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Help on my leaking water return pipe joint


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How do I re-seal my leaking return water pipe joint ?

Think I accidentially knocked the pipes while changing my return pump and it's now starting to drip !! :paiseh:

Can someone teach me how to do it ( I can normally do simple DIY ) , or better still direct me to a repairman . ( SMS at 9632 6225 ) :thanks:

( I would hate to drain out the tank and restart ! )

Pics for reference attached .



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  pandagold said:
How do I re-seal my leaking return water pipe joint ?

Think I accidentially knocked the pipes while changing my return pump and it's now starting to drip !! :paiseh:

Can someone teach me how to do it ( I can normally do simple DIY ) , or better still direct me to a repairman . ( SMS at 9632 6225 ) :thanks:

( I would hate to drain out the tank and restart ! )

Pics for reference attached .

Had similiar problem before...

drain out water in the overflow compartment...

twist off the pipe joint that is leaking... both ends

scrap off the silicon on the tank... both sides

apply silicon when the tank is completely dry...

wait for silicon to cure...

... Be sure to get some external pumps for filtration when your sump is down.

Take note:

You must be sure that there is enough space for your hand to work especially in the overflow compartment... You may have to remove the non-leaking joints so that you have more space.

Suggest you get new pvc fittings...

Hope other bros have better solutions...

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Is there any other way, other than shutting down the pump etc ....

Afraid the curing of the silicon and preparation may take hrs to cure and my tank Corals may be in trouble .

I was thinking quickfix . To use the Proxy we use for our corals , but of course clearing the excess silicon and applying mixed proxy on the joints ( external of tank ) w/o removing any of the cupplings

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Hi Bro

Of cos Paul@sg recommendation will be the best choice as it starts from scratch. This will resolve once and for all. Else it may be a "time-bomb".

BTW notice your joint has a lump a silicon. Does it come with the tank or you did some DIY job there?

Alternatively, if you really do not wish to stop you sump, use the under-water silicon. AM does sell this silicon which you can use even it is wet.

Hope this help.

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thanks bros for your advice. The silicon lump we see is done by the tank supplier . :cry2:

Anyway, that said and done, can the silicon stop the leak ? since it's the there's continued evident leakage .

Who's AM ? sorry , newby in the forum .

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  pandagold said:
thanks bros for your advice. The silicon lump we see is done by the tank supplier . :cry2:

Anyway, that said and done, can the silicon stop the leak ? since it's the there's continued evident leakage .

Who's AM ? sorry , newby in the forum .

aquamarin check the sponser forum :eyebrow:

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like what has already been suggested, drain just the overflow box...

collect whatever excess water to pump back in..

stuff with kitchen towels and let it dry for a bit

Then do some crazy siliconing if dismantling is going to be too much work.

Just my newbie suggestion

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i was wondering could it be the silicone used for the joint is not suitable for saltwater or not done correctly ? Normally the joint at the overflow is pretty difficult to be dislocated by just changing return pump or knock on the pipe. Maybe can get your tank maker to look at it ?

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yesterday evening went over to AM. Lady boss was very helpful and bought the Silicon + as usually, many other items .

I've glued the silicon ( Black colour ) and hopefully it stops leaking ...... keeping my fingers crossed .

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Thanks for sharing, hope your method will work.

Just a tip - cover your figers will petroleum jelly before you smoothen the excess silicone from the joints. Silicone will not stick to your fingers and also the silicone area will look neater.

HTH ;)

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Hah ! was aways wondering how to stop the silicon from sticking to my fingers . It's always messy and now the edge of my fingers are black !

Thanks for the insight .

Will smear Petroleum jelly when I cover the 2nd pipe.

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Whaw paing !!!!! today noticed it started leaking again, now with a vengence .

I guess the water must have accumulated the fresh silicon and spring a leak when the pressure inside builts up !!! Demmmmmmm

Any shufu advice on how to keep my soft and SPS alive during this 24 hrs when I dismental and re-silicon the pipes ? Chillier and water temp is my main concern .

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  pandagold said:
Whaw paing !!!!! today noticed it started leaking again, now with a vengence .

I guess the water must have accumulated the fresh silicon and spring a leak when the pressure inside builts up !!! Demmmmmmm

Any shufu advice on how to keep my soft and SPS alive during this 24 hrs when I dismental and re-silicon the pipes ? Chillier and water temp is my main concern .

The traditional way is to drain off and let the silicone have sufficient time to cure. if not, the water will find it way though sooner or later.

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  Gouldian said:
The traditional way is to drain off and let the silicone have sufficient time to cure. if not, the water will find it way though sooner or later.

yep agree with bro gouldian best toleave it there to cure for a few days which I dont think u can

what u can do is to freeze some bottles of 1.5 liters and throw it into ur tan every 50mins or so to chill the water down

also go get a battery pump those used for fishing kinda to oxygenate ur tank :eyebrow:

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Finally, after 3 - 4 days after stopping my tank overflow , drying them all up , siliconed , 24 hrs curing , so far leakage seems to be pluged !?

keeping my fingers croseed the leakage has stopped !!

My wife is monitoring these few days during my travels, and the saying goes, " no news is good news " ... crossing all fingers

Thanks bro for all the advice and eventually you guys are right, best way is to redo the entire sealing process over again, no short cut

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  pandagold said:
Finally, after 3 - 4 days after stopping my tank overflow , drying them all up , siliconed , 24 hrs curing , so far leakage seems to be pluged !?

keeping my fingers croseed the leakage has stopped !!

My wife is monitoring these few days during my travels, and the saying goes, " no news is good news " ... crossing all fingers

Thanks bro for all the advice and eventually you guys are right, best way is to redo the entire sealing process over again, no short cut

Good to hear that! Happy reefing! ;)

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