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spanish dancer slug

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  • SRC Member

hey bros and sis out there

very curious of something does anyone knows what a spanish dancer eats??

normal nudibranches eat blue sponges and stuff

but what does this guy eat?

thanks in advance guys :thanks::eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member

Hey Bro,

A quick find on the internet will give you more info on Spanish Dancer

Hexabranchus Sanguineus


Pawlik et al. (1988) showed that the Spanish dancer nudibranch Hexabranchus sanguineus sequesters its chemical defense from its food

sponge Halichondria sp., and distributes and concentrates the chemical defenses in

the mantle, mucus secretion, and the egg masses.

http://www.seaslug.com/PDF%20Files/Becerro...Paul%202006.pdf Page 7

Diet - Halichondria sp



A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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  • SRC Member

Bought it from T95 right? Saw it on shipment day, thought that creatures like this should be left in the sea where they belong. I don't think it is possible to sustain long in a captive environment :(

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  • SRC Member
Saw it on shipment day, thought that creatures like this should be left in the sea where they belong. I don't think it is possible to sustain long in a captive environment :(

agreed with your statement bro.. some species are better left in the sea... unless you're very good and experience in taking care of them..

nonetheless if you've already purchase the nudi, do see if the above article on the diet is correct. hope it survives well in your tank! :peace:

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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  • SRC Member
Bought it from T95 right? Saw it on shipment day, thought that creatures like this should be left in the sea where they belong. I don't think it is possible to sustain long in a captive environment :(

hmm nope didnt buy bro just very curious

cause they have different feeding habits from those normal nudibranches

hmm dunno if anyone has success in keeping them :thanks::eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member
hmm nope didnt buy bro just very curious

cause they have different feeding habits from those normal nudibranches

hmm dunno if anyone has success in keeping them :thanks::eyebrow:

oh.. okok... infact most nudis are difficult to keep... have to say the spanish dancer is definately one of the nicer looking ones though... esp when they swim!

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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  • SRC Member
oh.. okok... infact most nudis are difficult to keep... have to say the spanish dancer is definately one of the nicer looking ones though... esp when they swim!

ya damn cool haha really like a spanish dancer

hmm :eyebrow:

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mine died only after 1week!!!!


never gonna get them again.. haha...

no need to be guilty la bro hehehe their life span very short and its very difficult to find food for them

if really wanna keep them need to keep replacing live rocks in ur tank as new life rocks have the things that they wanna eat

as from henry said hehehe

still looking if anyone knows the secret to it eating succes hahaha

thanks :eyebrow:

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