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How to acclimate fish from lfs to fish tank


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hi guys, im sorry this might sound abit silly but how do u acclimate your fish from the lfs to your quarantine tank? my reason for asking this is that my current main and quarantine tank has a specific gravity of 1.020. but almost all lfs water is of sg 1.025. therefore how long should i use the drip acclimation method to acclimate the fish? i usually do it for 1hour. is it enough?

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  • SRC Member
hi guys, im sorry this might sound abit silly but how do u acclimate your fish from the lfs to your quarantine tank? my reason for asking this is that my current main and quarantine tank has a specific gravity of 1.020. but almost all lfs water is of sg 1.025. therefore how long should i use the drip acclimation method to acclimate the fish? i usually do it for 1hour. is it enough?

sounds reasonable to me.

I drop mine to hypo within 2 hrs for new fishes, and they are still doing good (Although i admit i stresses them, so dun follow me.)

But if you ever need to transfer the fish to a tank of higher salinity, do it real slow.

Best Regards,



My Ocean Pets:

Emperor Angel, PowderBlue Tang, Regal Angel, Teardrop Butterfly, Singapore Angel and Nemos


(Only when you guard your lips, you guard your soul....)

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