that I said corals dying might not be good for water quality and almost decided to throw them away. *faintz*

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com: funny you should sae tat.. last yr.. when i went to US for internship... when i came back it was like Xmas (only thing it was August) cos my tank was red green (algae) and white (overdose of baking soda)!

My dad put in 2 scoops of baking soda every day!!

Pellets hmm considered tat but some of the fishes prefer Henry's food haha

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  • SRC Member
com: funny you should sae tat.. last yr.. when i went to US for internship... when i came back it was like Xmas (only thing it was August) cos my tank was red green (algae) and white (overdose of baking soda)!

My dad put in 2 scoops of baking soda every day!!

Pellets hmm considered tat but some of the fishes prefer Henry's food haha

omg! yeah with parents like ours, I think tank's much safer not doing anything. Just get an auto feeder and put in just enough food for 1 feeding a day. Fish are made of better stuff and will still survive if you put them on a diet regime for 10 days. Just clean/maintain everything before you leave and make sure everything is in working order.

If you really prefer to have someone on hand, I would suggest having a reefer you trust drop by from time to time to check on the tank. I mean if chiller pump spoil or some other more technical stuff, I don't think my parents or neighbours will be able to do anything about it, in the end will call me to check, and spoil my holiday.

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  • SRC Member
I was outstation for 3 weeks.

Ask my maid to top up water and clean skimmer cup. I didn't put the filter wool so no deitrus buildup.

Best to get a friend/relative if your fishes take only frozen food.

My anthias decided to quit eating after starving for 10days. :pirate:

After another week or so, they went to meet my other fishes; RIP.

All because i give a wrong set of keys to my brother.. << Dun repeat the same mistake. TEST it before handing over.

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Diao~~~ haha thanks a lot for all the comments :) Yea... i think i getting a relative to pop up to feed, but not nice to trouble him to feed twice a day :S Only once... maybe can try dropping pellets too, can eat eat.. cannot snatch wait for mysis...

Top up will be using auto top up bah.. maybe I can mix some kalk in it juz in case...~

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  • 2 weeks later...
com: funny you should sae tat.. last yr.. when i went to US for internship... when i came back it was like Xmas (only thing it was August) cos my tank was red green (algae) and white (overdose of baking soda)!

My dad put in 2 scoops of baking soda every day!!

Pellets hmm considered tat but some of the fishes prefer Henry's food haha

bro wat baking soda use for in a reef tank

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