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temperature problem

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  • SRC Member

when no pumps are on the temperature is 28C, when return motor eheim 1260 is on temp +3C to 31C; then when skimmer pump Resun is on +1C to 32C. a fan can bring temp down 2 to 3C. mine is a 3ft tank

Questions: do new pumps give out so much heat too (mine is a used one)?

: anyone experience pumps that dont add heat to the tank?

: any other means of temp control without chiller?

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  • SRC Member

Hi Bro

That's why planning is important before setting up. Planning include:

1. What you intend to keep.

2. How big will be you tank you need and what equipment you intend to invest on.

3. Should I run the pump external or internal?

...etc too many to list.

If you are keeping fishes only, then 28-30 degrees should be fine since you do intend to use a chiller.

I run 2 return pump external and that eliminate heat from the pump.

Ehiem pumps are very good if you need height. Else you can consider changing to AquaBee Pump which use less power.

Not sure what skimmer pump you are using on your Resun skimmer. Deltec does produce skimmer with AquaBee pump as low as 7 - 10 watts. If budget is not an issue, changing to Deltec might help to reduce the temp, as well as a better skimmer for your tank.

Happy reefing......

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  • SRC Member

tks bro. my 1st return pump was a Hydro (inside the tank) and the temp +3C. now i use a Eheim1260 placed outsiside tank but still +3C; dont know if a new one would same. i hope to keep temp at 27-29C for fishes n some corals.

What external pumps do you use? and hows your temp?

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  • SRC Member

Chiller most effective and can maintain temperature within a range regardless of weather. If it's a fish only tank, higher temp is no issue and can actually be good as Ick and velvet is said to be less tolerating to higher temperatures.


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  • SRC Member
Chiller most effective and can maintain temperature within a range regardless of weather. If it's a fish only tank, higher temp is no issue and can actually be good as Ick and velvet is said to be less tolerating to higher temperatures.

lol. no wonder my fishes all no ick :P, temp between 28 on rainy day season without chiller and now highest 31 degree on hot hot hot day with t5 light on

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  • SRC Member

tks bros for all ur colorful reply. i intent to breed clowns, n i hope lower temp can also keep some corals, life rock, probably lobster or shrimp, clamp. i heard that electric bill goes up $50 when chiller is added, so i am trying to avoid this.

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  • SRC Supporter

you can also try looking into using fan to bring down the temp of your water.. This is of course a more economical way comparing to getting a chiller.

However, you have to be prepare to top up at least 1 L of water a day if your fan run on 24hrs.. Another alternative, is like what some reefer had said is to use a external Pump instead of a internal Pump to prevent heat trasmitted into your tank.

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  • SRC Member

i find that theres very little data available on the amount of heat given out from a pump. i find that my eheim 1260 placed outside my tank still add +3C to the temp. now i try putting a 'cooling pack' on top of the pump to see if it helps

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  • SRC Member

There is no way to completely eliminate heat from pumps, just imagine how many revolutions per minute the motor got to spin to move such huge volumes of water. That is sure to create friction between the motor parts which will create heat. Since the pump is in constant contact with water, heat will definitely be transferred to the volume of water. There are pumps that do claim to reduce the heat generated, like Rio pumps which are magnetic driven, so there is less friction, but I don't think the difference is that significant.

To manage the temperature without a chiller, you can use a fan as many have suggested, but a fan can only help so much (weather damn hot these days ah...). You can also help by providing more ventilation, if the pump is located in the sump, in a cabinet, you can leave the doors open or blow a fan directly into the cabinet.

Oh, and don't bother with the ice pack... for a 3ft tank, I don't think it will reduce the temperature for more than 30 minutes :P

My 1.5ft nano cube

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member
Hi was wondering at what Temp is the maximum for live rocks? 30 degrees will the live rock turn smelly?

Live rocks can keep without chiller, 30 degrees isn't a problem. Just provide plenty of circulation, should be enough to keep the organisms alive.

But I must ask.... Why the question? You keeping live rocks only? :P

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • SRC Member

update on my tank: after alot of to-ing n fro-ing with the return pump, i finally put it in the sump. Now with the fan on i get 27.5C to 29C daily range. The fan brings down about -3C.

Thinking of putting in another fan??? n i wonder if the temp will go down any lower??? anyone 'maestro' out there tried this??

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  • SRC Member
update on my tank: after alot of to-ing n fro-ing with the return pump, i finally put it in the sump. Now with the fan on i get 27.5C to 29C daily range. The fan brings down about -3C.

Thinking of putting in another fan??? n i wonder if the temp will go down any lower??? anyone 'maestro' out there tried this??

I doubt so... how much your fans can cool down the water depends alot on the ambient temp. Eg. If your water temp is 30C, and ambient temp is 28C. At the most, you can cool down to 28C. You will also face more evaporation if you add more fans.

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