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Purple Queen Anthias


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ya did some reading before buying

i really like the colour, esp the males

i also like copperband butterfly

tried twice, died after few weeks despite feeding

now try my luck on purple queen

i guess i should wait few more weeks before buying another 2

OT when want to go shopping?


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maybe u can try dispar anthias.... the colour is nice also, now i got 3 in my tank so far so good... shopping?? tomorrow will be great if u r free. :yeah:

Bro, can share how u manage to keep Dispar?

My tries so far

1st try: 2 Dispar all RIP after 1 week

2nd try: 4 Dispar all RIP after ~1.5 week

3rd try: 4 Dispar 3 RIP after ~1.5 week, left 1 feeding greedily

4th try: Since got 1 left after my 3rd try, quickly got another 2 Dispar after the 3 of them RIP.

Now only 1 feeding greedily, the other 1 growing skinner day after day.

I feed brine, mysis shrimps and frozen food mix, but it eat only eat a few mouthful of the very tiny ones.

Think also cannot last long. Mostly probably RIP soon. So most probably LEFT only 2 of them.

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since it already start to feed, then it shouldn't be a problem liao.. actually when i first started, i bought 2, then one die in few days time, then i bought another 2. at first refuse to feed also, but slowly itjust follow the crowd during feeding time. now eating like a pig liao....

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bought 2 purple queen anthias last week

1 of them MIA while the other keep hiding

should i get another 2 to build up her guts?


You can try royal gamma, they are pinkish in colour also. But they are sometimes quite aggressive though.

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