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Drill Dummie


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  • SRC Member

Guys...I like to have a Drill that can drill thru Walls..in case I want to hang MH lights...drill thru Sea shells for decoration and Glass as well//

What should I buy? Can those type from the Neighbourhood shop that run from AC power...$29 Can?

I am really a dummie In this aspect.

ALSO, how do you patch up the wall in the event you wish to remove the MH halide lights?

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  • SRC Member

To drill through wall, you'll need a hammer drill which spins and at the same time hammer the drillbit into the wall. Those $29 cheapo ones may only be useful for small scale drilling. For wall drilling, the hammering action is the part that makes the drilling process effortless! To drill smaller item, a smaller handheld drill is a better choice as too heavy of a drill makes drilling delicate items difficult!

To patch up ceiling, just use plaster clay sold in paint shops.They patch up real well and you can paint over it!

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Drilling glass is VERY tricky business and should not be attempted by a novice, probably will spoil the glass and injure yourself at the same time...

Also, NEVER NEVER drill tempered glass... although a nice hole might go through, tempered glass is not meant to be drilled as drilling it might cause spontaneous shattering later on in it's lifetime or during the drilling process itself..

For ceramics, can try going for lower speeds but still the possibility of cracking is high...

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  • SRC Member

Hi joachimsim,

I got one corded bosch 550W hammer drill and a 12 volt cordless drill. corded one can drill wall and ceiling. I used it to fix my wall fan, ceiling lamp and toilet flushing system. For me 550w hammer drill is ok for normal house usage and there is no need to go for those big one unless you want to drill on beam... :) . It only cost me $100 for the corded 550w hammer drill. It also has other function like reverse, hammer and varible spin. For the cordless one, i use it as my screw driver, very fast. Sometime i use it to drill wood and aluminium. You should get one... :)

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  • SRC Member

Thanks for the sharing Guys!

Sam Always :

"reverse, hammer and varible spin" : What do they mean?

Anyhow..$100 is cheap so where is a good place to get those drills you mentioned?

I saw Home Fix near my neighbourhood....selling Bosch drills..

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