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Shipping overseas equipment


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Hi guys,

I am a bit dissapointed about the diversity and differences of the offered equipment by the LFS in Singapore. Overall they are all to small to have a large range of equipment.

I was trying to buy online some equipment from the US but their shipping rates are outragious. Marine Depot for example is asking 130USD to ship to Singapore (they said they had to raise the rates recently). That is about half of what i need to pay for the equipment only.

I have checked many, many other online store but they are all in the 100+USD rates.

Anyone good recommendations. Maybe Malaysia?

I was looking for 4 modules of USA Current LED Powerbrite strips. They are cheap and some reviews are saying it is a good price/quality.

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  • SRC Member

what you meant by "diversity and differences of the offered equipment by the LFS in Singapore." some of the LFS do carry equipments that even USA doesnt have. if you have the $$$ you can check with the LFS and they might be able to help you bring them in.

if you looking at LED light, the technology is there but not yet mass market so doesnt justify them to bring in as the initial cost price is too high. if you want something different, unique and special from others. the only way is to pay more $$$ to bring them in.

don't think its fair to say that the LFS range is disappointing as you always have the choice to shop online and of course pay for shipping :)

btw, some of fellow reefers from malaysia and thailand come here to shop for their accessories and equipment. :)

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I feel the range of pico tank-friendly equipment is rather limited. Wanted to order powerful and small light fixtures from US but was also turned off by the shipping rates.

Pico tank is not so popular meh :whistle !


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member
Hi guys,

I am a bit dissapointed about the diversity and differences of the offered equipment by the LFS in Singapore. Overall they are all to small to have a large range of equipment.

I was trying to buy online some equipment from the US but their shipping rates are outragious. Marine Depot for example is asking 130USD to ship to Singapore (they said they had to raise the rates recently). That is about half of what i need to pay for the equipment only.

I have checked many, many other online store but they are all in the 100+USD rates.

Anyone good recommendations. Maybe Malaysia?

I was looking for 4 modules of USA Current LED Powerbrite strips. They are cheap and some reviews are saying it is a good price/quality.

Shipping rates always goes up according to oil prices increase. But last year, the oil prices shoot up so fast and every sector followed. The problem is when the oil prices dropped so much, all these other sector remain the same price, eg shipping rates. When oil prices goes up, they give the reason: oil is playing the main role. But when oil price down, they will give the reason: oil is not the only cost, other factors are more affecting.

So when they have a chance to increase price, they will. But they will try hard not to decrease the price after the increase. All because of greadiness.

I now ended up paying double shipping cost for my orders.

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