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Past months saw a few of my favourite fish gone missing.

My goby, mandarin, purple tang and 2xBORBONIUS ANTHIAS (most heart pain).

Today, decom my tank due to shifting to a new house found this among the rock.

It has to be the culprit.





Main Tank - DECOMMISSIONED ON 24.01.11

48"x24"x26" 12mm thick starfire crystal glass(3 sided) EOS with Black Silicon(Germany)

Sump Tank

32"x15"x20" complete with egg crate, bio-ball, top up reservoir


Return Pump: AquaBee up7000

Skimmer: Skimz Monzter sm200 with AquaBee pin wheel and AquaBee up2000(Germany) as feed pump

CR: Skimz Monzter CM150 powered with AquaBee 2000i(Germany), solonoid valve and CO2 tank

FR: Skimz 150

MH Lighting: 2x250W Lumen bright(USA) MH pendant with 2x250W 12000k Reeflux bulb(USA), 250W Coralvue (USA) dimmable ballast

T5 Lighting: 2x54w ATI(Germany) high output T5 bulb with aluminium stand

Controller: Aquatronica ACS ADVANCE Package

Dosing: Aquatronica Dosing Pumps-ACQ450

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  • SRC Member
:shock: must be an SRC record


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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  • SRC Member
:shock: must be an SRC record

Haha... now dead and recorded... :upsidedown:


Main Tank - DECOMMISSIONED ON 24.01.11

48"x24"x26" 12mm thick starfire crystal glass(3 sided) EOS with Black Silicon(Germany)

Sump Tank

32"x15"x20" complete with egg crate, bio-ball, top up reservoir


Return Pump: AquaBee up7000

Skimmer: Skimz Monzter sm200 with AquaBee pin wheel and AquaBee up2000(Germany) as feed pump

CR: Skimz Monzter CM150 powered with AquaBee 2000i(Germany), solonoid valve and CO2 tank

FR: Skimz 150

MH Lighting: 2x250W Lumen bright(USA) MH pendant with 2x250W 12000k Reeflux bulb(USA), 250W Coralvue (USA) dimmable ballast

T5 Lighting: 2x54w ATI(Germany) high output T5 bulb with aluminium stand

Controller: Aquatronica ACS ADVANCE Package

Dosing: Aquatronica Dosing Pumps-ACQ450

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Haha... exactly the same size as mine. Found it hiding under the liverock a few years back(Chewing on my baby blue tang!). So i catch it and pour hot water on it! :evil:

Reefing since 2003
 4ft x 2ft x 2ft Mixed Reef (BB):-
50 Gal Sump,

Apex Controlled System (Lab grade),
Deltec SC1455 Protein Skimmer,
Vortech MP40wQD,

Jebao RW-15

Maxspect Razor 320w
Eheim 1260 Return Pump,
Hailea HS-66A 1/4HP chiller,
TLF Reactor 150, running HydroCarbon 


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  • SRC Member
Haha... exactly the same size as mine. Found it hiding under the liverock a few years back(Chewing on my baby blue tang!). So i catch it and pour hot water on it! :evil:

only hot water? Better cut it like sushi, then put in fresh water, then in the sun, .......

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  • SRC Member

got many of this in my sump (cos i access it often to change the live rocks), small and long one (think they breed and multiply themselves (single parent))haha. but your's is damn damn long.lol.longer then a 1 ft tank -.-|| all the best in your new setup bro!

p.s : maybe you hang this outside your tank to care those hitchikers..lol

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  • SRC Member
i thought these worms are beneficial?

i have 1 in my tank too, must i trap it out?


Bristle worms or fire worms are said to be beneficial, they do not hunt livestock, but will feed on scraps of food. The one in the picture looks like a bobbit worm. Bobbit worms and eunicid worms are the ones that will prey on your fish. Since they all look alike and are hard to catch, I usually remove all of them if spotted.

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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Bristle worms or fire worms are said to be beneficial, they do not hunt livestock, but will feed on scraps of food. The one in the picture looks like a bobbit worm. Bobbit worms and eunicid worms are the ones that will prey on your fish. Since they all look alike and are hard to catch, I usually remove all of them if spotted.

to be safe, i better figure a way to trap mine

thanks for the info

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