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Power backup for fish tank


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Anyone know where can I rent or buy a UPS / power battery backup for my four 3-5 ft fish tanks... just received a letter from Singapore Power that there will be no power supply for at least 5 hours in my area due to some maintenance work...

Any one can recommend a good brand or can I rent for 1 day?



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Anyone know where can I rent or buy a UPS / power battery backup for my four 3-5 ft fish tanks... just received a letter from Singapore Power that there will be no power supply for at least 5 hours in my area due to some maintenance work...

Any one can recommend a good brand or can I rent for 1 day?


Hi bro,

Good for you if you can get a UPS.

In case you can't, you can try getting battery powered air pumps for your tank, they are sold in most LFS and cost less than a red note. For a five footer, you will need 2 for your main tank and 1 for you sump. Depending on the models and the batteries used, they will last you more than 12 hrs. If you do not wish to purchase them, there are reefers here that do not mind loaning you (let me know if you need, I have 2 to spare). ;)

Personally I prefer air pump as there will be minimal heat transfer compared to using Powerhead connected UPS, especially during this period your chiller and fans will be off too.

Do also note that SP will usually play safe by informing you of the cut more that the actual needed duration. From my past experiences, most will take around 45mins to 2hrs.

HTH ;)

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:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

Hi bro,

Good for you if you can get a UPS.

In case you can't, you can try getting battery powered air pumps for you tank, they are sold in most LFS and cost less than a red note. For a five footer, you will need 2 for your main tank and 1 for you sump. Depending on the models and the batteries used, they will last you more than 12 hrs. If you do not wish to purchase them, there are reefers here that do not mind loaning you (let me know if you need, I have 2 to spare). ;)

Do also note that SP will usually play safe by informing you of the cut of supplies more that the actual just in case mishaps. From my past experiences, most will take around 45mins to 2hrs.

HTH ;)

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if you have spare cash why not buy new or recon gen set.it should power the the whole system with any problem.runs on petrol.anyway is a portable handcarry if you going outdoor activities you can use it.

Hey..bros thanks for the tips... any idea how much 'spare cash' I need to buy a generator and where to get them?

I think at least I need the batteries powered air dumps and look to buy a generator or ups if it is not too much 'spare cash'.. as this only happen once in a donkey moon..



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Hey..bros thanks for the tips... any idea how much 'spare cash' I need to buy a generator and where to get them?

I think at least I need the batteries powered air dumps and look to buy a generator or ups if it is not too much 'spare cash'.. as this only happen once in a donkey moon..


you can go sungei rd or kelantan rd hardware shop which sell variety and depently on yr budget.try not to get the diesel ones they produce lots of smoke .select the one which are not noisy.test run a few genset

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Anyone know where can I rent or buy a UPS / power battery backup for my four 3-5 ft fish tanks... just received a letter from Singapore Power that there will be no power supply for at least 5 hours in my area due to some maintenance work...

Any one can recommend a good brand or can I rent for 1 day?


Hi clee123,

If you are looking for 2rd hand UPS, try defu lane 3 look for a kal-lan-gu-ne collecting centre near the bend. The boss is known as "Ah Seng". Dark, short and Skinny man. Wearing Dirty cloths, but easily carry more than 10k in pockert. Use to sell him old used UPS. Should be less than $50 for one medium size. Check the battery first.

Another place is Upper Dickson Rd look for a shop called Triumphant which sell sec hand computors. Look for the Boss Kalam. Short and fat Bungaladiesh who wear simple cloth but another one who has more than 10k in pockert. This one has an empire at home country. He should has some UPS. Price will be more expansive than Ah Seng.

While at defu, you might be able to find your portable gen set. I once brought from him a 1/2hp chiller for $20. IT was still quite good except that has no casing and controller. Other things like CO2 canistor or Filter Canistor can be found there too. But it all depends alot on your luck and your know how if you bought one that is not working properly.

Good luck.

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Hi clee123,

If you are looking for 2rd hand UPS, try defu lane 3 look for a kal-lan-gu-ne collecting centre near the bend. The boss is known as "Ah Seng". Dark, short and Skinny man. Wearing Dirty cloths, but easily carry more than 10k in pockert. Use to sell him old used UPS. Should be less than $50 for one medium size. Check the battery first.

Another place is Upper Dickson Rd look for a shop called Triumphant which sell sec hand computors. Look for the Boss Kalam. Short and fat Bungaladiesh who wear simple cloth but another one who has more than 10k in pockert. This one has an empire at home country. He should has some UPS. Price will be more expansive than Ah Seng.

While at defu, you might be able to find your portable gen set. I once brought from him a 1/2hp chiller for $20. IT was still quite good except that has no casing and controller. Other things like CO2 canistor or Filter Canistor can be found there too. But it all depends alot on your luck and your know how if you bought one that is not working properly.

Good luck.

Hey bros...

Thanks for all your inputs... I have done some research and found out that for UPS...usually they can only last you for the most is 30 minutes ... someone salesman told me to get a inverter said it can last longer...but never understand how it works... for generator... it might be not practicial to buy one for use in only once a year or once a 3 year.... So I decided to buy four batteries powered air pumps to support 1 5 ft-tank, 1 3 ft-tank, and 1 2f-tank...

You know what? it turned out that yesterday scheduled Powered Breakout Maintenance from SP did not happen....

Anyway, it a good info and exprience to know what to get the stuff and expect....thanks again..


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The problem is predictability of power outage.

A safer arrangement is to have some sort of automatic start up device when main power goes off without warning.

Worst if it happen when no one is at home.

For air pump alone, the AC/DC air pump should be good.

I used to use them, but the problem is after a long time, the build in rechargable battery got inefficient and supply peiod also got shorterned just when you needed them most.

Now a days there is a lot of recycle parts availiable from outdated computer server.

I wonder if one can build some kind of automatic devise from such computer parts (UPS) such that a DC devise ( air pump ) is supply by car battery and when there is AC supply, the battery got charge and is on standby mode, when AC power is interupted the device start automatically using DC power form the car battery.

Appreciate input in this matter.


BT Lee

Hey bros...

Thanks for all your inputs... I have done some research and found out that for UPS...usually they can only last you for the most is 30 minutes ... someone salesman told me to get a inverter said it can last longer...but never understand how it works... for generator... it might be not practicial to buy one for use in only once a year or once a 3 year.... So I decided to buy four batteries powered air pumps to support 1 5 ft-tank, 1 3 ft-tank, and 1 2f-tank...

You know what? it turned out that yesterday scheduled Powered Breakout Maintenance from SP did not happen....

Anyway, it a good info and exprience to know what to get the stuff and expect....thanks again..

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The problem is predictability of power outage.

A safer arrangement is to have some sort of automatic start up device when main power goes off without warning.

Worst if it happen when no one is at home.

For air pump alone, the AC/DC air pump should be good.

I used to use them, but the problem is after a long time, the build in rechargable battery got inefficient and supply peiod also got shorterned just when you needed them most.

Now a days there is a lot of recycle parts availiable from outdated computer server.

I wonder if one can build some kind of automatic devise from such computer parts (UPS) such that a DC devise ( air pump ) is supply by car battery and when there is AC supply, the battery got charge and is on standby mode, when AC power is interupted the device start automatically using DC power form the car battery.

Appreciate input in this matter.


BT Lee

Bro BT Lee,

This might be what you are looking for.... if you can try DIY the UPS.. :eyebrow:




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