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Number of Attempts at keeping PBT

Number of attempts before success  

75 members have voted

  1. 1. Select number of attempts at keeping PBT before success

    • Between 1 and 3 attempts
    • Between 4 and 6 attempts
    • Between 7 and 9 attempts
    • Over 9 attempts

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  • SRC Member

^ Thank you bro. Good explanation. I'm keeping one now. bought from lck, feeding on pellets with garlic. Precautions i took to minimize from ich outbreak is to soak brineshrimps and pellets in garlic guard before feeding, i've also bought UV lights. Praying hard.

pico pico pico.

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^ Thank you bro. Good explanation. I'm keeping one now. bought from lck, feeding on pellets with garlic. Precautions i took to minimize from ich outbreak is to soak brineshrimps and pellets in garlic guard before feeding, i've also bought UV lights. Praying hard.

I think it is not difficult to keep AT or PBT etc. Difficult part is whether are we discipline enough to stop adding new fishes. From my past experience, I noticed the ich always comes when I added new fishes. Despite it is a stable fish yet ich always happens. Then it will cause a mess to my other fishes. I think it should be the last fish to add rather then the first. Just my 2 cents.

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  • SRC Member

I think it is not difficult to keep AT or PBT etc. Difficult part is whether are we discipline enough to stop adding new fishes. From my past experience, I noticed the ich always comes when I added new fishes. Despite it is a stable fish yet ich always happens. Then it will cause a mess to my other fishes. I think it should be the last fish to add rather then the first. Just my 2 cents.

yup it is to be my last addition. :)

pico pico pico.

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  • SRC Member

Agree it as the last fish...

its gonna be a terror once it establishes its territory...

New fish gonna get bullied big time...

Best Regards,



My Ocean Pets:

Emperor Angel, PowderBlue Tang, Regal Angel, Teardrop Butterfly, Singapore Angel and Nemos


(Only when you guard your lips, you guard your soul....)

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  • Senior Reefer

ich parasite is found plentifully in the wild. but chances of fish getting them is low because of the extremely vast water space. in a confined space like our tanks, the chance of getting infected is very high.

the parasites are free swimming and are found in all levels. the infective stage is not found on liverocks and sand. they are actively swimming parasites that seek out fish prey. they only drop onto the sands and rocks to encyst and this is the time where they are at the non-infective stage.

all tangs are scaleless and hence are super susceptible to ich. and all can change their colours at night.

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Mine bought from lck, the 8th day now, so far so good, no whitespots, pellets feeding.

Nice pick... I am sure you will enjoy it once acclimatised... PBT is one of my must have fish... :thumbsup:


LFS Map in singapore
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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • SRC Member

Nice pbt. Think u need to give seaweed more frequently to fattten the Tangs.... :thumbsup:

yea i wan to pump it to bui bui. im feeding quite a number of times per day with pellets and garlic soaked brineshrimps. My other fishes are fat already.

pico pico pico.

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  • 3 months later...

So far...i did try my PBT for 2 attempts. The first one gone w e wind bcoz i am still new w marine fishes.

After e 2nd attempt...i am thru w it. I did remember i sold it away to a nice reefer as it gets bigger for my tank space.

For the white spots on e fishes body, i will juz soaked it w garlic solution aka Garlic Guard.

If e fishes starts to eat, all e white spots will be gone in 2-3 days. Plus i will ADD sparulina+garlic guard to soak w e next feedings.

This is boost up their immune system.

If fishes did not eat, i will cont to change water 10% @alternate days.

Till today, all my fishes r save n guard frm e white spots.

NOTE: This cav be done on fishes that got itch too.

All e best to all my marine friends out there :))

GdDay bradders :friends:

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  • 5 months later...

So far only 6 votes. Come on reefers I know there are many PBT lovers out there. You only need one click to vote, no need to comment if you do not wish to.

This fish is brought in by the LFS almost every fortnight. Because of their affordability and stunning good looks they are snap up by buyers (both novice and experienced). Unfortunately I suspect many of them do not truely knows how to properly climatise a PBT. The result is high mortality rate. For some it also wipe out the whole tank because the ICH has spread to the rest of the inhabitants (with the exception of invertebrates and corals).

In my opinion the PBT requires a very mature tank (ideally over 1 year) with plenty of LR and algae to start with. The minimum tank size is 4 ft and above. This fish forages constantly therefore LR with plenty of algae growth is a must.

The Powder series of Tang (Powder Blue, Powder Black and Achilles) are all ICH magnet. A quarantine tank of at least 2ft in size is a must. Failure to do so is akin to playing Russian Roulette with your existing fish with you losing most of the time.

The following is my procedure when I acquire a new fish:

Prepare a quarantine tank complete with LR at 1.009 salinity (yes, I am using hypo-salinity)

Place the fish in the quarantine tank

For Tang and Angel, provide a constant supply of red bamboo

Feed with nori (most Tangs and Angels cannot resist this aglae) daily

From 2nd day onwards introduce mysis and pellet

Remove unfinished mysis and pellet after 20 mins

If the fish refuses all food, introduce life Brine Shrimp. It is very crucial that the fish begins feeding ASAP

Change 10% of the water daily (yes daily)

Do all the above for 4 weeks

At the end of the 4 weeks

Change 10% of the quarantine tank water using water from your display tank daily

When the salinity and PH of your quarantine tank is the same as your display tank you are ready to introduce the new comer to your display tank

Put the new comer into a small container and drip water from the display tank into the container.

Do the next step at night when the lights are out

When the temperature is the same as the display tank, add the new comer into the display tank

My track record using this method:

1 Fowleri Tang

1 Yellow Tang

1 Shoulder Tang

1 Blue Tang

1 Red Sea Sailfin Tang

1 Sohal Tang

1 Purple Tang

1 Powder Blue Tang

1 Hybrid Powder Blue Tang

1 Emperor Angel

1 Blue Face Angel

1 Queen Angel

1 Asfur Angel

1 French Angel

1 Six-bar Angel

1 Flame-back clown

The one that did not make it:

1 Regal Angel - Refuse to eat

1 Majestic Angel - Refuse to eat

The one that is currently under quarantine

1 Achilles Tang (into second week and feeding well)

I need to emphasise what works for me may not work for you. This is just another method among many you will find on the Internet. Quarantining reduces the chance of introducing any deadly bacteria or disease into your display tank. Most diseases will surface within 4 weeks. If your new comer should died during quarantine, at least it does not bring down the whole tank. The 4 weeks in quarantine will allow you fatten the new comer in preparation for the display tank. So far it has work well for me.

One last thing, yes I am grossly over-stock. This is a disaster waiting to happen. Do not follow my example. Fortunately I have a UPS.

Bro, It's a very good headsup to all reefers.. Many thanks to the advice :)

I have been in reefing for about 10 over years. Started with reef (keeping soft corals with fishes etc) till today fish only tank. My suggestion to all reefers would be: Regardless of tank size (minimum at 3ft) OR whether or not to proper quarantine newly bought fish(es), so as long as good quality water is maintained and upkeep as always with minimum temperature of 28C, I do not foresee difficulty in keeping different types of marine fishes and invertebrates :) Rule of thumb - A good and healthy environment will not only prolong fishes lives - (able to resist all types of illness(es), it will bring everlasting satisfaction to the marine hobby :)

Cheers :)

What Matters Is Not By Comparing Ourselves With Others

What We Can Do For Others Matters Most

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

i don't quarantine my fishes....rule-of thumb a) don't buy on impulse

b)select healthy specimen..eg, other fishes in the same tank should also be healthy

c)see that the fish is eating,and no sunken stomach.

d)shy and hiding fishes are sick fishes.

Mine is a reef tank.Some how or rather,reef tank has this antibiotic properties(go to fish farm and see where they put thier sick fishes?).

First attempt successful.2yrs ago,sold all my fishes due to tank leaked.

New tank, 4x2x2 reef tank, contain yellow tang,brown bristletooth tang,powderblue tang,wrasses,true percular,algae blenny,total 20 fishes.Recently sold

my moorish idol,cos pecking at my acans.Just my 2cents worth.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I Except experience this on my coral beauty. Suppose to be a hardy angel. Also my regal same. Stop eating for no valid reasons. Water parameter and temperature all fine. There are also those tat never eat from day 1 I put in e main tank. Like my blue line, bi color and flame angel in e past. But I've heard from a fren of hisQueens, French, greys tat were once greedy and feeding like mad suddenly stop eating and slowly rather starve to death.

My pdt once stable super hardy liow. Haha.

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I Except experience this on my coral beauty. Suppose to be a hardy angel. Also my regal same. Stop eating for no valid reasons. Water parameter and temperature all fine. There are also those tat never eat from day 1 I put in e main tank. Like my blue line, bi color and flame angel in e past. But I've heard from a fren of hisQueens, French, greys tat were once greedy and feeding like mad suddenly stop eating and slowly rather starve to death.

My pdt once stable super hardy liow. Haha.

Most of dawf angels especially flame angel have this problem. As for large angels, it is the angel from America and hawali such as queen, king, french , grey and rock beauty. In the Indonesia, regal and poma family included the blue line are more prone.

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