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Putting "Ex" live rock back in tank


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How long has it been out of the tank? If it is not smelly, can put it back in as is.

Thanks for the fast reply, binosage.

It has been out for around 6 weeks. Didn't really smell anything.

Do I have to brush it or clean it before I put it back?

The reason why I took it out was because I thought that the dead coralline algae(do i need to remove them?) is giving me red slime problem.

So that means that I can just treat it like a normal dead rock, is it?

Thanks again.



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i think the rock should be clean properly before putting back in. some worms or other living organism might have got caught or trap into while the rock is out and died in it. better safe than sorry i guess.

cheers =)

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Scrub with toothbrush. Sometimes I will spray it down with a hose to get rid of gunk trapped in the crevices, the worms and sometimes crabs will come out. That's what I do for newly bought liverocks la. :P

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  • SRC Member
Scrub with toothbrush. Sometimes I will spray it down with a hose to get rid of gunk trapped in the crevices, the worms and sometimes crabs will come out. That's what I do for newly bought liverocks la. :P

yup i do that also haha... flush everything out. lol...

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"new live rocks' ... are these cured ones from other reefers? I think it shd be ok if the amount added in is little as compared to the current amount of rocks in the tank. I have done that before on few ocassions.. No impact to water condition.

new live rocks from LFS ok? i just need to add one so that i can add more gems...hehe

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