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Anyone kept Multibarred Pygmy Angel

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Hey angel lovers out there, has anyone kept the above angel?

Any tips? fussy eaters? sensitive to water change? special care?

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  • SRC Member

This is one of the difficuit Angel to keep as they don't survive long in home aquarium. Besides they are shy and thus must be the first fish to introduce if you want to keep one. Think if manage to keep for > 3 years is an acheivement.

Choose one that feed before buying and you will win half the battle.

It is also my favourite fish however have not try keeping one yet.

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This is one of the difficuit Angel to keep as they don't survive long in home aquarium. Besides they are shy and thus must be the first fish to introduce if you want to keep one. Think if manage to keep for > 3 years is an acheivement.

Choose one that feed before buying and you will win half the battle.

It is also my favourite fish however have not try keeping one yet.

Bro, long time never heard from you. How are you?

Very difficult fish. Bought 1 from Iwarna and up lorry in 3 days. Just bought 2 from CF 3 weeks ago and 1 up lorry in 4 days. Left one but not feeding.

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One of my favorite angel and one of the worst feeding angel.

They are very fussy eater and very shy at the initial stage of introduction.

Have kept 2 successful specimen when I was into angels, The first one was trained to take pellets and very healthy untill ich outbreak. The second one was showing signs of eating pellets and was eating days after I bought it home. But tank crashed due to medication overdosage. Bottomline is get a responsive and eating(if possible) specimen.

As for temperament, they are shy at the beginning but will get bolder and aggressive to newcomers be it angels or other fishes of the same size.

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My experience w the paracentropyge:

Multibar tried 3 times (all from Pac Reef), none survive more than a week. They mainly die due to infection and refusal to eat any kind of food.

Venustus, tried 5 times. 1 from SL died and 2 from Pac Reef died in a few days. A 3rd one from Pac Reef finally eats v well and kept for v long until it died in an acident (power outbreak). Now the 5th one from AM is still going for near 2 months, but it suddenly stop eating and i can feel it's end drawing near.

My conclusion: I'll stop trying for this family of angels after this one is gone. They are so beautiful, but so hard to keep.

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Hey guys thanks for the comments, will not be tempted to buy this chap.

Any angel recommendations? Lemon peel? Ok? how about Flame?

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i read from RC that people QT their angels before they introduce into their main tanks,and they treat with prapizo for internal parasites.what is this internal parasites that they are talking about?

Internal parasites are quite common in angels and delicate anthias. The common symptoms are white stringy faeces and sunken belly which no matter how much the fish eats it still get more emaciated. Dunno the exact scientific name of those internal parasites but whoever in this hobby long enough should have encountered these symptoms before in some fishes. So mux QT and treat with medicine. Haven tried the prazipro, but there are a whole range of products that treat internal parasites that can be found in the market.

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Hey guys thanks for the comments, will not be tempted to buy this chap.

Any angel recommendations? Lemon peel? Ok? how about Flame?

The hard ones: Multibar, Venustus, Golden, Colini

The medium one: Potteri

The easy ones: Multicolor, Lemonpeel, Flame, Flameback, Fisheri, Argi, Eibli, Coral Beauty

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The hard ones: Multibar, Venustus, Golden, Colini

The medium one: Potteri

The easy ones: Multicolor, Lemonpeel, Flame, Flameback, Fisheri, Argi, Eibli, Coral Beauty

Colini is easy if you can get a properly collected specimen..

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Thanks everone for your comments

What about Singapore Angel anyone kept it before, looks very unique......or anyone heard of this angel called the PUMA Angel? its black with one yellow strip alongs its face area.

Anyway here are the list of angels i plan to keep after cycling of tank....just another 2 more weeks. Pls pass anycomments on is it an ideal Angel to keep or not.


Multibarred Pygmy Angel

Flameback Pygmy Angel- African

Lemonpeel Pygmy Angel

Flame Angel

Flagfin Angel (bluelip angel some will call it)

(if the price is right)

Multicolor Pygmy Angel

Cortez Angel

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What about Singapore Angel anyone kept it before, looks very unique......or anyone heard of this angel called the PUMA Angel? its black with one yellow strip alongs its face area.

Singapore Angel(also known as Vermiculated Angel) is common but known to be tough to get it feeding. It should be Grey Poma Angelfish. Both of these angels stay relatively small but are considered the less attractive angels.

Multibarred Pygmy Angel likely will die unless first to go into the tank with a lot of LR

Flameback Pygmy Angel- African one of my favourite dwarf angel

Lemonpeel Pygmy Angel one of the slightly more aggressive dwarf

Flame Angel the red is unmatch, hardy and one of the mux hav marine fish

Flagfin Angel (bluelip angel some will call it) poor man's version of goldflake i guess, flagfin is a difficult angel long term like rock beauty, need a lot of sponge diet

(if the price is right)

Multicolor Pygmy Angel Price is always around 100~120

Cortez Angel One of the biggest angel, pls reconsider unless your tank is big enough.

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What about Singapore Angel anyone kept it before, looks very unique......or anyone heard of this angel called the PUMA Angel? its black with one yellow strip alongs its face area.

Singapore Angel(also known as Vermiculated Angel) is common but known to be tough to get it feeding. It should be Grey Poma Angelfish. Both of these angels stay relatively small but are considered the less attractive angels.

Multibarred Pygmy Angel likely will die unless first to go into the tank with a lot of LR

Flameback Pygmy Angel- African one of my favourite dwarf angel

Lemonpeel Pygmy Angel one of the slightly more aggressive dwarf

Flame Angel the red is unmatch, hardy and one of the mux hav marine fish

Flagfin Angel (bluelip angel some will call it) poor man's version of goldflake i guess, flagfin is a difficult angel long term like rock beauty, need a lot of sponge diet

(if the price is right)

Multicolor Pygmy Angel Price is always around 100~120

Cortez Angel One of the biggest angel, pls reconsider unless your tank is big enough.

Hey Digiman and Terryz thanks for the comments, i guess i must really plan my angel introduction and really read up more on the angels to be purchased!

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Hey Terryz and Digiman, what are the angels that you guys have? care to share? and whats your current tank size?

Mine is a 3ft x 2ft x 2ft tank.

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Hey Terryz and Digiman, what are the angels that you guys have? care to share? and whats your current tank size?

Mine is a 3ft x 2ft x 2ft tank.

I am not keeping any angels at the moment due to NS... Other than my Joculator..

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  • SRC Member

i dont have any problem with getting the singapore angels to feed. try using frozen brineshrimps. as for flag fin, mine started feeding on the 2nd day i bought it but it lasted slightly more than 4 monthw, stop eating suddenly.. like bro digiman said, they need sponge in their diet.

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i dont have any problem with getting the singapore angels to feed. try using frozen brineshrimps. as for flag fin, mine started feeding on the 2nd day i bought it but it lasted slightly more than 4 monthw, stop eating suddenly.. like bro digiman said, they need sponge in their diet.

Wa then like that i will have to start stock up on sponges man and they don't come cheap.

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  • SRC Member
Wa then like that i will have to start stock up on sponges man and they don't come cheap.

yea for flagfin,a very nice fish. thought i had it when it started feeding.. oh well, didnt really realise that sponge was that important until something when wrong. :cry2:

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brine shrimps have almost zero nutrition..... unless u feed it immediately after hatching. adult frozen brine are almost useless. try mysis instead...

So the mysis is live or frozen? How about traning angels to feed on pellets or should i mix pellets with frozen brine shrimps?

Does marine algae help?

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i have been keeping a poma & blue-lip for sometime.

poma = 5inches

blue-lip = 7inches

i only feed dried brineshrimp

so far by feeding dried brine shrimp has your angels been surviving long?

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so far by feeding dried brine shrimp has your angels been surviving long?

My flagfin is with me for approx 18months already. The poma is a recent added resident 2 months back.

At times when i dropby iwarna will get live brineshrimp.

All these years i always use that food easily available at yishun or c328.

blue in colour tin with a transparent cover. comes in 2 sizes and in square cubes.

I feed both my marine & fresh fishes with this. Ive tried garlic pallets and afew food from iwarna but my fishes still prefer the dried brineshrimp and never had problem getting fishes to eat so have been maintaining this.

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Hey Terryz and Digiman, what are the angels that you guys have? care to share? and whats your current tank size?

Mine is a 3ft x 2ft x 2ft tank.

I'm currently only keeping a Venustus and a Joculator. Both of them in a 5ft tank with some sponges and LR. As mentioned b4 the venustus suddenly stop feeding and it's now surviving by pecking on the rocks.

I use to keep a small africanus (jux sold recently), and it's a real easy and beautiful fish. Other big angels i've kept before are goldflakes (v easy), vietnam blueline (easy) and medan regal (v difficult and perish eventually). I feed mixture of ocean nutrition flake food, frozen mysis soak in garlic and selcon, ocean nutrition frozen angel formula and julian sprung seaweed. I dun use pellets as realise some fishes jux dislike pellets.

For 3 ft tank i suggest keeping 3~4 dwarfs introduce at around the same time and maybe jux 1 big angel (get the smaller genus or start w a s/m size ). Good quality LR will contain some natural sponge for pecking.

There are other angels recently seen in stock that u can consider also, which in my opinion are all nicer than flagfin/poma/singapore angels:

1.Small majestic and blue face (Ah Beng)

2.Small Chrysurus (SL and CF)

3.Small africanus (LCK)

Hope this opens u to more selection. P.S. QT your angels, beware of flukes and velvet which i regret not learning it earlier when i encounter them!

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