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What fish is this????

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  • SRC Member

hi all just really curious what is this fish inside my tank

thanks really weird never see before thanks a million :eyebrow: :eyebrow:





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  • SRC Member
Should be a scooter blenny. Where did you buy it? I'm looking for one too :P

really hmm was finding on the net for sometime le

thanks hmm okie will pm you hehehe

later if write here kanna snatched :eyebrow: :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member
ah beng has lots of this. its very hardy! managed to survive several disasters of my tank. haha

hey bro ask u uh

what does this eat huh?

doesnt seems to eat yet leh haaha keep lying on the sand enjoying :eyebrow: :eyebrow:

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  • Senior Reefer
hey bro ask u uh

what does this eat huh?

doesnt seems to eat yet leh haaha keep lying on the sand enjoying :eyebrow: :eyebrow:


scooters and dragonets are difficult to feed. feed primarily on pods. however, if its any consolation....scooters are much easier to get feeding than mandarins. try mysis and live brine first... with time, u can even train it to take pellets. like my mandarin pair. both have started taking pellets.

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That isn't a scooter blenny. It's a fingered dragonet. Grows up to 6 inches long.


This is a photo of a nice adult specimen that I saw at Bali. (see page 1 of my Bali dive trip link)

You can feed them with brine shrimp or mysis. Not sure how much they eat when young but they are constant bottom level hunters... feed them the tank enough for them to eat what's left at the bottom layer.

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  • SRC Member
That isn't a scooter blenny. It's a fingered dragonet. Grows up to 6 inches long.


This is a photo of a nice adult specimen that I saw at Bali. (see page 1 of my Bali dive trip link)

You can feed them with brine shrimp or mysis. Not sure how much they eat when young but they are constant bottom level hunters... feed them the tank enough for them to eat what's left at the bottom layer.

oh thanks AT just really curious

are these fishes poisonous??

thanks :eyebrow::thanks:

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  • SRC Member
You mean venomous? The spines are slightly.

Poisonous, I dunno. Never heard of anyone trying to eat one! :D

yep venomous I mean hahaha

hmm I think I better not get to close to that fella

hahaha thanks bro AT :thanks::eyebrow: :eyebrow:

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Most fishes have spikes that are slightly venomous as a defense mechanism. No worries unless you intend to impale your eye or something! LOL!

Even some tangs have venomous spikes.

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