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Kikobananas Marine Tank


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  • SRC Member

i was at GO today at about 430pm..

everyone was so busy unpacking corals..

got myself a Green Plate,

to accompany my Orange Plate..

not sure what other colours they do have in the market.

i heard there's also Pink..

didnt stay to look at the rest..

definately way out of my budget...

GO is one colourful shop on Shipment day!


My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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did u get to see the zoas?

Was too tied up at work to go down today.

At 5;30, was thinking of making my way down but the sky was so dark, so went home instead.

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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  • SRC Member

did u get to see the zoas?

Was too tied up at work to go down today.

At 5;30, was thinking of making my way down but the sky was so dark, so went home instead.


they were still in the boxes..

only the pratas/brains were out when i left..

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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  • SRC Member

Tank currrently not in good condition,

so no updates for now..

give me one more month, i'll upload pics :upsidedown:

made my long awaited maiden trip to JM today..

very quiet there..

lady boss in the room doing her stuff,

her maid outside changing water...

IMO, prices looked reasonable to me,

didnt find anything that caught my eye..

the only thing that caught my eye was the artificial LR,

there was a nice scape of artificial LR that can potentially be filled with lots of gems if i place that into my tank..

looks good..

price around $100++

left the place empty handed...

on the way back dropped by Reborn to repenish my salt mix..

met Ketchup and Desi there!!!

how nice to be able to meet fellow reefers at LFS..

kinda sad that my tank was wiped out last month..

told myself to be more consistent on my weekly husbandry,

and i hope my tank wont crash again... :peace:

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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Tank currrently not in good condition,

so no updates for now..

give me one more month, i'll upload pics :upsidedown:

made my long awaited maiden trip to JM today..

very quiet there..

lady boss in the room doing her stuff,

her maid outside changing water...

IMO, prices looked reasonable to me,

didnt find anything that caught my eye..

the only thing that caught my eye was the artificial LR,

there was a nice scape of artificial LR that can potentially be filled with lots of gems if i place that into my tank..

looks good..

price around $100++

left the place empty handed...

on the way back dropped by Reborn to repenish my salt mix..

met Ketchup and Desi there!!!

how nice to be able to meet fellow reefers at LFS..

kinda sad that my tank was wiped out last month..

told myself to be more consistent on my weekly husbandry,

and i hope my tank wont crash again... :peace:

ehh bro, why did your tank get wiped out?

I thought everything was still fine when you were pming regarding vodka dosing :X

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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  • SRC Member

made my long awaited maiden trip to JM today..

very quiet there..

lady boss in the room doing her stuff,

her maid outside changing water...

IMO, prices looked reasonable to me,

didnt find anything that caught my eye..

the only thing that caught my eye was the artificial LR,

there was a nice scape of artificial LR that can potentially be filled with lots of gems if i place that into my tank..

looks good..

price around $100++

left the place empty handed...

kinda sad that my tank was wiped out last month..

told myself to be more consistent on my weekly husbandry,

and i hope my tank wont crash again... :peace:

Be careful of using the artificial LR. It is porous and traps a lot of water in it and the water that is trapped will not be able to circulate and may foul up in the long run. You can PM Indian Chief on this as he used the same artificial LR from JM previously.

What happened to your tank? Usually tanks will not crash for no reason.

My Setup:

3x2x2 tank with IOS

Equipment List:

Chiller: Artica 1/5HP

Chiller Pump: Sicce 4000

Return Pump: OR3500

Skimmer: Deltec APF600

Wavemaker: Tunze Wavebox/2x Hydor K2/SCWD wavemaker

Lights: DElighting 2x150W MH + 2x 39W T5 Atinic

FR: Skimz

FR Pump: Atman AT-104

Tubby ATO, Kalkweisser Reactor with magnetic stirrer.

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  • SRC Member

i didnt post this officially on my thread..

but i told some of the reefers..

my fishes were wiped out due to ich..

and of all fishes, the mandrainfish was the first one to go..

every morning i woke up with a dead fish on the sandbed...

surprisingly, the only 2 that were surviving,

and with no white spot on their body at all,

are my blue and yellow tang...

they should be the first to go right? :wacko:


during that period i haven been doing my WC..

i've been feeding quite excessively..

wanted to catch the remaining fishes out for FW dip,

but i cant do it as my rock scape makes it difficult for me to catch them out..

furthermore during that period of time,

i was facing microbubbles problem, and super strong flow problems.. (resolved already)

the added stress made my fishes weak..

it was my bad, and i truely felt guilty about it..

so i tore down my whole tank,

rescaped again..

this time if there's any fishes that i would have to net out,

it would be much easier for me to do so...


corals are doing fine..

opening as usual..

only one of my blasto not doing so well...

hopefully this restart would help me to pick up my loose pieces,

and bring everything together again...

stocking up is gonna take some time..

i've to learn how to be patient again :paiseh:

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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If you are looking at artificial rock, make sure the pieces you get does not have large holes that fishes can swim inside.

My tank fouled up becoz of that.

Fishes swam in and died inside. The water inside the rock foul up and I had to strip down the entire tank to clear that mess.

But imo, for 2 footer, better to go for live rocks.

If you are keen on the smaller pieces, I have 2.

These are ok coz they do not have large holes.

sell you cheap cheap.

Hope your tank goes well.

Mine is kindda getting screwed coz the fiji rocks that I got was really bad.

now I bet my tank parameters must be quite jialat.

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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  • SRC Member

Let me introduce to everyone,

my new addition... Leopard Wrasse!

Got it from AM's latest shipment..

reserved last week, but only brought it home today...

wanted to let my tank stable down before i bring him in..

so here are some pictures...

acclimatizing it in the bag..



finally released it after about an hour..




after half an hour,

came back to take a look...


My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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  • SRC Member

This is for you vincent...


caught it roaming in the middle of the night,

gave it a flash bang by turning on my lights..

quickly snap a picture of it..


hope he'll do a good job with my algae..

if not i'll have him for dinner next CNY :evil:

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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  • SRC Member

sole survivor of my crash...

can someone tell me if there's anything wrong with these white patches i see on him?

as far as i've seen,

never seen any white spot on him before..


My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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  • SRC Member

i couldnt see properly from you pic available.

but from ur description and my experience on them.

could be sign of HLLE. if worst, from white to red patches and lastly gone.

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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  • SRC Member

very nice your leopard wrasse..make me itchy hands already..hehe..is that a seahare? huge!

God Blessed all who appreciate His wonderful and beautiful creations.


my first reef aquarium 15jan2010

3x2x2ft EOS 10mm tank with sump//deltec sc2060 skimmer//arctica 1/10hp chiller

maxpect g2 170w led//vortech mp40w wavemaker//eheim 1262 universal pump

eheim compact+ 3000 chiller pump//caribsea ocean direct live sands 40lbs

and other misc...

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  • Senior Reefer

yes law is right. kiko, your yellow tang is suffering from head and lateral line erosion, aka HLLE.

nutritional and water condition related disease. improve water quality and feed your yellow tang alot of nori, green stuff and pellets, flakes etc that contain some form of fibre. improve it's diet and variety of food offered. not very severe yet so still got chance to salvage. do it fast otherwise the damage will be irreversible.

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i couldnt see properly from you pic available.

but from ur description and my experience on them.

could be sign of HLLE. if worst, from white to red patches and lastly gone.

yeah seems like HLLE. recall it was due to bad water conditions.

if water conditions do not improve, it might get worse and the patch will spread to a larger area.

will take quite some time to heal.

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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nice leopard wrasse :)

Those keen, better go grab it fast at AM.

Left only about 3 I think

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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  • SRC Member

wow nice leopard :upsidedown:

is it feeding? plan to get one but afraid it wouldnt eat :mellow:

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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  • SRC Member

i couldnt see properly from you pic available.

but from ur description and my experience on them.

could be sign of HLLE. if worst, from white to red patches and lastly gone.

yes law is right. kiko, your yellow tang is suffering from head and lateral line erosion, aka HLLE.

nutritional and water condition related disease. improve water quality and feed your yellow tang alot of nori, green stuff and pellets, flakes etc that contain some form of fibre. improve it's diet and variety of food offered. not very severe yet so still got chance to salvage. do it fast otherwise the damage will be irreversible.

yeah seems like HLLE. recall it was due to bad water conditions.

if water conditions do not improve, it might get worse and the patch will spread to a larger area.

will take quite some time to heal.

arghh.. so sad to hear that..

NO3 currently at around 25ppm..

PO4 at 0ppm...

guess i've to try to reduce it further..

feeding for my only fish has already been to the minimum..

gonna do a WC again tomorrow..

hopefully it falls further..

so the remedy to this is,

improve water quality,

and feed it well with nutritious food?

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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  • SRC Member

very nice your leopard wrasse..make me itchy hands already..hehe..is that a seahare? huge!

its an abalone..

got it from vincent..

didnt know it'll be so huge.. :paiseh:

but its doing fine,

so far not knocking anything over,

and doing a good job on my tank walls..

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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  • SRC Member

nice leopard wrasse :)

Those keen, better go grab it fast at AM.

Left only about 3 I think

hope they bring in Males in future..

but i doubt so right...

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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  • SRC Member

wow nice leopard :upsidedown:

is it feeding? plan to get one but afraid it wouldnt eat :mellow:

its feeding...

ah heng was showing me..

didnt get to see the rest..

was just staring hard at mine..

when my wrasse popped one pellet into his mouth,

i went "ok! i'll take it!".. haha...

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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  • SRC Member

hope they bring in Males in future..

but i doubt so right...

Males will have but hmm for leopard wrasse I think that the females

coloration like much nicer more chio :eyebrow:.

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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  • Senior Reefer

hope they bring in Males in future..

but i doubt so right...

Male splendid leopards are very rarely brought in. if brought in, usually in very few pieces and large sizes

Males will have but hmm for leopard wrasse I think that the females

coloration like much nicer more chio :eyebrow:.

for leopard wrasses, some species are not sexually dimorphic. meaning both male and females look the same. examples are choati leopards.

some like meleagris and splendid have males and females looking different. and in these 2 species, the males are very seldom brought in.

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if you buy 2 female, one of them will morph into male later......

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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  • Senior Reefer

if you buy 2 female, one of them will morph into male later......

not 100%. chances of them fighting each other halfway is higher than chances of one of them turning into a male. and it takes a long time for one of them to morph.

but you can try. it's not impossible.

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