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striped eel catfish

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  • SRC Member

it was a rash decision cause they looked so cute but after researching, found out that they are actually venomous, which is no good for me as i stick my hand into the tank ever so often. gonna have to let them go.

they are in their juvenile form and i'll try and post a picture of them later on. very cute coz they are always swimming together

here is more information, including the venomous part.


said to be not reef safe as they eat inverts but usually won't touch corals

i have 9 of them in the trap box now. all to go for $20...

collection at bukit timah near beauty world. wanna clear soon


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Very cute, I can definitely see why you bought them. but wah, your link recommends at least 100Gal tank for a school.

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  • SRC Member
Very cute, I can definitely see why you bought them. but wah, your link recommends at least 100Gal tank for a school.

thanks.. not sure why they recomend such a big tank, probably for them to have places to hide?

in anycase, there's more info on it here


highly venemous.. like a lionfish. no joke... =(

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I've caught these fellas afew times before with my casting net @ East Coast. Almost 20-40 of them in a single net of about 6-8" long, and also on rod and line, measuring almost 10" in length. As they had recommendation for 100gallon tank, well, not the least surprised, if they want to keep it for breeding? :eyebrow:

Tested on myself before (accidentally), poisonous as in other catfish, but still okay, still considered mild when compared to Rabbitfish. Never want to try a Scorpion or Lionfish, they're top of the chart! :pinch:

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  • SRC Member
I've caught these fellas afew times before with my casting net @ East Coast. Almost 20-40 of them in a single net of about 6-8" long, and also on rod and line, measuring almost 10" in length. As they had recommendation for 100gallon tank, well, not the least surprised, if they want to keep it for breeding? :eyebrow:

Tested on myself before (accidentally), poisonous as in other catfish, but still okay, still considered mild when compared to Rabbitfish. Never want to try a Scorpion or Lionfish, they're top of the chart! :pinch:

wow! do they still have the stripe when there are at that size? read that they don't usually grow that big when kept in captivity. i saw 2 on my last diving trip to redang, at the kalong house reef. they still had the stripe and were at least 6" long. but only 2... , not 20 or 40 of them. haha

btw are they edible / good eating? :whistle

lelong lelong... open up to trade for zoas or other fish (except damsel) also

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wow! do they still have the stripe when there are at that size? read that they don't usually grow that big when kept in captivity. i saw 2 on my last diving trip to redang, at the kalong house reef. they still had the stripe and were at least 6" long. but only 2... , not 20 or 40 of them. haha

btw are they edible / good eating? :whistle

lelong lelong... open up to trade for zoas or other fish (except damsel) also

From my understanding they are edible, though I never tried or like them. They re basically scavengers andseems that they love to frequent beach areas and near drain oulets like other catfish, but, just that they go in large schools. I did kept some at one time for a couple of weeks before releasing them, see if I can still find the pix. remembered getting pricked & poked by no less than 3 times when they jumped, while retrieving them from the net. :pinch:

Oh! btw, the Super Sun I bought from you last Oct, had been hijacked by a SS fanatic friend, it's definitely overweight and obese :eyebrow:

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