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My 50Gal Low-tech FOWL(without sump)

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  • SRC Member
do u wan to rearrange ur rocks to a more bigger rock rather than clampin all the small rock together.then ur tang can hide in it :idea:

True Bigger rock looks better...

But i guess i bought all the small rocks...& since it was tight budget tanks.. small rock seemed cheaper at that time...

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  • 3 months later...
  • SRC Member

So far, personally I am a fan of low-tech marine tank. Truly, if we ever even see the condition of our local beaches, then you will understand why my personal statement is such. If we have been to Pasir Ris, Changi or Punggol beaches, we will know. I have been to Semaku and have see real corals and stuff right at our doorstep and the water condition is not fanstatic but nature has its way.

I don't believe that we should be destroying the reef for our pleasure in our tanks. Since if we want corals, we must try to replicate nature's condition (sunlight, food, minerals) that is in the sea in our tanks (which is need impossible). If we just have a normal tank with fishes, then it is more easily achieve.

My take is that for a low-tech tank, don't over-stock, allow time for each fish to find its own place in the tank. Also try to stock the tank at the same time. If we want to add new fishes, try to rearrange the aqauscape so that the "old" fishes have also to re-adjust to the new aquascape, giving time for the new fish to adjust as well.

Good Luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

No sump... R u facing hard time changing the filter system?

Dirty very quickly?

1 thing good. Dun have to scare will overflow n wet the floor.

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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  • SRC Member

Hi bro sanjay, can check with you, with your aquarium fan on, without chiller, what is the temperature of your tank. Cause i'm also setting up a tank without chiller, so im thinking whether a fan is enough. THanks! :)

Need to know size of your tank,lighting & height of lighting display play a very important part too.

Talking about 4' with 2.5' height tank with MH n irregular temperature of our room u r actually looking at an average of about 28 degree celcius.

So which means if u not using MH n height of tank not that deep u should be expecting something lower.

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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