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Pls help ID this Nudibranch

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Found this chap on one of my liverocks, must have survived my FWD, pls anyone out there help me ID this and also does this nudi eat Zoas?

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  • Senior Reefer

u got this with ur LR? wow...an unsual NUDI. most LFS sell this!

unlikely to survive unless u find its specific food source. most likely sponge. this one does not feed on zoas.

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u got this with ur LR? wow...an unsual NUDI. most LFS sell this!

unlikely to survive unless u find its specific food source. most likely sponge. this one does not feed on zoas.

Hey thanks, i wonder what sponges does it eats?

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  • Senior Reefer
Hey thanks, i wonder what sponges does it eats?

that one im not sure. most or all nudis have very specific dietry needs. and since there are soo many species of them, it is very difficult to poinpoint which exact food it eats. to make things worse, most of them eat one and only one kind of food

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