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LFS Update and Shipments - 24 Aug to 30 Aug 09

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any updates from SL

1)sohal tang

2)purple tang

3)asfur angel

4)potteri angel

5)flame angel

6)clown tang

7)colini angel

8)rusty angel

9)blue face angel

10)fire goby

11)leopard wrasse

12)tomato clown

13)maroon clown

14)clarkii clown

15)assorted damsel

16)mandarin goby

17)pencil wrasse

18)burgess butterfly

19)akindynos clown

and many many many more fishes :eyebrow::eyebrow:

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iwarna got alot of small elegance

around 10+ maxima clams

and many fishes that im too noob to remember and ID

can only remember

long nose hawk

falco hawk

leopard wrasse got black and the normal one

assorted gobies

blue eye anthias

Hooked since March 2009

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CF has

a baby maroon clown (very cute) with an unusual marking. a round white spot on one side of its body and not on the other


giant black tang

yellow tangs

flame angels

dispar anthias

a very beautiful pair of harlequin shrimp (donated by me :D)

a yellow angelfish (not sure ID), looks like some sort of hybrid. very nice

1 rhomboid fairy wrasse

a few rosy scales

multicolour angels

watanabe angels (about 5 females)

1 male a few female bellus angel


hell lots of super sun

LPS (euphyllias, bubble, elegance)

some very nice favias. green and white.

royal grammas

queen angels


neon goby

red head goby

flame back or argi angel (same thing i think)

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CF has

a baby maroon clown (very cute) with an unusual marking. a round white spot on one side of its body and not on the other


giant black tang

yellow tangs

flame angels

dispar anthias

a very beautiful pair of harlequin shrimp (donated by me :D)

a yellow angelfish (not sure ID), looks like some sort of hybrid. very nice

1 rhomboid fairy wrasse

a few rosy scales

multicolour angels

watanabe angels (about 5 females)

1 male a few female bellus angel


hell lots of super sun

LPS (euphyllias, bubble, elegance)

some very nice favias. green and white.

royal grammas

queen angels


neon goby

red head goby

flame back or argi angel (same thing i think)

wat's the size for ;

watanabe angels (about 5 females)

1 male a few female bellus angel


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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  • SRC Member
CF has ghost pipefish?!?!.... Everytime not fated, I was just down there yesterday! Must make another trip down. :pinch:

Looked like 2 males to me.....

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  • SRC Member
I think should 300-400 bah... Asked before but cant remember theprice..

more.....Think it's an older batch, tho....didn't see any new ones

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Those who kow the price ...pls PM me :bow: .



Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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not sure about the price of ghost pipefish pair.

this is not the first time i see them there.

today's one is black,

the last time i saw a pair of white ones.

then i also saw a brown one before...

and i saw a pair of helimeda ghost pipefishes before too. pity. i wish i could keep them =(

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not sure about the price of ghost pipefish pair.

this is not the first time i see them there.

today's one is black,

the last time i saw a pair of white ones.

then i also saw a brown one before...

and i saw a pair of helimeda ghost pipefishes before too. pity. i wish i could keep them =(

I prefer red one :upsidedown: !


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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Flood a dedicated tank linked to your main system with bbs daily, innoculate with a mysid culture. Once you have a stable pop you can keep the ghost pipefish, even mandarins will not be a problem. :eyebrow:

Always something more important than fish.


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Flood a dedicated tank linked to your main system with bbs daily, innoculate with a mysid culture. Once you have a stable pop you can keep the ghost pipefish, even mandarins will not be a problem. :eyebrow:

Bro, got lobang for Mysid culture?


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tiger queen anthias

flagfin angel

blue tangs

assorted butterflies and wrasses

small cute snowflake moray eel kena bought by this lady who called it a sea snake... asking if it will eat corals. tsk tsk never research anyhow buy. one left i think

clams!! maxima and crocea (i think. bad at IDing)

lots of indo zoas. some nice pink ones left

few yumas

ahbeng and shop next door have the usual. a few yellow coral banded shrimp at ahbeng if anyone interested.

BTW, anyone spotted yellow clown goby and bicolour blenny? i want to pair my existing one... i know coral farm has the blenny but it's too far :(

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