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How to see whether my sun coral n anemonies r livi


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When choosing sun corals try to pick those as fleshy as possible. The less white skeleton exposed the better. You will have to target feed every single polyp almost every day.

As for anemones do not choose shrunken ones, nor those with inverted mouths, nor those that have trouble anchoring to substrate in the holding tank. Don't choose any with visible damage like tears, etc. Hard for them to recover in captivity. Take great care when removing them from the glass wall. Best is to buy it together with the rock it is attached to, if any.

If you are new into the hobby, I strongly suggest you avoid anemones and sun corals for now. You will save yourself alot of money and headaches.

Always something more important than fish.


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that's bad..


oki I have rear suncoral myself, so I got some minor experience, let me share more.. no need target feed every polyps. its linked together, I use mysis n let it drift to the suncoral stickly tentacles will stick the mysis. then it will swallow. slowly u get to know the best place to drift your mysis.

anemone check here.


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Phytoplankton is plankton that is composed of mainly diff types of unicellular algae etc.

Zooplankton is of animal origin. For example the larvae of crustaceans and the planktonic stages of fish fry.

Always something more important than fish.


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You will have to read up on the particular anemone you have. Some like to burrow in their body in the sand. Some like to attack to rock. Some need more water current than others. Some prefer smaller prey items compared to larger chunks of prey. For instance, carpet anemones can take quite big chunks. Bubble-tips tend to go for small size food items..

Diff species of anemones have different needs.

Always something more important than fish.


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