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slcw's reef


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In Sept 2008, I decided to sell off all my photosynthetic corals and ventured into sun corals. (then 3 supersun, 1 rhyzo, branching sun coral and 1 sun coral)



My setup was:


Aquamedic Shorty II + Oceanrunner 3500 needlewheel

Eheim 1262 & 1260

2 x 54 watts T5HO

Seio 820 & Tunze 6025


Outdoor compressor + 1 HP titianium coil resun

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Towards end of Nov08, i acquired additional seafans (but didnt survive).


During the last quarter of 2008, i setup Remote Deep Sand Bed (RDSB) to support my system and also start feeding using Fauna Marin products; namely

FM min S, FM min F, FM Seafan, FM Clam, FM Live. I also purchased Tunze 6045 to increase the circulation.

Because of the additional seafans i got, i had to make more real estate for my corals. Furthermore, the last scaping hinder the laminar water flow that seafan strongly desires. Here is the scaping:




Towards the end of Dec, i purchased Skimz new CR and converted to SR. I also use American ORP Pinpoint to monitor the SR.

This is on top on the Biodigest and BioTim i used.


Also in Dec, several reefers came over to my place and withness my menalla sp fragging. Some reefers got free frags too:P


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A new year - new corals hehe, I brought home a red rhyzo and a mandarin (which didnt survive).

I also setup a simple tall refugium with chaeto, with phytofeast dosing to support a pods production.



I found that the blueberry loves the strong laminar flow and after discussing eariler with a masterdiver how seafans naturally position itself and how strong the waves were. This is how i position my blueberry since Dec08


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Fast forward a bit - April 09

the fragged menalla sp is growing fine, so is the mother colony. This is an update after 4 months since fragged...See the growth at the base.


I removed RDSB and tall refugium and opt for a Aquaclear hangon filter as the refugium to support pod population with Phytofeast dosing.



These are my new addition thanks to friends who gave them to me.


some updates




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Thanks Lemon :)

Since Sept08, i wrote down the additions, losses, equipment setup or dismantle and maintenance. (Too many to jot down here)

Summary of the current tank:


Aquaclear hangon filter (as refugium & chaeto & 24 watts PL light)

Aquamedic Shorty II skimmer & Ocean runner 3500

Eheim 1262 return pump

Eheim compact 1000

Hagon 4ft light casing & Super UV 54 watts T5HO

Resun Titianum coil & 1HP compressor

Skimz Fludised reactor & Eheim compact 1000

Skimz Sulphur reactor & American ORP Pinpoint & Grotech sulphur beads & Aquamedic calcium media

Solite moonlight 1 W x 2

Tunze Nano 6025 wavemaker

Tunze Nano 6045 wavemaker


Super sun x 3

Rhyzo x 4

Sun coral x 5

Blueberry seafan x 1

Menalla sp x 4

Chilli coral x 1

Feather duster worm x 7

Coco worm x 3

Reef menu

Fauna Marin - Min S

Fauna Marin - Min F

Fauna Marin - Seafan

Fauna Marin - Clam

Fauna Marin - Life (will not replace when finish)


Reef bugs (will not replace when finish)

Frozen mysis shrimp

Market prawn soaked with selcon



2 dendros

2 unknown seafan (orange color)

1 blueberry seafan (same time as the surviving 1)

1 black suncoral

1 emperor (ich)

1 mandarin

1 clown fish (after emperor's demise)

1 royal gamma (after emperor's demise)

I guess it is fair account :P

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bro Slow, i have been following yr thread on the other forum too.

It's great you are posting here...your dedication and care to these non-photosynthetic corals are admirable man...and solid photography skills too!

thanks....i am newbie to azoo coral. I have guidance from your spore kaki (keithman) :P uptable him :eyebrow:

my photography - me still newbie in DSLR. Got guidance from sifus back home.

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you got superb tank bro!!....

anyway, where r u from?? do i know u????? hahahhaha :eyebrow:

{Tank Size:- 4ft L X 2ft W X 2.5ft H = Mixed Reef Tank}

{Light:- 2 X 54W T5 ATI - Aquablue Spezial & 1 Pro Color, 1 X 54W T5 Giesemann - Aquablue + & 1 Actinic +, 1 X 54W T5 UV H2ology}

{Chiller:- 1 HP split unit powered by Rio 14}

{Skimmer:- Reef Maniac Beckett Skimmer Powered by Rio20}

{Fluidized Reactor:- Reef Maniac FR with Rowaphos media}

{Return Pump:- 1 unit X 5,400 L/H}

{Circulation Pump:- SEIO M1100 + M820}

{Photos:- Powered by Nikon 7D, 24-70mm f2.8 L Lens, 85mm f1.8,100mm f2.8 Macro Lens & 580EXII}

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xxx, smack u then u know kekekeke (jk)

u have more rhyzo than me....where is your thread here :whistle

ooooo.... that mean i know u lar???? hahahahaa

yea... i hv personally view your tank when i was at your place before..... great & clean tank....

my thread also got... just search for it sure u can find..... :whistle

{Tank Size:- 4ft L X 2ft W X 2.5ft H = Mixed Reef Tank}

{Light:- 2 X 54W T5 ATI - Aquablue Spezial & 1 Pro Color, 1 X 54W T5 Giesemann - Aquablue + & 1 Actinic +, 1 X 54W T5 UV H2ology}

{Chiller:- 1 HP split unit powered by Rio 14}

{Skimmer:- Reef Maniac Beckett Skimmer Powered by Rio20}

{Fluidized Reactor:- Reef Maniac FR with Rowaphos media}

{Return Pump:- 1 unit X 5,400 L/H}

{Circulation Pump:- SEIO M1100 + M820}

{Photos:- Powered by Nikon 7D, 24-70mm f2.8 L Lens, 85mm f1.8,100mm f2.8 Macro Lens & 580EXII}

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FTS - April 2009


nice tank bro! esp ur suns...veri nice :)

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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I noticed your coco worms are not so red... did you buy them like this or its a little faded...?

it was intense red when acquired...then the crowns dropped of...the subsequent new heads are not so intense.

however, i notice 1 amongst coco is getting more red. But not sure....only time can tell.

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retook the pic, was blur previously


superb setup! love the dark background with your bright coloured suns!

nice contrast plus great photography skills! (what's even better is you're able to compress the images to smaller file sizes without losing much quality, makes it even faster to download.)

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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superb setup! love the dark background with your bright coloured suns!

nice contrast plus great photography skills! (what's even better is you're able to compress the images to smaller file sizes without losing much quality, makes it even faster to download.)

hi wilson, yes the background is black, so are the right and left glass, to darken the tank and prevent other light from shinning in.

hehe yes i purposely position the corals against other different colored corals to bring out the natural constrast (yup...i didnt not change the constrast in photoshop) :)

yet have to provide the necessary flow required for each coral, since these corals demand strong laminer flow.

as to photography, i am still learning.

thanks for all you reefers' comments. Hope to see more tanks like mine in Asia:)

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wah! now can see new additional rhyzo ha..... getting even better bro!

{Tank Size:- 4ft L X 2ft W X 2.5ft H = Mixed Reef Tank}

{Light:- 2 X 54W T5 ATI - Aquablue Spezial & 1 Pro Color, 1 X 54W T5 Giesemann - Aquablue + & 1 Actinic +, 1 X 54W T5 UV H2ology}

{Chiller:- 1 HP split unit powered by Rio 14}

{Skimmer:- Reef Maniac Beckett Skimmer Powered by Rio20}

{Fluidized Reactor:- Reef Maniac FR with Rowaphos media}

{Return Pump:- 1 unit X 5,400 L/H}

{Circulation Pump:- SEIO M1100 + M820}

{Photos:- Powered by Nikon 7D, 24-70mm f2.8 L Lens, 85mm f1.8,100mm f2.8 Macro Lens & 580EXII}

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