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Whats wrong with my clowns?

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  • Senior Reefer

Hi i have a pair of normal false percs which have been with me for close to a year now. recently, one of them started showing weird signs.

i don't know which is the male and female. both are about the same size. anyway, this is what im observing

clown 1)

- started becoming territorial and aggressive towards other fishes and my hand, if they (or me) gets close to its home, that is, the xenia colony, or the huge elegance on the sand bed.

- The colour has intensified quite a bit. the orange has become very dark, almost brownish. but not to that extent yet.

Clown 2)

- This one on the other hand, has gotten really pale. the colour has faded alot. the face is a bit whitish even. it spends most of its time around the elegance, and swims under it to 'seek refuge" or something. i dunno coz its always hiding.

- when ever the 2 clowns meet, the paler one will shake and shimmy alot in response to the other clown.

all other fishes are normal and healthy. the clowns are still feeding. can anyone tell me what is happening to my paler clown? it hides so much that i seldom see it anymore.

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gd new they r in courtship...

n then gd luck to ur elegance also... hope by e time they settle down it is still alive..lolx..

give e clownfish more nutrition..as long as they r feeding it shld b ok...

they may eat less often,but overall e food supplied must b nutrition best if feed market prawn this period

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  • Senior Reefer
gd new they r in courtship...

n then gd luck to ur elegance also... hope by e time they settle down it is still alive..lolx..

give e clownfish more nutrition..as long as they r feeding it shld b ok...

they may eat less often,but overall e food supplied must b nutrition best if feed market prawn this period

the other one become very very pale coloured leh. face is almost white. this is normal??

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  • Senior Reefer
You might wanna check if it's Brooklynella. Coincidentally, I believe my clowns are suffering from it, and one of them died.

at first i thought it was brook. but i don't think so. all other fishes are ok. and the clown has been like this for more than a week now.

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  • SRC Member

Its the same with my tank... other fishes are doing well too. It started last week when the one that died turned quite pale. I didn't think much about it, just hoping it will recover on its own, but by the time the long weekend was over, it died. Now the remaining clown is very restless and breathing rapidly. I'm really clueless as to what have caused such sudden degradation of their health...

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  • Senior Reefer

will try to take a photo.

its not very very pale. just colour looks faded compared to the other clown. the face is paler and its not bright orange like it used to be. this has been going on for quite awhile. probably a week. i know the brook kills fast and kills all, so if really brook, everything should be infested by now. will try to see what happens. these clowns has been with me for almost a year le =( hope its just nothing =)

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