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Voucher for 2 night stay at Kowloon Shangri_la, Hong Kong

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Cancel my trip so have the above mention voucher to let go, bought it from a friend who won this during Cathay staff dinner last year.

I paid for $350 and now looking at $250, their usual rate are HKD 2,898 for 2 person per night, which mean the value of this voucher worth about SGD 1100, for those who consider a luxury stay without paying premium, here is your chance. Valid until 11 June 2009, can check online for room availability but reservation can only proceed by phone. Called them yesterday to confirm the validation of this voucher, they can proceed the booking when the actual date are provided.

Interest party can PM or call me at 90040093 to discuss. Pick up point or delivery can be arrange upon discussed.

By the way, air ticket are not included.

Detail of the room and rates can be found here:



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