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Non Marine

bro its interesting non marine pet but i not sure if its right for you to put them on sale here as some AVA guys might be luring around <_< and everyone in trouble. if i remembered correctly, last year you also posted some such animals for sale here too. it was hedgehog or something other animals.

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bro its interesting non marine pet but i not sure if its right for you to put them on sale here as some AVA guys might be luring around <_< and everyone in trouble. if i remembered correctly, last year you also posted some such animals for sale here too. it was hedgehog or something other animals.

Yep bro. I wrote to AVA before 2 years back, as i had wanted to get one from abroad. Answer was no no...

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bro its not issue of endangered. its cannot be kept here and chameleons survival rate is very very low in captivity.

Veiled is the easiest of all chameleons to keep as it is a tropical species originating from arid regions. It's one of the few species which can do well in sg climate without the use of a misting system. People in sg have bred them already. It is almost impossible to find wild-caught veiled chameleons nowadays.

Always something more important than fish.


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