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alternation of return piping

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currently my main return pipe crosses over the tank top open (and makes it difficult to put my hands in :D)....and i'm thinking of modifying in one of the two designs below. any comments welcome.. i am using eheim1262 for 4x1.5x2 tank. thanks

btw, any lfs or bro out there can help to alter the piping? mine should be those standard (cheap) piping....saw "WWW{tm} upvc bs 3505 20mm class D" on the pipe.

the current piping, the mp40w is blowing to the same direction towards the overflow box


new design, single outlet


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where do u stay? this is quite easy to do imo

bukit panjang....but already contacted one lfs to do it for near two blue notes, think that is the base charge for any on-site job

which design is better in your opinion in terms overall flow and elimination of dead spots? single outlet or with t-split? thanks.

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bukit panjang....but already contacted one lfs to do it for near two blue notes, think that is the base charge for any on-site job

which design is better in your opinion in terms overflow flow and elimination of dead spots? single outlet or with t-split? thanks.

too bad u stay too far else u can save the 2 blue notes for other stuff....as u r using onli 1262, from single outlet, the flow already average nia, u split into 2, i think even worse...

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