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wts : brand new DYMAX IQ3 FOR SALE

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tot u looking for one ?


so fast u wanna sell off ?


My little ocean
Mix Reef-Main tank 30 inches Length x 32 inches Width x 18 inches Height
2 X Skim DC return pump
Aquabee 2000 chiller feeder

Hailea 1/2 Chiller
1 X Tunze nano wavebox

2 X EcoTech Marine Vortech MP10W
Deltec skimmer - Internal
Lumenarc 400watt 12K Reeflux

8 X T5 ATI Powermodule
Prolifux control with external touchscreen display
Refugium keeping chaeto

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If beebeefl works for the Dymax marketing team, I'd say he succeeded. Before his series of threads selling, then buying then selling again, I couldn't give two hoots about the tank, never heard of it, but it is beginning to look nice to me now hahaha.

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • SRC Member
If beebeefl works for the Dymax marketing team, I'd say he succeeded. Before his series of threads selling, then buying then selling again, I couldn't give two hoots about the tank, never heard of it, but it is beginning to look nice to me now hahaha.

when I was there at aquarama at the dymax area

with many crowding over at this tank area I was thinking what the heck can this tank

give me now I feel different hmm nice tank :rolleyes::eyebrow:

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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I heard C328 also have liao :eyebrow:

ya bro, the stock for IQ3 is coming in but somehow the source still cant decide on the pricing, this is what I know. AC has only 2 units left but was reserved by someone. but the price they are selling is good just at $*0.00, you can also look for Seah to reserve for you too.

BK 9065 8818

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Why you in such a hurry to close the thread?

Anyway thanks for your warm sms/pm and calls. As in my sms, i will reply back to you in this forum.

No, you have not offended me. The style i do not like about you is that you are making use of this forum where friendly and helpful people meet to learn things and sometimes buy discounted stuff from one another. This is not a commercial forum where you try to make some money and also not a place where you take advantage of the people who have just joined to sell them some stuff that you got from aquarama at $65 to make a quick buck.

If you are a sponsor of the forum, then it is just business but this market place is clearly for us reefers.

Below is all your sms. I did not want to take it so far but i really do not know what to make of you or what your sms means? ah beng ah? I doubt it as we are all educated people.


+65----1063 (3:33 PM):

Hey weesy74.. Have i offended u. U made those babd remarkd in forum. U dun like my styles..what u mean!..

+65----1063 (3:40 PM):

Hello u not happy with me right ? Come out n we talk it out brother..

Me (3:41 PM):

No u have not offended me. Will reply to u in forum when i get back home.

+65----1063 (3:42 PM):

I dun want yr negtive remarks. Put yrself in my shoe.receiving comments from people like u..bcos we dun like your style. U better apologize u kaypoh

+65----1063 (3:44 PM):

U better stay out of my thread

+65----1063 (3:47 PM):

Hello pick up the phone. U got guts to put up in the forum such comments but no guts to answer

+6596881063 (3:49 PM):

U r foolish .think before u place such comments

Me (4:02 PM):

I assure u all these sms will go into your thread

+65----1063 (4:04 PM):

Good luck to u

+65----1063 (4:04 PM):

Whatever !

+65----1063 (4:19 PM):



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this bro here likes to assume things like howmuch you buy

where you buy from

how much you sell

i dun like the price u sell.

well we dun know each other, but bcos he is too judgemental,

i have bcome the bad person.

i am just selling things i own.

anyway search yr own thread bro weesy , u have been selling things that you own too even non marine stuff etc.

and u know what I DUN LIKE YOUR STYLE TOO

WELL I DO NOT HAVE the luxury of free time like you bro weesy (educated guy) until he can post his and my sms here,

bcos i need to work on weekends to bring food to the table and have better things to do altogether.cheers. well this small tiff

has reminded me that we are still human.


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ok ok bros, cool cool....we are all hobbyists who love the mother nature. please do not hurt one another. we are here to share leads or threads in a small community we are in so others may benefits from it. as how much you mark up or earn, i think no one cares. just be trueful, gentleman and upright. do not pass remarks..... sorry if i have create some scene or remarks...i just hope all will enjoy the stay in this forum. Mod Alvin, please close this thread.

BK 9065 8818

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this bro here likes to assume things like howmuch you buy

where you buy from

how much you sell

i dun like the price u sell.

well we dun know each other, but bcos he is too judgemental,

i have bcome the bad person.

i am just selling things i own.

anyway search yr own thread bro weesy , u have been selling things that you own too even non marine stuff etc.

and u know what I DUN LIKE YOUR STYLE TOO

WELL I DO NOT HAVE the luxury of free time like you bro weesy (educated guy) until he can post his and my sms here,

bcos i need to work on weekends to bring food to the table and have better things to do altogether.cheers. well this small tiff

has reminded me that we are still human.


I forgive u too..let's kiss n make up...muaks!!


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Actually to beebeefl's credit, he did not set up a clone nick to promote his own sale or defend/praise himself, unlike some famous past incidents with other members :eyebrow:

I forgive u too..let's kiss n make up...muaks!!


Sarcasm aside, let's leave this matter behind and not harrass each other through sms :upsidedown:

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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Eh... solid lah! You want my tank anot? I give you good discount! Serious! There are no rules that say you can't jack up prices and profit off others... so you earn a bit I earn a bit lah, how? I promise to upz your sales thread when you sell my tank! :eyebrow:

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